Notes on differences between reserve capital & and capital reserve

shwetha (CWA learner) (447 Points)

18 September 2011  

   I had seen that many people are raising doubt regarding this topic. I hve small information on this topic. Think it is helpful.



1.      Distinguish between Reserve Capital & Capital Reserve.


Reserve Capital

Capital Reserve


It refers that portion of uncalled share capital which shall not be called up, except in the event of winding up.

It refers to reserve that is created out of profits.


It refers to the amount, which has not been received.

It refers to the amount, which has already been received.


It is not shown in the balance sheet

This amount is shown in the balance sheet under the heading ‘Reserves & Surplus’.


This amount cannot be used up during the lifetime of the company.

This amount can be used up during the life time of the company