
H.R.Sampath Kumar (Company Secretary & DY GM A/cs)   (61 Points)

22 September 2011  

A  Govt Company (Sec 617 Co)  with  one of the  Main  Objects in  its MoA  is engaged in financing  |infrastructure projects of Government  only.  It  finances     Urban local bodies, municipalities, etc., for  infrastructure development in cities/ Towns out of money  received  by it from  Government.  This Company is 18 years old ( incorporated in  1993).    It does not  deal with     general public directly or indirectly , but only with    ULBs/  muncipalities..    The MoA   merely says  that  it shall not  carry on   the busines of  banking  wihin  the meaning of  Banking Regulations Act, 1959.     IS IT NECESSARY TO NOW  get this Company registered  with RB I  as "Infrastructure  Finance  Company - a new category  devised by RBI,  if it wants to accept  Deposits from Public? .     Please clarify  asap