My version of solution for you is as follows:
1) Try and find or alalyse past exam trend of ICAI(for each & every subject) based on which you decide what topic is imortant from marks point of view as well as easy to understand while consuming less time, This will help in Mental satisfaction for success rate in exam.
2)After analysing as above Decide whether how many subject per day depenting on your comfort level per subject that you choose.
3)general tips:
For practical sujects:
Read the question carefully(Make habit of reading question only once & there should be no need to read again while solving the question)focus on data given in the question , analyse it & solve it.............................This would require hard work & Patience ...........
Note: you should have conceptual clarity on topic
For theory subjects:
Try to make short notes yourself as much as possible in the books you refer (Notes in books itself) else make seperate book for seperate subject i.e books you studied from & your notes
Note: if making notes is not possible for all subject try making notes ony for subjects of your comfort zone for difficult subjects borrow notes form friends or CACLUBINDIA