dear Ankur
Request sample draft of moa and aoa for facility management company...request to provide link for file or you can post it on 28manish @
also request in case you can define the main object clause too
(22 Points)
Replied 08 January 2012
dear Ankur
Request sample draft of moa and aoa for facility management company...request to provide link for file or you can post it on 28manish @
also request in case you can define the main object clause too
CA swati gupta
(29 Points)
Replied 10 January 2012
please provide moa & aoa of company u/s 25 limited by shares running school & colleges
CA swati gupta
(29 Points)
Replied 10 January 2012
please provide me moa & aoa of company u/s 25 limited by shares running schools & colleges
(33 Points)
Replied 13 January 2012
Dear can any body send me MOA & AOA of dairy pvt. Ltd.
(CA Student)
(22 Points)
Replied 13 January 2012
Can i get a draft copy of moa/aoa of any textile park?
Dairy and cattle farming
To carry on the business as dealers in and purchasers of dairy farms garden and product of all kinds and in particular milk, cream, butter, ghee, cheese, poultry eggs, fruits, vegetable oils, vegetable ghee, artificial ghee, sausages, brawn patted meat, table delicacies; loaves, bread manures etc. and to purchase, acquire, keep maintain breed, sell or otherwise dispose of all kinds of cattle, cows, buffaloes, pigs, poultry, game and live or dead stock of all descripttion
abhishek soni
(21 Points)
Replied 04 February 2012
hi sir
plz provide me an stanadard formate for to preapare MOA for a new company stablishment in service sector for multiple services
(69 Points)
Replied 10 February 2012
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 13 February 2012
Model Main Objects Clauses for Various Businesses
Abrasion. Corrosion, Resistant, Material Products
To manufacture, process, install, put to use, replace, maintain, recycle, buy and sell, import, export, trade and deal in abrasion and corrosion, resistant, material products such as fused glass ceramic or metalic lining in the form of tiles, pipes, bends, moulds, covers, castings, blocks, bricks, enclosures, seals, substrates, special shapes used and required in industries for extending efficiency and life of industrial mechanical and chemical systems.
Acquiring and Selling the Property for Agriculture, Nurseries, Farm Houses, Forest Houses
To acquire properties by purchase or on lease or on contracts of development or in any other manner and to develop the same in or use the same for any or' all kinds of farming including agricultural, horticultural, forestries, nurseries, grasses, shrubs, medical, pharmaceutical and aromatic plants, poultry, dairy, piggary, stud farming or raising and breeding of any variety of livestock, forest houses, farm houses, plots and to dispose off the same by sale, lease or in any other manner; and to carry on any business in extraction plants, sericulture, manufacture and canning of food products.
Advertising and Mass Communication
To carry on the business of advertising, publicity, mass communication, graphic designing including product, packing, and exhibition, photography for advertising, printers and publishers.
To carry on the business of advertising, publicity, public relations, mass communication, market research, consumers research, industrial and sociological research, graphic designing including product, packaging and exhibition, photography for advertising, printers, publishers, manufacturers and dealers of all publicity materials including packaging materials, paper of all kinds, plastic, electrical material mainly used in advertising, publicity and or for mass communication, to manufacture and or marketed and instruments required for advertising and publicity for communication including production, editing, exhibition of films and establish facilities for such production and exhibition to arrange, organize, initiate display, exhibition and participate in displays of any kind and to manufacture, acquire, contract, lease the facilities such as audio, video & Satellite channels required for such display or exhibition.
Aeroplanes and Aero-Engines, Tools and Accessories in Connection Therewith
To carry on the business of manufacturing, assembling, buying, selling, importing, exporting, altering, hiring, letting in hire, improving and dealing in aeroplanes and aero-engines, airships, seaplanes, flying-boats, hydro-planes, gliders, balloons and aircraft and serial conveyances of every descripttion and kind whether required for Civil, Commercial or Military purposes or otherwise and the component parts thereof and all kinds of materials, engines, machinery, tools, implements, accessories, equipment and apparatus for use in connection therewith & to carryon the business of as general carriers, forwarding agents, hoarding & warehousing & carriers by air to carry & handle goods & passangers within & outside India.
Agency Company
To carry on the business of buying, selling, importing, exporting or otherwise carry on agency business in all types of engineering, electrical, electronic, computer and steel products and to represent indigenous and foreign manufacturers of such products.
Agents of Pumps, Diesel and Petrol Engines
To carry on the business as traders, agents, suppliers, and commission agents of pumps, diesel, and petrol engines, generating sets, alternators, spare parts and other engineering goods, products and commodities and materials in any form or shape.
Agents or Dealers of Plastic Processing Machines
To design, develop, manufacture, assemble, process, produce, manipulate, remould, alter, prepare for market, buy, sale, resale, import, export, trade in, act as agents for or otherwise deal in all types of plastic processing machines such as moulding, extrusion, blow moulding, and instruments and devices, accessories and related instruments and parts and allied machines such as heaters, chillers.
Agro Based Natural Products
To manufacture, produce, refine, process, prepare, buy, sell, import, export, market and to deal in gul, jaggery, jaggery products, and other agro based natural products.
Air Compressors, Pneumatic Tools
To carry on the trade or business of Manufacture of all kinds of machinery including air compressors, pneumatic tools and machines of all kinds and the trade or business of engineers, founders, smiths and machinists.
All types of computers, models for space aviations, surface water and air transport, railways, defence, etc.
To manufacture, assemble, erect, install, purchase, import, export, equip, sell, trade, fabricate, design, distribute, repair, maintain, exchange, alter, lease, or hire, sell on hire purchase or installment system or to construct, develop enter into arrangement for setting up whether in whole or in part or any other way to deal in micro processor based mini computers and data processing system, all types of software, calculators, electronic and electrical apparatuses, equipments, gadgets, peripherals, modulers, auxiliary instruments, tools plants, machines, works, systems, veniences, spare parts, accessories, devices, components, fixtures of different capacities, sizes, specification applications, descripttions and models used or may be used in the field of space aviations, surface water and air transports, railways, defence, medical, engineering, industries, construction, minings, powers, traffics, offices, police, communications, trade, commerce, weather, satellite, research, hospitals, hotels, advertising, educations, decoration, automobiles, geographical, recreational, domestic and other allied purposes such as computers, mini computers, super computers, pocket computers, personal computers, micro computers, engineering computers, general purpose and process control computers, information and word processing equipments.
Aluminium Slates, Stripes, Foils, Plates
To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, and to deal in aluminium or such white metal in the form of slates, strips, foils, plates, patterns, sheets, moulds, wires, pipes, cables, rods, or any such other form suitable for industrial, commercial, decorative, house hold applications.
Architects and Consultants in all Branches of Architecture
1. To carry on profession and act as Architects and consultants in all branches of architectural, structural and engineering such as civil, mechanical, electrical and surveying anywhere in India or outside India. |
2. To undertake architectural, engineering and technological services as Consultants, Designers, Interior decorators, Sanitary experts, 5upervisors Surveyors, Appraisers, Planners and to undertake the work of designing, planning, rock surveying and soil analysing, materials testing and also work of cost estimates in construction, installation, supervision, economic appraisal, engineering and both for public and private. |
3. To render expert advice for or to aid or assist in entering into and to arrange for or to enter into, any collaboration agreement or agreements with any person, firm, company, body corporate, association or organisation of any foreign country for the construction and technical know-how for construction and for project planning and designing for any new or old project or projects or for the improvements of any existing unit or units. |
4. To act as a service organisation or bureau for providing general administration, secretarial, advisory, consultancy, commercial, financial, legal, technical, accountancy, quality control and other services and advice to individuals, firms, companies, corporate bodies, trusts, associations, organisations or institutions and to render advice and/or to give suggestions as to the best methods and ways and means for effecting economy in purchases of raw materials, stores, plant and machinery, equipment, tools accessories, fixtures and fittings and any other articles or things. |
5. To render advice for the selection and recruitment of officers and/or to select technical, supervisory, skilled and unskilled workers, contractors, artisans and other personnel for employment and to provide and/or arrange for their training. |
6. To render advice and technical services to consumers and/or others in relation to all kinds of building materials and for that purpose to provide to the trade consultancy and research services. |
7. To undertake the work of architectural and engineering designs, installation for equipments such as hydraulic turbines, hydraulic gates, civil and engineering projects and equipments, remote controls, frequency regulations, circuit breakers, switching gears, rectifiers, pressure reducers, synthesizers, gears, boiler and engineering devices, machinery and equipments of all kinds. |
8. To advice on submissions of tenders and reports to any governmental or international agency or authority or other persons in connection with the feasibility or cost or benefits to be derived from any manufacturing, mining, converting or processing enterprises or public works. |
9. To improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of persons engaged in, or about to be engaged in the building trade or in any employment, manual or otherwise, in connection therewith and with a view thereto provide for the delivery of lectures an d the holding of classes, and to test by examination or otherwise the competence of such persons and to award certificates and to institute and establish scholarships, grants, rewards and other benefications. |
Artificial Limbs
To carry on the business of makers of artificial eyes and limbs, corset, stay, bandage, crutch, chair, stretcher, carriage, ambulance and providers of all requisites for hospitals, patents and invalids.
