Acording to provision of the companies act 1956,
(1)Four board meeting in each calender year and one board meeting in every calender quarter (In companies Act only word 'year' and 'quarter' are use but as per general law when only year word used then it consider as calender year same with querter)
(2) the companies act does not provide any gap between two board meeting but mca circular clarify that there may be posible that time between two board meeting exceed 4 month like if company held board meeting in 1/4/2012 for calander querter january to march and then held board meeting on 29/6/2012 for calender querter april to june. that means timegap between two board meeting can be 4 month
(3) but for listed company time gap between two board meeting shall not exceed 4 month(clause 49 of listing agreement)
(4) above number of board meeting means physically meeting not circular resolution but video conference can be allow but company should follow MCA circular for conducting board meeting through video conference and video conference also consider in aboove 4 board meeting
(5) 4 board meetings are minimum number of board meeting. company can held more that 4 board meeting