Most Urgent: Query related to GSTR 9 GSTR 9C

Abhishek (Partner) (23 Points)

19 December 2019  

Dear All,

I have a query related to GSTR 9 and 9C for FY 2017-18. Expert views are invited for the below query:


A client has by mistake excessively availed CGST and SGST instead of available credit of IGST. There was mistake in accounting he has considered the outside party as within state party and there by excessively credit availed in C/SGST and IGST remained unavailed. For example the IGST credit available but not availed is Rs.100,000 and C/SGST excessively availed Rs.55,000 each. So there is net difference of Rs.10,000.


Now while filing GSTR 9 he come to know this mistake. What shall be the remedy?


In GSTR 9C it shall be reported of such genuine mistake as observation and DRC challan for net difference with interest and wait for the SCN to prove genuineness of the mistake.