I want to form a private company doing sub broking business can anybody will send me sample copy of MOM and AOA of sub broker pvt co to my email id meenardesai @ gmail.com
thanks and regards\
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114773 Points)
Replied 14 September 2009
I don't have the exact MOA for sub broking company. But if you need sample MOA then let me know.
I don't have the exact Main objects of the Sub broking business.
But the following text will help a lot.
To carry on in India or elsewhere, the business of a sub-broking company and to purchase, sell, exchange, subscribe, acquire, undertake, hold, auction, convert or otherwise to deal in all types of securities, shares, stocks, derivatives, bonds, fully convertible debentures, partly convertible debentures, non-convertible debentures, debenture stocks, warrants, certificates, premium notes, mortgages, obligations, inter-corporate deposits, call money deposits, public deposits, commercial papers and other similar instruments, whether issued by the government, local authorities, public sector undertakings, companies, corporations, both domestic and international and enforce all rights and powers conferred or incidental to the ownership there of and to acquire, hold, sell or otherwise to exercise any interest whatsoever whether financial or otherwise, in any company, body corporate, partnership, business or any undertaking whatsoever, howsoever or wheresoever constituted, or carrying on business of any kind or trading in any form whatsoever in any part of the world.
If you need further clarification than contact me
Ankur Shah (Practicing Company Secretary)
“Guru Gautam” Bungalow, Inside Parshwa Tower,
Nr. Shyamal Cross Road, 132ft. Ring Road,
Satellite, Ahmedabad – 15
Contact: + 91-9427633901
E-mail: ankurjewel @ gmail.com
Blog: csankur.blogspot.com
Copy of AOA.
Do the editing job at your own.