Moral turpitude

SSG (1936 Points)

29 January 2012  

I found it quite astonishing that most of the people praise those CAs/Advocates, who get their work done.  Most of their work is done by unethical ways - bribing the government officials, issuing unqualified audit reports – without even checking ledger and cash book, issuing certificates even when they don’t know the status of the business.

Last week I met one of my father’s friends, who is an industrialist. He told me that his case for one Assessment Year was under scrutiny. The Income Tax Department was raising a demand of about Rs. 5.00 lakhs. But his advocate get this work done in less than Rs. One lakh.  His advocate has good links with the Department officials.  My uncle was not worried about how his advocate get this done – through his knowledge about the tax laws or through his links in the department.

One more such incident.  Once my another uncle (father’s friend) visited us.  He told me how he got the limit for his business from the bank.  When he himself approached the bank , the bank manager rejected his request saying that the bank needs audited final accounts for last three financial years.  But the books of accounts were not being maintained properly forget about their audit.  Somehow he came to knew that this manager has good relations with a certain CA.  My uncle approached this CA.  CA assured him that he will get this done for him. CA prepared the final accounts for last three financial years within two weeks and presented the proposal for the limit with the bank.  I asked uncle, “So he audited the books of accounts for three years.”  Uncle replied – “No young man, he didn’t asked for a single book from me but prepared final accounts own its own and even stamped it. The bank manager who rejected my proposal earlier, sanctioned me the limit within ten days. All this costs just few thousands but still I saved a lot of my time and money.”

All such incidents show the moral turpitude of today’s society especially professionals.