New clauses in amended listing agreement with unifying provi


New Clause 5A&20A in Listing Agreement as amended-unclaimed shares,common notice period, dividend per share basis&voting rights pattern are the updates…



To put it simply,

  • The unclaimed shares in escrow account shall be transferred to Demat Suspense A/c. after 3 reminders, including corporate benefits, if any and its voting rights will be frozen until claimed.
  • The timelines of notice period for record date & board meeting, which were applicable only to rights issue is now made applicable for all corporate actions including mergers, demergers, bonus, buy back, etc…
  • The Issuer agrees to declare and disclose the dividend on per share basis only”.  So, you won’t see hereon 100% or 200%, etc…
  • Shareholding pattern to be given for each class of security and voting rights pattern also to be given.