1. To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in asbestos and other sheeting, and materials, articles or goods of every descripttion made or composed wholly or partly of asbestos, cement, concrete products, lime, clay, gravel, sand, minerals, earth, coke, fuel, china, terra-cotta and ceramicware of all kinds, timber, hardware and builders' requisites and conveniences of all kinds. |
2. To carry on, either in connection with other business or as distinct and separate businesses, the business or businesses of builders, contractors, for public works, manufacturers of and dealers and workers in asbestos, cement, lime, clay, gravel, sand minerals, earth, coke, fuel, artificial stone, bricks, tiles, and builders requisites and conveniences of all kinds, and of engineers, founders, smiths, manufacturers of concrete, concrete products, plasters, and whiting, machinists, ship, barge, lighter and truck owners, quarry owners, road and sewer contractors, carriers, auctioneers, house and estate agents, surveyors and architects, and to carry on any joinery works, steel casement works, or any other works of or factories in connection with any of the said businesses. |
3. To carry on the business of mining and working for asbestos and other minerals, ores and metals and of manipulating, preparing for market, manufacturing and dealing with asbestos and goods connected with the utilisation of asbestos or of any material capable of being used for similar purposes or objects to those for which asbestos-goods can be used and any other product of the mines and property of the Company or derived in the course of the dressing, preparation or treatment of asbestos or other minerals or substances. |
Asset Management Company
To carry on the business activities in respect of the asset management of mutual funds and to act as managers, consultants, advisors, administrators, attorneys, agents, or representatives of or for mutual funds, formed or established in India or elsewhere by the Company or any other person (whether incorporated or not) of by any Government, state, local authority, association, institution (whether incorporated or not) or any other agency or organisation.
(A) |
To act as administrators or managers or asset managers of any mutual fund, investment trust or any other fund including but not limited to sectoral funds, equity funds, balanced funds, growth funds, income funds, capital funds, index funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, gratuity and superannuation funds, charitable funds, venture capital funds, unit trusts or consortium or any other type of fund whether being open ended or close ended or interval scheme or any other type of scheme, set up either in India or in any country outside India by the Company or by any other person or by any government (state or central) or local authority, statutory corporations, banking and/or financial institution, government companies, non-profit organisations, or other bodies or association of persons whether incorporated or not, or any other agency and to invest on behalf of such trusts/funds in eligible capital markets, money markets or other instruments, securitised debts, warrants, notes, assets and properties and all kinds of securities, quoted or unquoted, listed or unlisted, issued by any company, Government or body corporate or local authority in India or by the Government or any local authority or any body corporate in any country outside India as may be approved by Reserve Bank of India or such other competent authority and for that purpose to frame, launch and implement funds/schemes from time to time for raising resources or capital from the members of the public, private bodies, bodies corporate, government or any other authority or person in India or outside India, in one or more funds/schemes. |
(B) |
To provide advisory services to sectoral funds, equity funds, balanced funds, growth funds, income funds, capital funds, index funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, gratuity and superannuation funds, charitable funds, venture capital funds, unit trusts or consortium, management of insurance funds, or such other funds, set up either in India or in any country outside India by the Company or by any other person or by any state government or local authority, association, financial institution or any other agency. |
(C) |
To provide portfolio management services whether on discretionary or non discretionary basis and/or financial consultancy and/or research services, advice and facilities of every descripttion including (but without limiting to the generality of the foregoing words) all those capable of being provided by investment and fund managers and advisors, promoters and managers of mutual funds, unit trusts, and other investment media, issue houses and financiers. |
(D) |
To carry on the business of undertaking, developing, buying or otherwise acquiring on ownership or on licence for use, scientific research and studies including software programmes and systems in the activities of financial, money market and investment services and other related activities on commercial basis and to provide, distribute, sell or otherwise transfer the same. |
1. To act as administrators or managers or asset managers of any mutual fund, investment trust or any other fund including but not limited to sectoral funds, equity funds, balanced funds, growth funds, income funds, capital funds, index funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, gratuity and superannuation funds, charitable funds, venture capital funds, unit trust or consortium or any other type of fund whether being open ended or close ended or interval scheme or any other type of scheme, set up either in India or in any country outside India by the company or by any other person or by any government (state or central) or local authority, statutory corporations, banking and/or financial institution, government companies, non-profit organisations, or other bodies or association of persons whether incorporated or not. or ant other agency and to invest on behalf of such trusts/funds in eligible capital markets, money markets or other instruments, securitised debts, warrants, notes, assets and properties and all kinds of securities, quoted or unquoted, listed or unlisted, issued by any company, Government or body corporate or local authority in India or by the Government or any local authority or any body corporate in any country outside India as may be approved by Reserve Bank of India or such other competent authority and for that purpose frame, launch and implement funds/scheme from time to time for raising resources or capital from the members of the public, private bodies, bodies corporate, government or any other authority or person in India or outside India, in one or more funds/schemes. |
2. To provide advisory services to sectoral funds, equity funds, balanced funds, growth funds, income funds, capital funds, index funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, gratuity and superannuation funds, charitable funds, venture capital funds, unit trust or consortium, management of insurance funds, or such other funds, set up either in India or in any country outside India by the company or by any other person or by any state government or local authority, association, financial institution or any other agency. |
3. To provide portfolio management services whether on discretionary or non discretionary basis and/or financial consultancy and/or research services, advice and facilities of every descripttion including (but without limiting to the generality of the forgoing words) all those capable of being provided by investment and fund managers and advisors, promoters and managers of mutual funds, unit trusts, and other investment media, issue houses and financiers. |
Assistance in Obtaining Advice in Various Fields, Dealing in Stocks, Financial Assistance, Guarantee Business, Depository Service
1. (i) To provide or assist in obtaining, directly or indirectly, advice or services in various fields such as management, finance, i_vestIT!ent,. technology, administration, commerce, law, economics, labour, human resource development, industry, public relations, statistics, science, computers, accountancy, taxation, fund management (other than that of mutual funds), foreign exchange dealings, quality control, processing, strategk planning and valuation; |
(ii) |
To give advise on or to offer, give, take, circulate and/orotherwise organise, accept or impleme!1t any takeover bids, mergers, amalgamations, acquisitions, diversification, spinning off, consolidation, rehabilitation or restructuring of any business, concern, undertaking, company, body corporate, partnership firm or any other association of persons whether. incorporated or not, by acquisition of shares or assets and/or liabilities and whether as a going concern or as a part of the concern or otherwise as may be deemed fit having regard to business exigencies; and |
2. (i) To buy, acquire, sell, dispose of, exchange, convert, underwrite, subscribe, participate, invest in and hold whether on its own account oron beha" of any person, body corporate, company, society, firm or association of persons whether incorporated or not, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture-stocks, units, promissory notes, bills of exchange, bonds, warrants, participation certificates or participation units, other money market or capital market instruments, obligations and. securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, State, Dominion, Sovereign Body, Commission, Public Body or Authority, Supreme, Local or Municipal or company or body, whether incorporated or not or by any person or association; |
(ii) |
To acquire any such shares, stocks, debentures, debenture-stocks, units, promissory notes, bills of exchange. bonds. warrants, participation certificates or participation units, other money market or capital market instruments, obligations and securities by original subscripttion, participation in syndicates, tender, purchase, exchange or otherwise and to subscribe for or acquire the same either conditionally or otherwise, and to guarantee the subscripttion thereof for a commission or otherwise and to exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership thereof. |
(iii) |
To act as portfolio managers. |
3. To carry on the business of granting loans or advances or providing financial assistance in any other form whatsoever to industrial and other enterprises. |
4. To give guarantees and carry on and transact every kind of guarantee and counter guarantee business and in particular to guarantee the payment of any principal moneys, interest or other moneys secured by or payable under any debenture, bonds. debenture-stocks, mortgages. charges, contracts, obligations and securities, and the payment of dividends on and the repayment of the capital of stocks and shares of all kinds and descripttions or the performance of any other obligations. |
5. (i) Performing and undertaking activities pertaining to leasing, giving on hire or hire-purchase, asset credit, installment sale and/or deferred sale; |
(ii) |
Providing financial assistance by means of leasing, giving on hire or hire purchase, lending, selling, reselling or otherwise disposing of all. forms of immoveable and moveable properties and assets such as buildings. godowns, warehouses and real estate of any kind, nature or user whatsoever and all types of industrial, office and other plant, equipment and machinery. heavy or medium industrial machinery, computers, electronic data processors, tabulators, air-conditioners, medical equipment or any system and any other items of any kind, nature or user whatsoever, whether industrial or consumer and all types of vehicles, ships or aircrafts and any other property of any kind, nature or user whatsoever and whether required for manufacturing, processing, marketing, transporting, trading or any other commercial or service business, and for this purpose, purchasing or otherwise acquiring dominion over the same, whether new or used. |
6. To provide custodial and depository services and to do all such things as may be required for this purpose. |
7. To sponsor such eligible companies as may be thought fit on the Over The Counter Exchange of India or on any other Exchanges whether in or outside India and to initially place securities, act as market maker and dealer and do all such things as may be necessary, permitted or advisable. to do. |
8. To form, constitute, promote, act as managing and issue agents, brokers, sub brokers, prepare projects and feasibility reports for and on behalf of any companies, associations, societies, firms, individuals and bodies corporate. |
9. Subject to the permission of Reserve Bank of India and other authorities where required, to act as foreign exchange dealer and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of foreign currencies, foreign currency options, forward covers, swaps of all kinds and to transact for itself or on behalf of any person, body corporate, company, society, firm or association of persons whether incorporated or not, all transaction in foreign currencies. |
10. To carry on the activities of bills discounting, re-discounting bills, marketing, factoring, dealing in commercial paper, treasury bills, certificate of deposits and other financial instruments. |
11. Subject to such approvals as may be required in accordance with the applicable. provisions of law, to act as registrar and transfer agents and registrars to the issue, issue agents and paying agents. |
12. To act as Trustee of any deeds constituting or securing any debentures, debenture stock, bonds, promissory notes or any other negotiable or marketable instruments or other securities or obligations and to undertake and execute any other trusts (other than mutual funds) and also to undertake the office of or exercise the powers of executor, administrator, receiver, treasurer, custodian and trust corporation, so, however, not to act as an Asset Management Company. |
To carry on the business of auctioneers, valuers, surveyors, appraisers of all kinds of properties, movable or immovable and to act as agents to purchase and sell or otherwise acquire movable or immovable property of all kinds in any part of India or abroad.
