1. Sub-Standard Advances :
Advances classified as “sub-standard” will attract a provision of 15 per cent as against the existing 10 per cent. The “unsecured exposures” classified as sub-standard assets will attract an additional provision of 10 per cent, i.e., a total of 25 per cent as against the existing 20 per cent. However, “unsecured exposures” in respect of Infrastructure loan accounts classified as sub-standard, in case of which certain safeguards such as escrow accounts are available as indicated in our circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.96/08.12.014/
2. Doubtful Advances :
Doubtful Advances will continue to attract 100% provision to the extent the advance is not covered by the realisable value of the security to which the bank has a valid recourse and the realisable value is estimated on a realistic basis. However, in respect of the secured portion, following provisioning requirements will be applicable:
The secured portion of advances which have remained in “doubtful” category up to one year will attract a provision of 25 per cent (as against the existing 20 per cent);
The secured portion of advances which have remained in “doubtful” category for more than one year but upto 3 years will attract a provision of 40 per cent (as against the existing 30 per cent); and
The secured portion of advances which have remained in “doubtful” category for more than 3 years will continue to attract a provision of 100%.