


When i opened my eyes,

She was my first world,

If anyone smiled at me,it was her

If anyone loved me, it was her

If anyone fed me, it was her.

She was always there,

By my side and in my heart

She caressed me and gave me warmth

Like no other in htis wide world

Her eyes always twinkled as she looked at me.

Like her sweet milk, her heart too

Was pure and full of love and care

She would never lift her eyes away from me

Even as i lay there, asleep by her side

Not knowing a life lays ahead of me.

Even as i cried or played

She always gave me a lovely smile

Which i could never forget forever

I always saw hope in her eyes

Always felt trust in her touch.

Year after year, she was there by my side

She walked with me, laughed with me

When I fell, she taught me to get up

Go on and move forward

And she was there, always by my side

She was there when I learned to walk

She was there when I learned to talk

when I learned to read and write

when I learned to lead a life.

And when I needed her most

There are a million wishes you have granted

But please do grant this wish for me, mom

No matter how long my life goes on

Do be by my side and love me the way

You did, when I first came to you....