Automobile Parts
To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, reselling, sub- contracting, exchanging, hiring, engineering, altering, importing, exporting, improving, assembling, distributing, servicing, repairing and dealing in as original equipment manufacturers and also on a jobbing industry basis and in any other capacity of component parts, replacement parts, spare parts, accessories, tools and implements inclusive of all types of automobile gears, axles, propellers, shafts, transmission components, transfer cases, manual transmissions, automatic locking hubs, for Motors, Automobiles, Trucks, Buses, Tractors, Locomotives, ships, engine, vehicle of every descripttion and other vehicles whether propelled by means of petrol, spirit, steam, oil, gas, coal, electricity or any other motive or mechanical power, in India or elsewhere.
Automobile Servicing
To carry on the business of garage keepers and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, electricity, diesel, gas, atomic and other motive power and diesel engines, lubricating and other oils and to carry on the business of painters, upholsterers, tailors, printers, publishers, stationers and to carry on any other business convenient for carrying on any of the businesses specified above.
(A) |
To carry on business as manufacturers and makers of and dealers in metal, wood, enamel, aluminium, alloys, and any other products, substances, articles and things of every descripttion and kind, and to carry on and conduct workshops and foundries of iron, brass and other metals, wood and any other substances and to buy, sell, export, import, manipulate and deal both wholesale and retain in products, commodities, goods, articles and things of all kinds whatsoever. |
(B) |
To import, export, manipulate, prepare for market and deal in machines, light, heavy and medium sized-machine tools and machine parts and accessories and stores, oils - mineral or otherwise – oil products of all kinds and merchandise and produce of all kinds and generally to carry on business as importers and exporters. |
(A) |
To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers and hirers, repairers, cleaners, stores and warehousers of motor cars, motor cycles, cycle-cars, motors, scooters, cycles, bicycles and carriages, launches, boats, and other conveyances of all descripttions whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel oil, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, jet-propulsion or any type of power and all engines, chassis, bodies and other things used for in or in connection with motors and other things. |
(B) |
To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, reselling, exchanging, altering, importing, improving, assembling, distributing and dealing in Motor vehicles, packages of component parts thereof, trucks, Tractors, Chassis, Motors, Auto-rickshaws, Scooters, Motor-Scooters, three-wheelers, motor cycles, cycles, buses, lorries, omnibuses, engines, locomotives, turbines, tanks, ships, boats, barges, launches, aeroplanes, air-ships, seaplanes, balloons, and aircraft of every descripttion and other vehicles and component or motor vehicle replacement parts, tools, implements, spare parts, accessories, materials, and products for the transport or conveyance of passengers, merchandise and goods of every descripttion whether propelled or used by electricity, steam, oil, vapour, gas, petroleum, diesel oil, or any other motive or mechanical power, in India or elsewhere. |
Ayurvedic Medicines
To manufacture, develop, produce, sell, purchase, deal in, import, export, and to act as agents, distributors and suppliers of Ayurvedic medicines by extractions of plant products.
Banking Business
1. To carry on the business of accepting for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawable by cheque, draft. order or otherwise and to pursue the business of Banking in all its facets; Subject to the provision of Banking Regulation Act, 1949. |
2. Borrowing, raising, or taking up of money; the lending or advancing of money either upon or without security; the drawing, making, accepting, discounting, buying, selling, collecting and dealing in bills of exchange, hundies, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading, railway receipts, warrants, debentures, certificates, scrips and other instruments, and securities whether transferable or negotiable or not; the granting the issuing of letters of credit, traveller s cheques and circular notes; the buying, selling and dealing in bullion and specie; the buying and selling of foreign exchange including foreign bank notes; the acquiring, holding, issuing on commission, underwriting and dealing in stock, funds, shares, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations, securities and investments of all kinds; the purchasing and selling of bonds, scrips or other forms of securities on behalf of constituents or others, the negotiating of loans and advances; the receiving of all kinds of bonds, scrips or valuables on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise; the providing of safe deposit vaults; the collecting and transmitting of money and securities; |
3. Acting as agents for any Government or local authority or any other person or persons; the carrying on of agency business of any descripttion including the clearing and forwarding of goods, giving of receipts and discharges and otherwise acting as an attorney on behalf of customers, but excluding the business of a managing agent or secretary and treasurer of a company; |
4. Contracting for public and private loans and negotiating and issuing the same; |
5. The effecting, insuring, guaranteeing, underwriting, participating in managing and carrying out of any issue, public or private, of State, Municipal or other loans or of shares, stock, debentures, or debenture stock of any company, corporation or association and the lending of money for the purpose of any such issue; |
6. Carrying on and transacting every kind of guarantee and indemnity business; |
7. Managing, selling, and realizing any property which may come into possession of the company in satisfaction or part satisfaction of any of its claims; |
8. Acquiring and holding and generally dealing with any property or any right, title, or interest in any such property which may form the security or part of the security for any loans or advances or which may be connected with any such security; |
9. Undertaking and executing trusts; |
10. Undertaking the administration of estates as executor, trustees or otherwise; |
11. Establishing and supporting or aiding in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the company or the dependents or connections of such persons; granting pensions and allowances and making payments towards insurance; subscribing to or guaranteeing moneys for charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibition of for any public, general or useful objects; |
12. The acquisition, construction, maintenance and alteration of any building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the company; |
13. Selling, improving, managing, developing, exchanging, leasing, mortgaging, disposing of or turning into account of otherwise dealing with all or any part of the property and rights' of the company; |
14. Amalgamating, purchasing, acquiring and undertaking the whole or any part of the business of any person, company. partnership or association carrying on or formed to carryon any business or having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Company and paying for the same either in cash or debentures or other securities or in shares partly or fully paid up; |
15. Selling or otherwise disposing of and dealing with the property, assets or undertaking of this company or any part thereof either for present or deferred payments in cash or other consideration in money or money's worth such as shares, securities or debentures issued or allotted to the Shareholders of this company; |
16. Doing all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the promotion or advancement of the business of the company; subject to Banking Regulation Act, 1949. |
17. Any other form of business which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify as a form of business in which it is lawful for a banking company to engage. |
Banking Company
1. To establish and carry on business of banking in any part of India or outside India. |
2. To carry on the business of accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise. |
3. To borrow, raise or take up money, lend or advance money with or without interest either upon or without security. |
4. To draw, make, execute, issue, endorse, negotiate, accept, discount, buy, sell, collect and deal in bills of exchange, hundies, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading, railway receipts, warrants, debentures, bonds, mortgage-backed securities, letters of credit or obligations, certificates, scrips and other instruments and securities whether transferable or negotiable or mercantile or not. |
5. To grant and issue letters of credit, traveller's cheques and circular notes, buy, sell and deal in bullion and specie. |
6. To receive all kinds of bonds, scrips or valuables on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise, provide safe deposit vaults, collect and transmit money, negotiable instruments and all securities. |
7. To buy, acquire, issue on commission, deal, sell, dispose of, exchange, convert, underwrite, subscribe, participate, invest in and hold whether on its own or on behalf of any person, Body Corporate, company, society, firm or association of persons whether incorporated or not, shares, stocks, funds, debentures, debenture stocks, units, promissory notes, bills of exchange, bonds, warrants, participation certificates or participation units, other money market or capital market instruments, obligations and securities and investments of all kinds issued or guaranteed by any government, state, dominion, sovereign body, commission, public body or authority, supreme, local or municipal or company or body, whether incorporated or not or by any person or association. |
8. To act as foreign exchange dealer and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of foreign currencies including foreign bank notes, foreign currency options, forward covers, swaps of all kinds and to transact for itself or on behalf of any person, Body Corporate, company, society, firm or association of persons whether incorporated or not, all transactions in foreign currencies. |
9. To carry on the activities of bill discounting, rediscounting bills, marketing, factoring, dealing in commercial paper, treasury bills, certificate of deposits and other financial instruments. |
10. To act as agents for any government or local authority or any other person or persons, carry on agency business of any descripttion including clearing and forwarding of goods, give receipts and discharges and otherwise act as an attorney on behalf of customers, but excluding the business of a managing agent or secretary and treasurer of a company. |
11. To contract for public and private loans and advances and negotiate and issue the same. |
12. To form, constitute, promote, act as managing and issuing agents, brokers, sub-brokers, prepare projects and feasibility reports for and on behalf of any company, association, society, firm, individual and Body Corporate. |
13. To carry on and transact every kind of guarantee and indemnity business. |
14. To undertake and execute trusts and the administration of estates as executor or trustee. |
15. To act as Registrar and Transfer Agents and Registrar to the Issue, Issue Agents and Paying Agents. |
16. To provide custodial and depository services and to do all such things as may be advised, permitted or required for this purpose. |
17. To effect, insure, guarantee, underwrite, participate in managing and carrying out of any issue, public or private, of state, municipal or other loans or of shares, stock, debentures or debenture stock of any company, corporation or association and the lending of money for the purpose of any such issue. |
18. To issue debit or credit cards to customers or any other person. |
19. To provide or assist in obtaining, directly or indirectly, advice or service in various fields such as management, finance, investment, technology, administration, commerce, law, economics, labour, human resource development, industry, public relations, statistics, science, computers, accountancy, taxation, fund management, foreign exchange dealings, quality control, processing, strategic planning and valuation. |
20. To do any other form of business which the Government of India may specify as a form of business in which it is lawful for a banking company to engage. |
To carry on the business of banking in all its branches and departments including the borrowing, raising or taking up money; the lending or advancing money, securities, and property, lending or advancing money on movable and immovable and mixed securities, on cash credit or other accounts, on policies, bonds, Debentures, bills of exchange, Hundis, promissory notes, letters of credits or other obligations, on the deposit of title deeds, goods, wares and merchandise, bills of lading, delivery orders, railway receipts or other mercantile indicia, bullion, stocks or shares, the drawing, accepting, indorsing, discounting, buying, selling and dealing in Bills of Exchange, Hundis, Poorjas, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading, railway receipts, warrants, debentures, certificates, scriptts, and other instruments and securities whether transferable or negotiable or not; the granting or issuing letters of credit and circular notes; the buying, selling and dealing in bullion and specie; the acquiring, hold
Beauticians (Hairdressers)
1. To carry on the business of beauticians, manicurists, hairdressers, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs, and to run health care centres, beauty parlours, massage centres, swimming pools and to conduct training programmes for better body care or make up. |
2. To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and otherwise deal in cosmetics of every descripttion and kind including lipsticks, nail polishes, creams, lotions, ointments, perfumes, foundations, powders, soaps, fashion wears and beauty aids of every kind and descripttion. |
Bio-Medical Waste Management
To establish, set up, run, maintain, supervise, organize, consult on, train, manage bio medical waste plants for treatment, conversion, disposal destruction thereof.
