my frnd wants to give online exams of cpt that is going to be held on january, plz provide me all details of the examination regarding examination form and any website wheere we can know about it or any contact number plz..
Nikita (BBA, IPCC) (348 Points)
09 November 2011my frnd wants to give online exams of cpt that is going to be held on january, plz provide me all details of the examination regarding examination form and any website wheere we can know about it or any contact number plz..
(Audit Officer)
(184 Points)
Replied 10 November 2011
u can check the website for more information
you have to register before 3 months from the date of examination
before that i wants to know your friend education/ qualification
(348 Points)
Replied 11 November 2011
she is in 1st yr n registered for cpt paper pencil exam bt due to lack of information she didnt filled d exam form dats y she wants to go for onl9 exam
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