My name still in board of directors after resignation

N K S (Others) (90 Points)

07 August 2014  
Hi, I was a director in a company wherein i resigned from the Board of Directors more than 5 years ago. The company didnt file Form 32, nor filed the annual returns thereafter as the other directors moved to USA. Now, my digital signature has been marked as "a director in a defaulting company". Repeated mails to the other directors are not getting any response.
I have been marked as "a director in a defaulting company" and I cannot sign my other company documents.
I approached the RoC of my area with all the documentary evidence but he refused to do anything (i.e. strike out my name from the board of directors). I also couriered as well as mailed to the RoC headquarters but received no response.
What other options do I have ? Where else can I escalate this ? How can I get my name struck off from the defaulting company ?