While applying for Corporate Internet Banking, the company gives suggested names as its corporate ID. If such names have not already been taken by any other company, the Bank allots the name applied for as the Corporate ID which identifies the company.
However, the company is an artificial entity. It cannot access the accounts online by itself. Therefore, while applying for Corporate Internet Banking, the company nominates its users (for eg directors, senior accountant etc.) and gives suggested user IDs and the level of access allowed (Eg View Only, Funds Transfer Only, Full Unrestricted Access etc.) for each of them in the application form itself.
If the application is approved by the Bank after processing, it communicates the Corporate ID to the company and mails the User IDs and Passwords to each of the Users separately which is linked to the Corporate ID of the company.
Thus, while accessing the accounts online, the user has to give the Corporate ID, his User ID and Password to Login.