MTT trade..profit margin cap

Jayanta Bandyopadhyay (245 Points)

26 December 2022  

Seeking your guidance on 2 points :-


A]] We are engaged in merchandise trade and mostly source our import leg from Germany and conclude export leg with Far East Asean nations. Mostly we have a 40% to 50% margin in totality. Is there any cap on margin? We are fetching a good forex back to India.


B]] To avoid 3 rd party export by buying with GST 0.1%, we are making complete buy from Chennai, Sonepat based Companies with 18% GST, We are exporting on our account. Is it a good decision to opt for 18% GST and export without disclosing 3 rd party export OR 0.1% 3 rd party export being disclosed in shipping bill ?