Motivation At The Workplace

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)

05 September 2009  

Many people do not actually realize this, but the fact is that most human beings spend a maximum number of waking hours at the workplace. This is one place that gives the means for survival in the form of monetary returns. And in spite of this, there are various situations and circumstances that occur at the workplace that lead one downhill - down the path of de-motivation.

While there are managers to ensure staff motivation, it is vital for one to also ensure that they experience motivation at the workplace.

This can be done by following the various methods listed here.

. Sometimes over ambition can lead to frustrations and so ambitions should be kept in check and within real achievable targets
. Be aware of the journey towards the destination. Do not be afraid to admit that guidance is required in certain areas
. Gain knowledge and experience and upgrade skills in order to achieve higher targets
. Maintain cordial relations at the office, avoiding the blending of personal and professional
. Go beyond limits. Challenging oneself can work wonders in boosting one's morale
. Take a short five to seven minutes break every forty-five minutes - take a walk, play with a stress ball, have a glass or two of water. these are recommended to even maintain good working health and to avoid daily burn out
. Pursue a hobby. This gives something to look forward to beyond the routine working hours