Opening Sole Properitory concern for recruitment consultancy

Smita (service) (41 Points)

14 January 2008  


Can any one guide me to understand the follwoing:

1. I want to start a Recruitment Consultancy under the nameXYZ Associates in Mumbai

2. I want to operate from my residence.

3. I want to know do i need to register the properitory concern if yes then pls let me know  how?

4. Do i need to take service tax no.? as i heard that service tax is applicable if the annual turnover goes beyond 8 lacs? pls correct me if iam wrong.

5. do i need to open current accounts? as when i place the candidates i need to raise the bill to my clients.

6. How do i go about opening current account in bank under XYZ Assocaites name.

7. Can i use my PAN no.?

8. Is their any other trade license need to start Recruitment consultancy?