When do we have to send the notice of the Board Meeting to STOCK EXCHANGE.?
DO we have to exclude the date of intimation and date of the board meeting?
Kindly suggest
Priya Sharma (Company Secretary & Student.MBA) (998 Points)
04 February 2011When do we have to send the notice of the Board Meeting to STOCK EXCHANGE.?
DO we have to exclude the date of intimation and date of the board meeting?
Kindly suggest
(1368 Points)
Replied 04 February 2011
Company need to intimate SE seven days in advance for the BM approving qtrly results.
BM for declaring dividend and record date atleast two days in advance,
Jaideep Pandya
Priya Sharma
(Company Secretary & Student.MBA)
(998 Points)
Replied 04 February 2011
But do we need to exclude the date of intimation and date of meeting at the time of calculationof 7 days.
(1368 Points)
Replied 04 February 2011
Its a seven clear calendar days....it means we need to excluding date of intimation and date of meeting....
Refer 41 (III) (a) of listing agreement
For other purpose plz find below,
a. to give prior intimation to the Exchange about the Board Meeting at which proposal for BuyBack of Securities, declaration/recommendation of Dividend or Rights or issue of convertible debentures or of debentures carrying a right to subscribe to equity shares or the passing over of dividend or the issue of right is due to be considered at least 2 working days in advance;
b. to give notice simultaneously to the Stock Exchanges in case the proposal for declaration of bonus is communicated to the Board of Directors of the company as part of the agenda papers. (No prior intimation to the Exchange is required about the Board Meeting in case the declaration of Bonus by the Company is not on the agenda of the Board Meeting);
c. that it will recommend or declare all dividend and/or cash bonuses at least five days before commencement of the closure of its transfer books or the record date fixed for the purpose.
d. that in case of a further public offer to be made through the fixed price route, the company shall notify the stock exchange, at least 48 hours in advance, of the proposed meeting of its Board of Directors convened for determination of issue price.
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