Friends i m confused whether new modules are applicable for MAY 2011 exams??
and i wud be thankful to u, if u provide me with the changes( i.e additions/ Deletions) in new MODULE subject-wise
VISHESH (bcom) (42 Points)
24 January 2011Friends i m confused whether new modules are applicable for MAY 2011 exams??
and i wud be thankful to u, if u provide me with the changes( i.e additions/ Deletions) in new MODULE subject-wise
* Krishna *
(CA Student)
(6149 Points)
Replied 24 January 2011
Chairman Board of Studies in Jan 2011 student journal has informed as below:
It may be noted that IPCC material has been substantially revised and CA Final material as comprehensively revised will be made available in January 2011. I encourage the students to buy the revised edition in their own interest. The same will also be hosted in students’ knowledge portal at ICAI website.
From a reading of the above, it can be understood that those are not made mandatory to buy and refer, however he is encouraging the students to buy the revised edition in our own interest. I hope probably by month-end those revised study materials may be available on website, then no need to buy. So it is always advisable to refer latest editions from ICAI because some new models/other comprehensive problems may be given which may also come in exams by chance. So its upto you to decide now.