Numbering of Fixed Assets is no where made mandatory. In CARO report, the Auditor should certify that, "THE COMPANY IS MAINTAINING RECORDS SHOWING PARTICULARS INCLUDING QUANTITATIVE DETAILS AND SITUATION OF FIXED ASSETS".
The quantitative details of fixed asset include Descripttion, classification, cost, revaluation if any in the fixed assets. An asset can be properly matched to its descripttion through the Asset No. Asset No makes the identification possible.
Thus numbering of fixed assets is indirectly made mandatory. If the assets are not numbered, then the existence and descripttion must be proved using Purchase agreement, documents, records and registration references etc which is more cumbersome.
It is for the reason that enterprises choose numbering of fixed assets and was indirectly made mandatory by ourselves.
If the descripttion used by the company other than numbering is not adequate, then CARO has to be qualified.