To carry on the businesses of manufacturers, sellers, erectors, installers, commissioners, repairers, maintainers, consultants, engineers, lessors and dealers of ignifluid boilers.
To organise, run, maintain, operate, promote the business of interior decorators; furniture and carpet designers and manufacturers, boutiques, operators of fashion centres, fashion shows, and to make, acquire, deal in any way in handicrafts, objects of art, precious stones, jewellery, whether artificial or otherwise, and articles wherein precious metals or precious stones may be used, in textile fabrics, and to manufacture and deal in any products as are dealt in by boutiques, fashion shows and interior decorators.
Brewers, Distillers and Manufacturers in all Types of Alcohols, Mineral Waters, Liquors
1. To carry on business as brewers, distillers and manufacturers of and merchants, dealers and distributors in wines, beer, Rum, Gin, Ale, Port, Stout, Spirits, all types of alchohols, Whisky, grape juice, mineral waters, aerated waters, cognac and liquors of every descripttion whether intoxicating or not and of malt, malt products, hops, yeast essences, flavours, concentrates and liquid foods, soups, milk, milk preparations soft drinks or their ingredients. |
2. To carry on the business of coopers and bottlers, bottle makers. glass container makers, packers, bottle stopper makers, potters, beerhouse keepers, ice manufacturers and merchants, canners, farmers, dairymen and yeast dealers. |
3. To carryon the business of restaurants, hotels and bars. |
Brick Makers
To carry on the business of the manufacturers of, and dealers in, bricks and tiles of, every descripttion and kind, other building materials and pottery of every kind and descripttion.
Building and Development
To carry on the business of developers of urban and rural immovable properties, builders, engineers, surveyors, architects, consulting engineers, building experts and advisors, decorators, designers, planners, house owners and house sellers of flats, mansionettes, dwelling houses, shops, offices, hotels and recreational complexes, stadia, industrial estates; lessees of lands, flats and other immovable properties wherever situated, or rights or interests therein or connected therewith, to prepare building sites, and to contruct, reconstruct, pull down, alter, improve, decorate and furnish and maintain flats, mansionettes, dwelling houses, shops, offices, buildings, hotels and motels and recreational complexes, industrial estates, works and conveniences, to lay out roads and pleasure gardens and recreation and playgrounds, disneylands, fair and exhibition grounds; to plant, drain or otherwise improve the land or any part thereof.
Building Material
To carry on the business of processing, coating, manufacturing and of dealing in as wholesalers, retailers, general merchants, commission agents, concessionaries, exporters, importers and traders in foils, plates, sheets, bars, stripes, skelp, moulds, extrusions, semis, ingots, slabs, blooms, powder, billets, discs, tubes, pipes, windows, doors, holobars, scrap, rings, forgings, castings, formed metals, rounds, rods, squares, flats, octagons, hexagons, cut or plain or ribbed or twisted in coil form or straight lengths of aluminium, iron and steel, zinc, copper tin, lead, antimony, aluminium, brass, nickel, cuppernickel, monel, inconnel, ferrous and ion ferrous metals, alloys of metals or of any other metals, venetian blinds, grills, sanitary wares, fabrication for building material or other material.
Business and Consultancy Relating to Information Technology
1. To undertake and carry on, whether in India or elsewhere, the business of, in or relating to, and to offer or render consultancy and other services in or relating to the areas of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY including computer hardware, systems integration, software and solutions, such as but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, telecom, datacom, system integration and networking, electronic media, ERP, e-commerce, electronic communication and trading, internet, intranet, client server technology, and web or interne related techniques, solutions or products, and to distribute and publish electronic information, products and services in all their branches and of any kind, nature and descripttion, and further to establish, run and/or manage, whether in India or abroad, data processing, data mining, data storage, data extraction and transcripttion centres. |
2. Whether in India or abroad, to manufacture, design, develop, program, maintain, service, purchase, assemble, sell, distribute, import, export and generally deal in computer hardware, standard or customized software packages, products, equipments or systems, in all their branches, and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, including their peripherals, accessories, spares and parts, components, inputs, assemblies and sub-assemblies, audio, video and multi-media, equipments and systems. |
Business and Trade Association
1. To promote business in matters of inland and foreign trade, transport, industry and manufacture, finance and all other economic subjects and to encourage Indian banking, shipping and insurance. |
2. To encourage friendly feeling and unanimity among business community and associations on all subjects connected with the common good of business. |
3. To secure organised action on all subjects mentioned above. |
4. To collect and disseminate statistical and other information and to make efforts for the spread of commercial and economic knowledge. |
Cable Manufacturers
To carry on anywhere in India or abroad, the business of manufacturers of and/or dealers in wires, cables of all types and kinds, copper conductors, aluminum conductors or other conductors made of any matter or substance and all type of machinery, plant or apparatus and things required for or capable-of being used in connection with the manufacture of the above or for the generation, accumulation, distribution, supply of employment of electricity.
Cable, Network Services
To carry on the business of rendering cable, television, network services for business, entertainment, educational, commercial, marketing, amusement purposes.
Captive Power Plants
To design engineer manufacture assemble market and sell all types of captive power plants, industrial boilers, spare and replacement parts and services and components for rehabilitation of older boilers and exports there from with the current advanced technology together with the carrying on of all other businesses and activities necessary for the realization of the aforesaid object.
Car Air-Conditioners
To carry on, acquire, run, promote and establish the business of air conditioners for automobiles or parts thereof and for that purpose to design, manufacture, fabricate, produce, process, develop, make, repair, buy, sell, import, export, let on hire, assemble, improve, or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of air conditioners for automobiles or parts thereof or equipment containing such air conditioners.
1. To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, exporters, importers, wholesalers, retailers of, and dealers in, all kinds of carpets, including handmade and machine made, tufted, axininster, wilton, brussels, chanille, tapestry, ingrain, velvet, namd carpets, underlays, festoons and goblin, linoleum portiere cords, druggets, durries, rugs, mattings, floor cloths, floor coverings and furnishing fabrics and materials made wholly or partly of anyone or more of the following materials, namely, wool, hair, silk, jute, flax, yarn, spun staples, coir, sisal, cotton, natural and other synthetics or man-made fibres. |
2. To carry on the business of processing, cleaning, securing, bleaching, dyeing, disinfecting, renovating and laying of carpets, underlays, articles of the floor covering, furnishing fabrics and materials of all kinds. |
3. To carry on business as manufacturers, importers, exporters, processors,and dealers in all kinds of synthetics and chemical foam for use as cushions, mattresses, upholster and other allied purposes. |
4. To carry on business as manufacturers, exporters, processers, wholesalers, retailers of and dealers in all kinds of rubber, natural or synthetic latex, compounds, adhesives, polymers, filters, derivatives, intermediates, by-products and all allied items. |
Castings, Forgings, etc.
1. To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in forgings. |
2. To carry on business of manufacturing and processing all items of light engineering industry. |
3. To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in forgings, castings and all other allied industries in space machinery equipments and aircraft machinery. |
Cement and Reinforced Cement Products
1. To carryon business as manufacturers and makers of and dealers in cement and reinforced cement products in the nature of tiles, mosaic tiles, Glazed tiles, cement pipes, Hollow and Solid Block, cement jallies, spun pipes, cement slates, cement reinforcement, prefabricated building materials, earthern and pipes, sanitary wares, bricks, and all other products and by-products of cement. |
2. To sell, Fixing and Polishing of cement products in the nature of Tiles, Mosaic Tiles. Cement Pipes, Hollow and Solid Blocks, Cement Jallies, Spun Pipes, Cement slates, cement reinforcement, Glazed Tiles prefabricated building Materials, earthern and Pipes. Sanitary wares bricks and all other products and by products of cement. |
To carry on the business of producing, manufacturing, trading, treating, processing, refining, importing, exporting, purchasing, selling, dealing in and acting as brokers, agents, contractors, technical advisors, consultants, stockists, distributors and suppliers of all kinds of cement whether ordinary, clinker, white, coloured, portland, puzzolona, blast, furnace, silica, mortar suitable for asbestos cement pipes or otherwise and cement products of any descripttion, such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles and garden-wares.
Ceramic Products and Components
To design, develop, manufacture, fabricate, process, produce, treat, purchase, sell, import, export, market, trade, and otherwise, deal in all kinds of ceramic products and components such as pipes, bends. Moulds, thread cuides, containers, crucibles, nozzles, filters, tiles, wares, sanitary wares, insulators, bricks, grids, orthopedic ceramics and other products used for industrial, household, scientific, atomic energy/power generation, commercial, research and educational purposes.
