NO consideration for overtime worked...REMEDY please...

Aishwarya Sitharam (CA Final, 1st year LLB) (45 Points)

30 November 2010  

I have maintained proper records of the time worked (in my daily working sheets) and the same is duly signed by my boss(though he doesnt really look into them). I have excess leave as well as almost 60 days of credit on account of excess time worked over and above 35 hours. My problem is i will not be eligible for may 11 jus because by boss is not willing to grant me credit of the excess time worked. Though he believes that i maintain authetic records, he says that he cannot start such a practice of giving credit in office since not everyone maintains proper records. That is not fair as i am being penalised for no fault of mine. I dont think he will negotiate. So do i have a remedy. please quote the relevant regulation.