CA Institute will not stop its results . you qualified and forget the importance of acheiving CA qualification.
Those studying hard and paining should be passed by any Institutes. It is fundamental right of education.
Now Uneployment is not caused by Ca Inst. , It is whole world wide problem. You are talikng about frehsher , but have thought anguish of IITains and IIMs lost their jobs during the recession, some of them gone to depression.
Please find out placemnet records of IIT, they are not getting 100% placemnet during adverse market .
So ,please try to undertdand the situtatiuons, see the market conditions, One of juniers got three offers in May 2011, campus , Vijaya bank , SAIL or COial India. These are personal performance.Once you got the CA certifcate , your real challanes starts.
If you think , there is five jobs in the market ,then five ca should be passed by CA inst. It is not realistic things to think?