Notice regarding gst registration.
Vikas Chauhan (41 Points)
11 May 2020today I received mail regarding notice for clarification regarding application for gst registration?
what should I reply to that notice?
please assist.
Vikas Chauhan (41 Points)
11 May 2020
Mohit Jagnani
(Professional - CA firm)
(524 Points)
Replied 11 May 2020
Vikas Chauhan
(41 Points)
Replied 11 May 2020
Mohit Jagnani
(Professional - CA firm)
(524 Points)
Replied 11 May 2020
Nihit Somani
(109 Points)
Replied 11 May 2020
MRDC company
(16 Points)
Replied 13 September 2021
Reply of notices on nominal charge basis.
Gst registration
New gst registration after cancellation
Revocation of registration. Gst related issues.
Fee: Rs.500.00 for consultation.
Deposit fee on number nine seven one six seven nine zero one one three @ upi.
Always in your services.
Vivek sharma