what is use of NCFM certification???
and which among them can be useful to a would be CA..
CA Manish K Dhoot
(CA, B. Com, NCFM, CPCM)
(5015 Points)
Replied 11 August 2010
CA Himanshu Bansal
(Risk Manager)
(2345 Points)
Replied 04 September 2010
NCFM Certifcates are valid for a certain period only.
Do we need to clear again the respective exam to get it renewed ?
(38 Points)
Replied 12 June 2013
These courses are manily useful for pre requisite to start businesses like depository, broker, mutual funds and etc. Its a carrer oriented platform giving oportunity to make carrer in various sectors like financial market, comercial banking, currency derivatives, equity derivatives, interst rate futures and many more. I would like to suggest you to visit https://www.financialadvisors.dspblackrock.com/knowledge-centre/certification-programs/ncfm-program.aspx for more details about NCFM certification.