Is there anybody attending Modular trianing for ICWA Final , scheduled to be held in october at bangalore ?
I was told that it shall be for 10 days , timings 10 to 5 during week days .
Praveen CP (--) (274 Points)
14 September 2011Hello,
Is there anybody attending Modular trianing for ICWA Final , scheduled to be held in october at bangalore ?
I was told that it shall be for 10 days , timings 10 to 5 during week days .
Prasanna H M
(23 Points)
Replied 15 September 2011
Hi, if possible please inform me the date
Praveen CP
(274 Points)
Replied 15 September 2011
Date is yet to be decided by the institute . Where r u from ? are u planning to attend ?
Praveen CP
(274 Points)
Replied 15 September 2011
Are u the one whom i met during GD/BC for dec 2010 attempt at bangalore chapter ? if m right u r from mangalore .
Prasanna H M
(23 Points)
Replied 17 September 2011
Ya, U r right. I think u got 19th rank in inter, right? congrats... and one more thing last time they have conducted modular training for a week and timing was 5 pm to 8pm
Praveen CP
(274 Points)
Replied 18 September 2011
Hey thanks . And congrats to u too for securing a rank ;)
will clarify abt the time . Stil it is not decided by the institute . leave ur nor on private msg
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