Operating lease vs finance lease for car - better?
Alia Khetwani (CA) (96 Points)
03 April 2016Alia Khetwani (CA) (96 Points)
03 April 2016
(CA CS activities)
(215 Points)
Replied 03 April 2016
Hi Pooja,
Could you please elaborate what exactly they want to opt for?
Alia Khetwani
(96 Points)
Replied 03 April 2016
Operating lease or Finance lease for car to be given to employees. Which one is better? They already have a finance lease agreement with a vendor. But they want to know if this is a good option or go for operating lease. The total employee headcount would be around 100 employees eligible for the car policy
(Asst. Manager)
(21 Points)
Replied 09 June 2016