very good dude
paras mehta
(article assistant)
(42 Points)
Replied 22 July 2011
dude......this one is post i have ever read till date.....
hello everybody
i thanks to all of u for appreciating me for this job
but actually this is not my job
i have only shared this link with all of u
actually this job has been done by some other member of caclub
MR GOPAL i aappreciate gopal for this brilliant job
and want to aware to all that thanks mr gopal
nidhi jain
(177 Points)
Replied 22 July 2011
hi sahil,
its really very nice but if one more option is also available as citywise. if possible please send the link on my id also nidhi_accountant @
(1262 Points)
Replied 23 July 2011
can u find any link for finding rank of every student who wrote the exam....
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