100% pass but study below method
strong study of adv a/c but normaly number 50-60 mmarks
very very strong study of audit with as,sa,some special dhara for company act,chapter 1,2,7,8,9 for 60%
other sub for 40-50
(accounts manager [ bikanr branch ])
(125 Points)
Replied 20 December 2013
100% pass but study below method
strong study of adv a/c but normaly number 50-60 mmarks
very very strong study of audit with as,sa,some special dhara for company act,chapter 1,2,7,8,9 for 60%
other sub for 40-50
Yogesh Goel
(Chartered Accountant)
(192 Points)
Replied 20 December 2013
Anoop Dahiya
(Anoop Dahiya)
(28 Points)
Replied 20 December 2013
Anoop Dahiya
(Anoop Dahiya)
(28 Points)
Replied 20 December 2013
(22 Points)
Replied 22 December 2013
(CA final)
(187 Points)
Replied 24 December 2013
Hai Kaushik dont worry if you are preparing well you will surely clear the exams or u should only see where you go wrong to look for quiting CA. Prepare for May 2014 Exams if you dont have confidence than thinking about quiting it.
(369 Points)
Replied 02 February 2014
Dear Student watch the link
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