To carry on the business as importers, exporters, fabricators, manufacturers of and dealers m all kinds of chains, whether industrial, automotive, heavy duty chains for all kinds of machinery and equipment, bicycle chains, motor cycle chains, and chains for all kinds of vehicles and means of transport used in carriage by sea, land, air and for that purpose to set up, purchase, import or otherwise acquire all plant, machinery and related equipment and to run and maintain the same, and to buy, sell, import, export, and deal in all kinds of spare parts, components and stores for the manufacture, production, reconditioning, repairs of all chains.
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
(A) |
To take over and carry on activities of the Association called, The ----- Chamber of Commerce and Industries, founded on ----, in furtherance of development of Trade, Commerce and Industry of India in general and the State of ----- in particular; |
(B) |
To promote, add, stimulate, advance and protect trade, commerce, industry, agriculture and agricultural business in India and in particular the trade, commerce industry, agriculture and agricultural business in the State of -----; |
(C) |
To promote the interests of the Indian Industry and Business in matters of inland and foreign trade, industry, commerce, agriculture and agricultural business; |
(D) |
To watch over, protect and promote the general commercial, industrial and agricultural interests of India and in particular, those of the State of ----- and to secure the interest and well being of persons engaged in trade, commerce, industry, agriculture and agricultural business, directly or indirectly; |
(E) |
To institute, finance, encourage, promote, develop and carry on all kinds of scientific technological and economic research relating to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture and agricultural business, directly or indirectly; |
(F) |
To encourage and assist people in the State of ----- to take up and pursue industrial, commercial occupations and agricultural business and to strive for the development of their entrepreneurial abilitiesection |
(G) |
To foster cultural links with persons who have settled in the State of ----- in pursuit of industrial and commercial occupations and agricultural business to accelerate their assimilation in ---- State's culture. |
To carry on the business of manufacturers, retailers, importers, exporters and dealers in chemical products of any nature including heavy chemicals, petrochemicals, synthetic chemicals, organic and inorganic, micro-biological, pharmaceuticals and other allied chemicals, solvents, alkalies, acids, drugs, essence, medicinal, chemicals, industrial and other preparations of any nature and kind whatsoever.
To manufacture, buy, sell, process, improve, import, export or otherwise deal in all types of chemicals including processing chemicals, solvent filters, oil filters, air filters, water filters, gas filters and all other types of filters and to carry on the business of manufacturing filter element, chemical processing papers and paper processing, felt processing, and any other method of processing of filtration and to carry on business as manufactures and dealers in products, services, consumer goods, appliances, and the like associated with the engineering and filter industry or produce from plastic, vinyls, felt, glass wool, or wire or wire gauge, papers, chemicals, whether soft or heavy, and any other consumer or other products which will be required by the business of the Company due to technical, commercial or industrial development and to carry on the business of manufacturers of filter making plants, equipments and specifications required for the manufacturing of filter, filter elements.
Chemists and Druggists
To carry on the businesses of chemists, druggists, importers and manufacturers of and dealers in carbide of calcium and other pharmaceutical, medicinal, chemical, industrial and other preparations and articles, compounds, cements, oils, paints, pigments and varnishes, makers of any dealers in proprietary articles of all kinds, and electrical, chemical, photographical, surgical and scientific apparatus and materials.
China and Earthware
To carry on the business as manufacturers, processors, dealers, distributors, importers and exporters, designers, developers, of earthware china fireclay, caneware, drain and water pipes, hallow and solid products 'for partitions and load bearing walls, ceiling blocks and roof bricks and all allied bricks, tiles, terracotta, sanitary-ware, plain and art stone ware, glass colour and glazes.
Cinematograph Trade and Industry
To carry on the business of the cinematograph trade and industry and all its allied or kindred trades and businesses and particularly the business of producers, distributors, exhibitors, and manufactures of silent and talking films for entertainment, amusement, publicity, education and instruction, and any business or industry which may hereafter be deemed to be an improvement upon or replacement in part or wholly of the film industry as is known and understood at the date hereof.
To purchase, acquire, take on lease or in exchange, hire, construct, repair, adopt, overhaul, conduct, manage, control, and superintend in whole or in part any property, studios, theatres, places of amusement or entertainment, music halls, cinemas, picture palaces and concert halls, solely or in partnership, periodically or permanently for producing, testing, installing, stocking, exhibiting or displaying cinema films, materials, commodities, talking and silent pictures, machinery, apparatus, appliances and accessories.
Classification and Register of Mercantile Shipping
1. To provide a faithful and accurate classification of mercantile shipping classed with the Company during the period of such classification. |
2. To provide a faithful and accurate register mercantile shipping classed with the Company. |
3. To aid and develop the merchant marine of India. |
4. To establish standards and formulate rules for the construction and maintenance of mercantile and non-mercantile ships and marine equipment and industrial and general engineering equipment. |
5. To encourage the design of and research on. mercantile and non-mercantile ships, marine equipment, industrial and general engineering equipment. |
6. To approve designs of, to survey and to issue reports on mercantile and non-mercantile ships as well as hovercraft, hydrofoils etc. |
7. To Approve designs of, to survey and to issue reports on amphibious and land installations, machinery, materials and apparatus of all kind— |
(a) |
To provide conceptional principles and guidelines in the industrial and service sectors in order to aid and assist them in transforming their work place, factory and office environment and establishing a quality culture and standards of quality acceptable worldwide. |
(b) |
To promote and/or cause to promote establishment of Total Quality management Systems in the industrial and service sector in India to enable them to produce quality goods, and/or render quality services of standards acceptable, worldwide and in particular for overseas markets. |
(c) |
To evaluate, assess and certify quality management systems in industries and to carry out pre-registration audits and certification audits for quality management systems. |
Coffee and Tea
To carry on the business of Planters, cultivators, manufacturers, buyers and sellers of coffee, tea, tea seed and in this connection to purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire any lands, tea gardens, plantations and property as the company may think necessary or convenient for its business and to form, open out work and carry on the business of a tea estate or tea estates on any lands, to acquire, construct, and maintain factories, establishment, works, buildings and erections for all or any of the purposes aforesaid, and to acquire or make machinery, implements and articles required to be used for any such purposes, to carry on as principals or agents in any branch of _cultural, manufacturing or mercantile business for which the company's lands, tea gardens, establishments, property and employees may be conveniently applicable and to carry on all such business connected with the acquisition, hiring, leasing, planting, irrigation and cultivation of lands and the rendering merchantable and disposing of the produce thereof as are usually or may conveniently be associated with the plantation and cultivation of tea gardens, and the manufacture, export, and sale of tea or any other produce of the soil.
Cold Storage, Cold Ware Houses
To carryon the business of owners and keepers of cold storages, cold ware houses, freezing and chilling rooms and houses, pre-cooling systems, cold chambers, freezing godowns for storing, preserving of marine foods and products, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, agricultural and agro based products, substances, materials, consumables and merchandise.
College (Schools)
To establish and run in any part of India colleges or schools where general, scientific, commercial, engineering or any other type of education be imparted to the students orally or through post on such terms and conditions as may be laid down by the company from time to time.
Colliery Proprietors
To carry on the business of mining for any element or substance including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing the business of mining of coal and manufacture of coke and to take on lease or otherwise acquire, purchase, transfer, lease out or sell mines, mining rights and lands or any interest therein and for this purpose search for, inspect, prospect, examine, explore, mine, quarry anywhere in India or abroad.
Colour or Black and White Photoprints
To carry on undertake the business of processing, developing, enlarging, Colour or black and white photoprints whether for domestic, commercial, architectural, engineering or other application and to manufacture and deal in as agents, brokers in photographic goods and equipments, microfilm rolls, strips aparature cards and jackets microfiche, superfiche & ultrafiche video cassets and to undertake microfilming and reproduction system for account books, Bank Documents, Newspapers, Engineering drawings, and to produce, process Photostat copies of originals, plans, engineering Deawings and to undertake video recording, video shooting, portrait making, developing and processing thereof.
Commercial Artists, Industrial Designers, etc.
To carry on all or any of the business of commercial artists, industrial designers, photographers, process engravers, typesetters, stereo-typers, electro-typers, printers, publishers, draughtsmen, advertising display and novelty manufacturers, decorators and window dressing specialists, proprietors, printers, publishers and distributors of newspapers, journals, magazines, leaflets, pamphlets, diaries, books, periodicals, and other literary or technical work of any descripttion and to acquire the goodwill and copyright and to continue the publication of any such publications or works.
Commercial Services
To render the services in areas for obtaining technical know how, product development, finance, project finance for acquiring equipments, materials and supply, assist in establishing administrative/manufacturing systems and set ups and to help to search Indian or foreign market for their products.
To render the consultancy and management services to business enterprises for accountancy, legal, taxation, technical, personnel, computer software/hardware, data processing industrial matters, reviving of sick units, energy conservation, pollution control, marketing, advertising & publicity, security and secrecy elements.
To render the services to individuals, firms, industrial concerns, companies, associations, corporations, undertakings, business enterprises in areas for obtaining technical know how, product development, finance, project finance for acquiring equipments, materials and supply, assist in establishing administrative/manufacturing systems and set ups and to help to search Indian or foreign market for their products.
Commission Agents & Suppliers of Pumps and Engines
To carry on the business as traders, agents, suppliers, and commission agents of pumps, diesel and petrol engines, generating sets, alternators, spare parts and other engineering goods, products and commodities and materials in any form or shape.
