Never Give Up!

Aalok Chhaperwal (Proprietor) (992 Points)

28 February 2014  

I am writing this article after watching the video of Steve Jobs speech that he had given in the year 2005 at Stanford University. Apart from the getting “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” mantra for the success, another mantra that act as a catalyser for every one’s life and that all we have got from his life is the mantra of Never Give Up. How he had face the deadly disease “Cancer” with so ease and calm and didn’nt allows Cancer to become an obstacle in the path of his goal. More surprisingly, after firing from Apple Computers, a Company founded and started by him, he didn’t stop and look back; and continued with the mantra Never Give Up. And as all we know he came back and became the CEO of Apple.


I know it’s not so easy to adopt this mantra because situations are not identical and each life had different resources to face and interact with the problems. But the best way to overcome with the problems is to face them and it is the way available to all and works in every situation.


Recently saw an episode in the show named India’s Got Talent, in which a girl named Shubh Kaur Ghumman age 27 years from Punjab came and who by mistake of Doctor loosed her One Leg; perform the dance and did dance so well that everyone, not only the studio spectators but the peoples who were watching the show before TV were on their feet to clap. This is the perfect factual illustration of Never Give Up mantra.


Most successes are not overnight successes. Before you are able to taste success you are faced with temporary defeat and failure. It is at these failures and defeats where most people give up.


As long as you are alive you have no excuse to say you can’t, the only valid excuse to give up is that you are dead. The things that can make your dream into reality are inside you, only you have to recognize and utilize them. True failure isn’t when you miss the mark; rather it’s when you give up.


Take another real illustration of Thomos Edison. When Thomas Edison was interviewed by a young reporter who boldly asked Mr. Edison if he felt like a failure and if he thought he should just give up by now. Edison replied, "Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I didn't fail 3,000 times. I found 3,000 ways how not to create a lightbulb" And with the magic mantra of Never Give Up, he got the success and invented lightbulb.


Life is all about choices. If you choose to live, then you have to live confidently even the shower of problems come.


Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Disney also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland.


Jackie Chan dropped out from grade school after the 1st year and was sent to the China Drama Academy where he trained for 19 hours a day. He used to be a stuntman in Bruce Lee’s movies.


Bill Gates was a Harvard dropout but was clever enough to buy someone’s product for $50,000, rebrand & licensed it to IBM & other computer companies for billions.


All these are the best illustrations of the mantra Never Give Up. The more you fail, the more you learn. The more you learn, the closer you’re to where you wanna be. If you never failed, you’ve never lived.


By Aalok Chhaperwal