Most urgent

SATISH (CA Final & CS Final) (90 Points)

09 February 2016  

Hello All,

I need one clarification regarding the submission of proofs for caliming deduction and exemptions,as this is the time for all the salaried employees to submit the documentary proofs to his employer for claiming various exemptions and deductions under the income tax act, recently one of my friend asked me a problem relating to the submisison of documents and proofs by the employees, the question what he asked is relating to the submission of fake investment documents and proofs for claiming the deductions and exmptions, in his company one of the employee has declared the tax saving FD for claiming deduciton in the begining of the financial year, but the employee has submitted the fake FD recepit by editing the amount and date and submited the xerox copy of the FD receipt, his question is whether is it the  responsibility of the company to investigation on the documents produced by the employee or accept the documetns as it is.