Communication, Advertisement, Publicity
1. To carry on the business of advertising, publicity, public relations, mass communication, market research, consumer research, industrial and sociological research, graphic designing including product, packaging and exhibition, photography for advertising, printers, publishers, manufacturers and dealers of all the publicity materials, including packaging material, paper of all kinds, plastic, electrical materials mainly used in advertising, publicity and/or for mass communication, to manufacture and/or market aid and instruments required for advertising and publicity or for mass communication including production, editing, exhibition of films and establish facilities for such production and exhibition to arrange, organise, initiate display, exhibition and participate in displays of any kind and to manufacture, acquire, contract, lease the facilities required for such displays or exhibitions. |
2. To promote, acquire, undertake, carry on, enter into partnership for carrying on the business of advertising and publicity, mass communication, marketing consumer research, industrial and sociological research, market research, graphic designing, including designing, printing, manufacturing and sales packaging, exhibition designing, oleographic, cinematographic, photographic or other type of designing either required for advertising business or any other industrial applications including textile designing, and to plan and carry out training and educational programmes within the areas of Advertising, Publicity Marketing, Mass Communications, and Applied Arts. |
3. To undertake the business of any type of agency, house agency, to act as technical consultants in marketing, advertising and publicity, sales promotion, Mass Communication to Companies, Corporation, local authorities, Government or any other customer. |
To carry on in India or elsewhere in the world, the publishing of music, recording of music, copying, commissioning, duplicating, mixing, processing, production, programming, recording, transferring and issue of software programmes for academic, commercial, cultural, educational and technical purposes to be issued on cinematographic film, floppy disks, diskettes, computer or video tapes or cassettes, cartridges, spools, records or other format, any form of printed matter or aids, and/or any other reproducing device/s to be acquired, manufactured or processed for the purposes; to organise live shows of music and recording of the show thereof.
Computer Stationery
To carry on the business of manufacturer, buyer, sellers, importers, exporters, dealers and distributors of computer ribbons, computer stationery and other computer consumables.
Computer Training
To own, acquire, takeover, purchase, establish, take or give on hire, equip, run, maintain, manage, administer; computer education and training institute/centres/ classess/schools/colleges to provide training facilities in respect of computer systems, data collection/creation, operations, applications, programming, system analysis, electronic data processing, software, hardware, computer engineering, web-designing, internet communications, transcripttions, multimedia, desk top publishing, designing, project reporting in information technologies by way of conduction oral classes, postal tuitions or online training and to award degrees, diplomas, certificates or recognitions.
Computers, Computer Spare Parts
To carry on the business as manufacturers, importers, exporters, dealers, agents, representatives and to undertake installation, maintenance, servicing, hiring out, of all kinds of computers, computer spare parts, all kinds of electronic equipments including electronic data processing equipments and to engage in computer hardware, software systems and such other activity connected with computers and electronics equipment.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, fabricators, processors, producers, growers, makers, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockists, agents, merchants, distributors and concessionaires of and dealers 10 flour, cakes, pastry, cornflakes, bread, biscuits, chocolates, confectionery, sweets, fruit drops, sugar, glucose, chewing gums, milk cream, ice, ice-cream, areated or mineral waters, fruit juices, wines, liquors and other alcoholic drinks and fermentation products, canned fruits and fruit products, milk and malted food, cigarettes, cigars, protein foods, maize products, butter ghee, cheese and other dairy products, pickles, jams, jellies, sausages, cider, poultry and eggs, pulses, spices, oils, powder and condensed milk, honey, fresh and dehydrated vegetables, coffee, tea, cocoa, seeds, concentrate for cattle or poultry feed, fruits and all kinds of process foods as well as materials required or used for preparation of or being food articles.
Consultants and Advisers
1. To carry on the business or vocation of acting as advisers and consultants on all matters and problems relating to the Technical Industries, civil, administration, finance and organization, management, commencement or expansion of industry, purchasing techniques and business (including construction of plants and buildings), production, purchases, sales, material and cost control, marketing, advertisement, publicity, personnel, export and import to and for institutions, concerns, bodies, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), departments and services of the Government, public or local authorities, trusts, scientific research and development Centres, and to be appointed as technical, financial, industrial administration, civil consultants. |
2. To investigate on behalf of any company, corporation, body corporate, industries, firm, association or any person and |
(a) |
collect information and data and submit reports on feasibility of new projects and/or improvements to and/or expansion of existing projects; and |
(b) |
diagonise operational difficulties and weaknesses and suggest remedial measures to improve and modernise existing units. |
3. To prepare and submit overall and detailed plans for civil and industrial execution to any company, corporation, body corporate, industries, firm, association or any person. with regard to: |
(a) |
New projects and/or |
(b) |
Improvements and/or expansion of the existing projects. |
4. To enter into any arrangement by way of a turnkey project involving supply of technical, civil, financial, administrative, plant and merchandise, information, knowledge and experience and as such, undertake for and on behalf of a client to set up any plant or project in or outside India. |
1. To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of proprietary products, hair, skin, nail and other beauty preparations, deodorants, aerosol and pump spray products, baby products, petroleum and mineral oil products, chemicals, acids and alkalis, all kinds of perfumery and other compound, preparations, materials and products, bath products, care products, cotton swabs, family planning appliances, hair dyes, pigments, varnishes, essential oils, detergents, insecticides, oil, oleginous, vaporaceous, saponaceious substances, beauty specialities, preparations, aids and accessories of every descripttion: whether medicated, antiseptic or not, unguents, ingredients or accessories thereof and other materials or things capable of being used in connection with such manner, factor or business. |
2. To carry on business as manufacturers of, and dealers in, all kinds of raw and finished cosmetics, perfumes and essences, dentifrices, lotions, extracts, greases, creams, salves, ointments, pomades, powders, unguents, eau de cologne, toilet requisites and preparations, cleansing compounds. |
3. To carry on business as manufacturers of, and dealers in all types of packing materials, containers, receptacles, boxes, cartons, cases, drums, cages, bins, jars, carboys, tubes, crates, packing cases, cans, bottles, vials and fittings therefor of every kind and to manufacture and deal in paper, plastic, bakelite, celluloid, glass, wood, plywood, hardboard, strawboard and boards of all other descripttion and any other material whether chemically treated or not, used for the manufacture of any of the aforesaid articles. |
Cotton Yarn, Silk Yarn
To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, exchanging, converting, altering, importing, exporting, processing, twisting or otherwise handling or dealing in or using or advising users in the proper use of, cotton yarn, pure silk yarn, artificial silk yarn, staple fibre and such other fibre, fibres and fibrous materials, or allied products, by-products, substances or substitutes for all or any of them, or yarn or yarns, for textile or other use, as may be practicable.
Credit Rating of Securities
1. To commence and to carry on the business of analysis, rating, evaluation, appraisal of the obligations. dues, debts, commitments and the like including debentures, bonds, shares. stocks and other securities of all bodies including Government (Central and State), statutory Corporations. banking and financial institutions, Government Companies, private sector companies, non-profit organisations, utility companies, co-operative societies and other bodies or associations of persons whether incorporated or not for use by any person whether natural or juridical including investors, issuers, underwriters, lenders. Government agencies, including bank and financial institutions, international agencies, research people and the like. |
2. To disseminate. supply. furnish, provide. sell. give. send. part with. dispose of, publish. promulgate, proclaim declare and do all such acts and deeds to make public information, knowledge, data. details and the like of or relating to business enterprises (private, public and government) banks. financial institutions. non-profit organisations or any association of persons whether incorporated or not and whether for consideration or otherwise. |
3. To provide counselor advice, assist or help in obtaining counselor advice on business strategies. including management, technology. production. marketing and finance. |
To carryon anywhere in India or abroad the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters of and/dealers in cycles, bi-cycles, tricycles. Cycles-rikshaw and other vehicles of same or similar nature
Dairy Business
1. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, buyers, sellers, distributors, importers, exporters, traders, agents, and to deal in milk, milk products of all kinds and descripttion condensed and powdered milk products, milk with spice, ghee, yeast, basundi, milk powder, curd, chakka, srikhand, mango pulp, ice cream, cream. Butter, cheese, dairy products, sausages, sweets, confectioneries. |
2. To acquire, utilize, grow, cultivate, produce and to exploit any estates or lands for all kinds of farming including commercial, farming, dairy farming, animal husbandry, goat farming, purpose and agro industrial projects, green houses, poly houses, animal husbandry houses, and to act as resellers, importers, agents, consultants, dealers, store keepers, distributors and exporters, for specialized floriculturial products and commodities. |
Dairy Equipments
To design, develop, manufacture, assemble, fabricate, weld, errect, install, buy, sell, import, export, market, hire out, lease, deal and trade in all types of dairy equipments, plant & machinery including dairy farming and processing equipments, milking machines, bowls, bulk coolers, chilling equipments, microtherms, pasturisers, separators, mixers, stainless steel vessels, containers, tankers.
Data Storage, Transfer, Processing and Transcripttion Centres
1. To establish, run and/or manage, whether in India or abroad, data bank, data storage, data transfer, data processing and transcripttion centres and to impart or conduct and carry on programmes for training and education in the foregoing areas and also computers and systems, whether relating to hardware, software or otherwise. |
2. To carry on the business of collecting, compiling, editing, summarizing, amplifying and disseminating international, geographic, trade, business, monetary, commercial and any other kind, nature and descripttion of data or information for private use of clients, subscribers, associates or other for general or restricted publication, in any language, and in any medium, including electronic media and to undertake and carry on the business, in all their branches, of data management, satellite communication, research, investigations, market studies and research, marketing assignments and experiments. |
Dealers in Agriculture, Dairy, Poultry and Farm Produce
1. To carryon the business of farming, agriculture and horticulture in their respective forms and branches and to grow, produce, manufacture, process, prepare, refine, extract, manipulate, hydrolize, deodrise, grind, bleach, hydrogenate, buy, sell or otherwise deal in kinds of agricultural, horticultural dairy, poultry and farm produce and products including food grains, cereals, seeds, plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits, vegetable and edible oils, meat, fish, eggs and foods and food products and preparation of any nature or descripttion whatsoever. |
2. To breed, raise, buy, sell and deal in kinds of poultry, poultry and seeds; to establish develop and maintain and aid in the establishment and maintenance of poultry and seed farms and ancillary operations like hatcheries, breeder house, egg producing and distributing centres, green houses and stores. |
Dealers in Gases such as Oxygen, Nitrogen
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, suppliers, dealers, sellers in gases such as Oxygen, Nitrogen, Acetylene, Hydrogen, Helium, Argon, Carbon Dioxide for industrial, domestic and medical purposes.
Decorators and Furnishers
1. To manufacture, repair, buy, sell, import and export and deal in household and kindred furnishing and furniture. |
2. To let on hire or sell on hire-purchase system furniture and other household and kindred furnishings to decorate and furnish houses, bungalows, shops and other buildings. |
Deep Sea Fishing
To engage in the business of deep sea fishing for the purpose of selling, exporting and processing by way of cold storage or otherwise the catch of all varieties of fish.
Design Engineers in Batteries and Battery Systems
1. To manufacture, produce, fabricate, design, develop, assemble, distribute, stock barter, exchange, repair, recondition, buy, sell, import, export, lease, let or hire, sell on hire purchase, install, erect, commission and otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of all types of Batteries and Battery Systems including Solar Power System Battery operated systems for all types of vehicles and other electrical systems such as UPS systems and to develop software for designing of batteries and generally to carry on the business of Design Engineers in respect of designing of batteries. |
2. To carryon business in India or elsewhere in the world, of export or import and to act as export or import house or institution for the export or import house or institution for the export or import of all types of goods, merchandises, things, chattlels, commodities, products, substances, materials including all sorts of raw materials, articles and requirements whether for agricultural, industrial, commercial, mining, constructional, transport, domestic and household (including personal) use or for all other use and activities like electrical goods, electronic components and devices, engineering items, computers, plant and machinery of all types, machinery spares, tools and jigs, minerals, rubber and rubber products, metals, iron and steel items, piles and tubes, chemical and their compounds, dies and paints, pharmaceuticals and drugs, ships, automobiles, cycles, cables, building materials titles and ceramic products, hardware, asbestos, cement, bricks and blocks, furniture crafts, wood, plywood, laminates, glasses, petrochemicals, paper and paper boards, agro products, animal products animal food, fish including processed fish, fish meal, sea foods of all kinds, meat vegetable and milk products, processed foods, dairy products, beverages, flour confectionery, dry fruits, printing items, manures, pesticides, oils, plastic including semi or fully processed plastic goods and plastic goods raw materials required for plastic industry, perfumes, cosmetics, fibre, yarn, soaps, surgical instruments, tobacco, cigarettes, toys, spices, silk and silk products sanitary goods, garments, hosiery products, grosserys, packing materials carpets, films cassettes, photographic instruments and materials, Audios, Videos, televisions, jewellery, newspapers, and periodicals, magazines, stationery, wool and wool products etc. And for that purpose to act as exporters, importers, indentors, buyers, sellers, merchants dealers, processors, mixers, assemblers, packers, brokers, commission agents and to otherwise deal in such items. |
Developers and Contractors
1. To act as contractors and sub-contractors and to undertake, promote, design, construct, reconstruct, alter, decorate, furnish and improve buildings, offices, roads, factories, warehouses, shops, schools, collages, mills and in particular to promote and execute various housing schemes and complexes including row housing, ownership flats, apartments on suitable plots of land, which may be purchased, taken on lease, in exchange of the construction as per scheme in India and abroad. |
2. To carry on the business of construction, building, operating, managing roads, bridges, highways, ports, industrial and software parks, sewage and drainage systems, generation and distribution of power, providing basic, cellular, private telephone services on commercial basis and such other infrastructural project/s in India or elsewhere. To carry on the business of rendering technical advice, consultancy in construction, management, operation of roads, highways, ports, industrial and software parks, sewage and drainage systems, generation of power, providing basic, cellular and private telephone services. |
Diamond Based and Allied Rock Drilling
To manufacture, sell, deal in or repair diamond base and allied rock drilling, tools.
Disinfectants, insecticides, fertilizers, manures, foods, drugs, medicines etc.
To carry on either as manufacturers, processors, traders, exporters, importers, consignees, consigners, principals, owners, agents or factors and either wholesale, retail, forward or ready all or any of the business following that is to say, disinfectants, insecticides, fertilizers, manures, foods, drugs, medicines, chemicals, dyes, perfumes, toilet requisites, oils, paints, pharmaceuticals, botanical and biological products, proprietory articles, chemists and druggists, surgical, orthopaedic and scientific apparatus.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, brewers, malsters, compounders, processors, rectifiers, merchants, exporters, importers, brokers, bottlers, buyers, sellers, agents, and dealers in all types of spirits, alcohol, wines and liquors such as gin, rum whisky, brandy, beer, ale, stout, porter etc. and all kinds of aerated, mineral, artificial and medicated waters and drinks and all products or by products thereof and food products.
Drapers, Tailors and Readymade Garment Merchant
To carry on anywhere in India and/or elsewhere the business of drapers and dealers in cloth of all types and every descripttion and to act as tailors, cutters and outfitters, makers and supplies of clothing and garments of every kind and descripttion, hosiers and dealers of all types of readymade garments all dresses made of natural, synthetic or blended textiles of all types and of every descripttion.
Dry-Cleaners and Launderers
1. To carry on all or any of the businesses usually carried on by dry cleaners, dyers and launderers of man made fibres woolen, silken and cotton wearing apparels and clothing or cloths of every and all kinds and descripttions. |
2. To control, manage on payment of commission or otherwise drycleaning and washing plants and businesses of all kinds which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the running of any business which the Company is authorised to carry on. |
3. To construct, erect, work, maintain, improve, alter or assist in the erection, construction, working, maintenance, improvements or alteration of any buildings, drycleaning plants or machinery or shops and factories, plants, works, cars, wagons, lorries, carts and other works and to contribute to the expenses of constructing, improving, maintaining, working and repairing any of the same. |
4. To purchase, sell, manufacture, import, export or otherwise deal in all types of drycleaning plants, dryers, steam presses and household washing machines. |
Edible and Non Edible Oils
To carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, refining, processing, converting, purchasing, selling, importing and trading and dealing in all types of edible and non-edible oils, all types of oil and deoiled cakes, all kinds of oil bearing seeds, deoiled brans vegetable and vanaspati ghee, cakes.
To establish and maintain an educational institution for providing and imparting education of all kinds including management, technical, scientific, literary, commercial and other general disciplines and also other specialised educational and vocational courses and fields.
Electric and Fluorescent Lamps
1. To carry on business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and agents for all kinds of electric lamps, including fluorescent lamps of all kinds, incandescent lamps of all types, including vacuum and gas filled lamps, general lighting service lamps, high wattage lamps, photo flood lamps, automobile and vehicle lamps, train lamps, locomotive headlight lamps, miniature lamps, telephone dial lamps, projector lamps, tungsten-halogen lamps of various kinds as well as gas discharge lamps Including mercury vapour lamps, sodium vapaur lamps, metal halide lamps, flaash bulbs, neon lamps and tubes. |
2. To carry on business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and agents for components, parts, accessories and raw-materials for all kinds of lamps including incandescent, fluorescent and gas discharge lamps such as glass shells, glass tubes, filaments and cathodes, mercury and sodium arc burners, lead-on-wires, caps, phosphorous and other chemicals required for the manufacture or processing of electric lamps, also tungsten, molybdenum, copper, nickel, iron, dumet, solder and other types of wires, rods, plates, sheets, used in an types of electric lamps and accessories, gases including argon, krypton, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and the like and all kinds of packing materials. |
3. To carry on business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and agents of lighting fittings, luminaries, chokes, starters, ignitrons, lamp holders and other accessories used in conjunction with electric lamps or lighting including parts, components and materials required for the manufacture of any of the above. |
4. To undertake the manufacture, supply, erection and commissioning of all kinds of machinery, plant, equipment parts and accessories required for the manufacture of incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, gas discharge and other types of lamps and for lighting fittings, luminaries and accessories etc., used in conjunction with electric lamps and for the manufacture of components, parts, accessories and raw materials for all the above. |
Electrical and General Engineering
To carry on the business of electrical engineers, machinists, millwrights, founderers, wire drawers, tube-makers, and to buy, sell, repair, alter and deal in apparatus, machinery, materials and articles of all kinds and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above or otherwise calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of any of the Company's property and rights for the time being.
Electricity Supply
To carry on the business of general electric power supply company in all the branches, and to construct, lay down, establish, fix and carry out all necessary power stations, cables, wires, lines, accumulators, lamps and works and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity and to light cities, towns, streets, docks, markets, theatres, buildings and places, both public and private.
To carry on, manage supervise and control the business of transmitting, manufacturing, supplying, generating, distributing and dealing in electricity and all forms of energy and power generated by any source whether nuclear, steam, hydro or tidal, water, wind, solar, hydrocarbon fuel or any other form, kind or descripttion.
Electronic Components
To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sale, import and export of electronic components and equipments including carbon film resistors, metal film resistors, thick film resistors, trimmers, potentiometers, chips and other electronic components and equipments connected therewith.
Electronic Display System
To manufacture, install, supply and lease electronics display systems including time displays more particularly for racing, advertising, banking, stock exchanges, super markets, transport authorities, civil aviations, Railways and Defence.
Encourage, Sponsor Indoor/Outdoor Indian and Foreign Sports, Games etc.
To acquire, purchase, own, establish, run, maintain, manage, take on hire, lease out, assist, develop, organize, control, conduct, sponsor, contribute, to build, construct, represent, consult on establishing complex, clubs, club houses, gymkhanas, parks, centres, gardens, schools, clinics, parlours, halls, rooms, laboratories, libraries in order to promote, encourage and develop, sponsor indoor, and outdoor, Indian and foreign sports, games, pastimes, entertainment, recreations, health habits, arts, amusement, physical training, social awareness, and social interaction.
