Need sugessions

DEVENDER THAKUR (Accountant) (589 Points)

22 January 2015  
Hi Respected experts I need your expert views on the following matter,plz guide me. I am working as an accountant after and earning 20000 pm. I am married and having a daughter of 2 yrs. In order to explore my carrier I have decided to join CA Course. I have no other source of income. but this income is also not sufficient to my needs so I have decided to go forward for ca course so that i can increase my knolweldge and value. now the problem is that For articleship I would need to resign from the job which will create finacial problems. now i have two ways. Either I continue with the same job and live hand to mouth which can affect carrier of my children and other way is to join CA course and gain professional knowledge and after the possible five yrs earn well and have good opportunities for my children. Can there be some suggessions choose the best way out of these two. Expert views are awaited. Thanks in advance