I want to know that if i file my returns online without a digital signature, do i have to file the physically signed return to the AO where my file belongs or can i file it at any of the IT Dept. offices?
Umesh Kumar (Student) (35 Points)
22 June 2008Friends,
I want to know that if i file my returns online without a digital signature, do i have to file the physically signed return to the AO where my file belongs or can i file it at any of the IT Dept. offices?
Mahesh Dave
(Chartered Accountants)
(54 Points)
Replied 22 June 2008
You have to file copy duly signed by u of Form ITR V , which is generated after e-filing, to the ITO of your jurisdiction or where previous years return was filed by u.
Mahesh Dave
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies