My 2013 kit for you it contains:

Prachi (CA FINAL) (2309 Points)

01 January 2013  

MY 2013 KIT FOR ŸσŮ, It contains:

() an ERASER, to make your problems disappear. 

() a TORCH, so you can always see the light.

() a COIN, so you can never say you are broke.

() a MARBLE, so no one can never say you lost yours.

( O ) a RUBBERBAND, so you can stretch yourself to the limit.

() a PAPERCLIP, to hold things together when they fall apart.

() a MAGNIFYING GLASS, to remember not to sweat about the small stuff. 

() a SCISSORS, to cut out all bad happenings.

() a SAFETY PIN, to pin all your dreams together.

(♥) a HEART, so you know you are always loved.

(||) And finally.... a CHOCOLATE, to ensure you. always remain sweet. ({}).