My way of getting exemption in information technology

Karan Teli (Life Is just an Illusion...!!)   (4573 Points)

13 September 2011  


Greetings of the day to all...!!!


Many of  you must have been preparing for their NOV exmas. Here is something which would help you out...


"One of my friend just asked me how to study for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and from which book.., Here is the answer to him and to all who are pusring their IPCC/PCC..,

The reading technique may differ from person to person but this is what i have considered - 

First the issue is from which book to study...?

I have actually borrowed a book from my friend of an institute called TAPASYA from hyderabad and read the whole in systematic manner. Seriouslly, i have no answers to this questions but other members on club surely have an answer to it.

I have some technique which all the examinees can use while preparing. Firstly, go through the conversion problems, flow chartings and Decision Tables. Try practising almost 50 problems on Flow Charts and decision tables. Number system is just a concept tso remember it  Be perfect with the theory part of it too..,

Next thing is go for Internet chapter since this is very much related to live world and can be experimented practically. Then for networking..,

Go for a sequencing and self questioning type of study like "YE KASIE HUA AND AISE HE KYU HUA...? WAISE KYU NAHI..!!", a sort of...,

Now u have 3 chapters in hand..,

Come to  first chapter relating to parts of computers which we have been learning from grade 1, so  have patience and read wholly, DBMS is another boring chapter but then you can earn good marks in it by studying the types of data and its importance, their storage and its maintaince..,

At last go through the complier and RTP`s..,

this was my schedule and was self study which had earned me an exemption too...

During the examination days, devote correcty the half of your time to revise and on the date of examination too. The presentation matters so be eligible in writing and keep the answer scripttt NEAT. Use diagramtic representations where ever necessary but no wasting time on it since you have Strategic Management too."

Friends, this was just my approch to this subject. There are members who have much better way for this subject.





Karan Teli

(Life is just an Illusion)