No job for me....very depressed


11 October 2013  

M all depressed,juz feeling worthless,nothing good for nything.....

Feeling so vulnerable.....23 years old nd still good for nothing,not even earning a single penny.

Its ok dat my parents doesn't need ny sort of financial help for me,bt i wanna earn,earn for myself,earn for my future,indeed to be stable and financially independent..Now don't want to become a burden on my parents,wanna do higher education(MBA or CFA) from my self earned money.

I am dying day by day and cursing myself for choosing CA and moreover completing it too.

I must tell my parents earn really well,nd tuchwud dey never deny me to spend on ny luxury item of mine.But guys m feeling so sucked up,mind filled up wid all negativity dat i don't want to spend ny penny of my parents..

I don't blame ICAI for this,am blaming myself for dis. I might be lacking somewhere definitely.

Bt I tell you dat i haven't dun ny dummy training,I worked rigorously for 3.5 yrs of articleship,indeed in small size firm.Still am facing this.My brain is all sucked up.I think am going to die of depression by the end of this year.

I cleared my CA in May 2013.