Engineering and Assembly
To undertake engineering designing, manufacture, engineering fabrication and assembly jobs especially in mild steel (M.S.) and stainless steel (S.S.) Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, Titanium, Tantalum and monel metal.
Engineering and Projects
To carry on the business of assembling, participating in, establishing, erecting, designing, planning, commissioning all types of engineering, mechanical, construction and industrial plants and projects including turn key projects in India and any other country in the world and to manufacture, make, assemble, build, construct, mould, erect, fabricate, fund and participate in industrial, mechanical, construction and office plants, equipments, machinery, vehicles, buildings and real estate required for manufacturing, processing, transportation and other commercial, manufacturing, trading and service business.
Engineering Consultancy
To design, manufacture, fabricate, erect, assemble, process, buy, sell, import, export and to give consultancy in or deal in engineering and industrial plants, machineries, machine parts, tools, gauges, instruments, appliances, components, accessories, finished and semi-finished goods and to undertake engineering fabrication jobs, manufacture pressure vessels, chemical plants, heat exchangers, microfilters, valves, material handling equipments, food processing plants, pharmaceutical plant, conveyer devices, pollution control systems, effluent treatment equipment, energy conservation systems, heat recovery systems and to undertake manufacture of engineering goods required for industrial purpose.
To render and undertake consultancy services and to develop, purchase or otherwise acquire and/or provide any technical know-how in regard to the business activity of the company and also that which may be acquired in the course of its business and for assisting in the manufacture or processing of goods, materials or instrument he installation, erection or working of machinery or plant for such manufacture or processing.
Engineering Products, Spare Parts
To buy, sell, take and let on hire, store, market, import, export, service, repair, maintain, deal in all types and varieties of engineering products and its spare parts, components, accessories and other articles thereof required or used in connection therewith used for commercial, industrial, agricultural.
To design, manufacture, construct, build, erect and commission, innovate, modernize, import, export, purchase, sell, deal in, distribute, recondition, renovate, repair, alter, maintain, operate, replace the machines, special purpose machinery, plant equipment, machine tools and accessories thereof, instruments, devices, supplies and attachments connected therewith or relating thereto and all materials, metals and things used in the manufacture, construction, building, repair, alteration, maintenance and operation thereof, to undertake turnkey projects and work as contractors for erection of engineering Industries, including civil infrastructure/installation of machines, electrical engineering & commissioning thereof.
To manufacture, assemble, purchase, sell, import, export, repair, service, renovate, instal, fabricate, hire our and let on hire engines of all types, sizes and kinds, including internal combustion engines and gas turbines and other engines working on any other form of energy and on any scientific principle whatsoever required as prime-movers for tractors and other applications.
Epoxy Resins and Compound
1. To carry on the business of establishing, manufacturing and distribution of Di-Glycidial ether of Bisphenol A and all grades and types of epoxy resins, high temperature epoxy compounds, insulating varnish, epoxy adducts, epoxy formulations, curing agents/hardener and ancillaries of all types used for synthetic resins, petroleum chemicals, polymer chemicals, Ephichlorohydrin, Bisphenol-A, Bisphenol-F, Synthetic wood and other allied Polymer Products. |
2. To carry on the business of manufacturing and marketing Novolac Epoxy Resins, Polyurethene Resins, Polyurethene Formulations, Poly Carbonate Resins and end products of all the Synthetic Resins. |
3. To carry on the business of manufacturing processing and dealers is PVC pipes, PVC Cables, plastics and compounds of different grades and other industrial chemicals. |
4. To carry on the business of manufacturing and of dealers in PVC resins, spares and components made of PVC compounds. |
Experiment, Produce, Multiply Plant and Animal Tissues in Artificial Environment
1. To experiment on, generate, cultivate, culture, grow, produce, procure, process, multiply plant and animal tissues in artificial environment and conditions, micropropagation, pathogen free varieties of plants and seeds, genetic variants and to buy, sell, import, export, trade and deal in such tissues, plants, seeds, propogates. |
2. Subject to guidelines, Rules, policies, relaxations and concessions announced or to be announced by the Government from time to time to export the genetical propagates covered under the above object and establish agents, export, dealers, export promoters, consortium/associate exporters, international traders, stockists, distributors and commission agents, indenters, adtiyas, factors, carriers, container operators, bonded warehouses keepers, clearing/leading and forwarding agents, only for the purpose of plant tissue culture products covered under the main object as above. |
To carry on the business of exporters in garments, textiles, handicrafts, leather goods, art goods, rubber goods, plastic products, chemicals, engineering products, electrical and electronic goods, computer hardware and software, telecommunication equipment, precious and semi-precious stones, sea foods, commodities, agriculture, horticulture and floriculture produce, dairy and poultry products, and building materials.
Export Promotion Association
1. To promote and safeguard the interest of all Export Oriented Units in India Licensed under the Export Scheme framed by the Government of India. |
2. To work for the betterment of the members for carrying on any trade or manufacture relating to export oriented industries. |
3. To represent the grievances of the manufacturers collectively which an individual cannot make and to solve them in a peaceful and legal manner with the help of the concerned authorities, engaged in export oriented industries. |
4. To collect disseminate and circulate commercial statistics and formation of all kinds to the exporters. |
5. To co-operate with other manufacturers, associations and other bodies for the advancement of trade and, manufacture having similar aims and objects. |
6. To subscribe and promote the aims and objects of any Society or Association having similar objects to all or any of the subject of the Association and to encourage and support any association of Government policy for the improvement of laws relating to export and import. |
7. To subscribe to local and national charities and to grant donations for public purpose. |
Fibre Sacks & Other Goods
To manufacture, buy, sell, convert, fabricate film bags, tubes, pipes, glow signs, oriented tapes and fibres for sacks, tarpaulins, containers of all types, of any size or shape, rigid, flexible or a composite of both from any thermo plastics or thermosetting materials by the moulding, processing, extruding, blowing, vacuum forming or any combination of the above and any other method of forming or conversion which may be discovered hereafter and to undertake the sealing, printing, stamping, shaping, packing of articles mentioned above.
Fibre Yarn
To carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, agents, factors, importers, exporters, merchants and financiers of all kinds of man-made fibres and man-made fibre yarns of all kinds, man-made fibre cords of all kinds and man-made fibre fabrics of all kinds, mixed with or without mixing, materials like woolen, cotton, metallic or any other fibres of vegetable, mineral or animal origin, manufacturing such man-made fibres and man-made fibre products of all descripttion and kinds with or without mixing fibres of other origin as described above, by any process using petrochemicals of all descripttion or by using vegetable or mineral oils or products of all descripttion required to produce such man-made fibres.
Film Production and Distribution
1. To produce, buy, sell, import, export, or otherwise deal in cinematographic films, television films, video films and video cassettes. |
2. To establish, purchase, take on lease or hire or otherwise acquire and maintain, and to sell, give on lease or hire studios, laboratories, cinemas, picture places, halls, theatres, etc. for production, processing and printing of films. |
3. To carry on the business of exhibition and distributing cinematographic films, television films, video films and acquiring or selling rights therein. |
To carry on, acquire, run, promote and establish the business of filter industry and for that purpose to design, manufacture, fabricate, produce, process, develop, make, repair, buy, sell, import, export, let on hire, assemble, improve or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of filters such as air filters, water filters, oil filters, gas filters, filter elements, filter papers or any other products covered in the range of filter elements and to manufacture, make, sell, export, import, process and improve and otherwise deal in filter elements and filter processing paper and other media such as felt, wire gauge, glass, wool and like or any other product which may due to advanced technique be or become useful as media or material or base for the manufacture of filter elements including depth type, edge type, state type and micronite paper type, media which are used for filtration.
Finance, Hire Purchase and Leasing Movable & Immovable Assets
To carry on and undertake the business of finance, hire purchase, leasing and to finance, lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, importing, indenting, exporting, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of movable and immovable properties, plant, machinery and equipments and to finance and assist in financing for hire purchase, deferred payment and similar transactions and to finance, subsidies and assist in subsidising the sale and maintenance of goods, articles, assets of all kinds and descripttion and to purchase, sell, or otherwise deal in all types of movable/immovable property, including land and buildings, plant and machinery, equipments, ships, vehicles, aircrafts, computers, mechanical and scientific apparatus and all industrial, consumer and commercial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner including resale transactions.
Financial and Investment Advisors
To act as Financial Advisors and Investment Advisors and to render such financial advisory services to individuals, companies, corporations, trusts and other entities as supplemental activities of the company and as do not conflict with the fund management activities.
Financial and Investment
To carry on and undertake the business of finance, investment, loan and guarantee company and to invest in acquire, subscribe, purchase, hold, sell, divest or otherwise deal in securities, shares, stocks, equity linked securities, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, commercial papers, acknowledgements, deposits notes, obligations, futures, calls, derivatives, currencies and securities of any kind whatsoever, whether issued or guaranteed by any person, company, firm, body, trust, entity, government, state, dominion sovereign, ruler, commissioner, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, whether in India or abroad. The Company will not carry any NBFC Activity as per section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934.
To carry on and undertake the business of financial services like financial restructuring/reorganization, investment counseling, portfolio management and all activities and facilities of every descripttion including all those capable of being provided by bankers, stockbrokers, merchant-bankers, investment bankers, portfolio managers, trustees, agents, advisors, consultants, providing other financial or related services and to carry on the activities of hire-purchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of plant and machinery and equipment and to assist in financing of all and every kind and descripttion of hire-purchase or deferred payment or similar transactions and to subsidize, finance or assist in subsidizing or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, articles or commodities of all and every kind and descripttion upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of movable property including plant and machinery, equipments, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers, and all consumer, commercial, medical and industrial items with or without security and to lease or otherwise deal with them including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased is new and/or used and from India or abroad.
To carry on and undertake the business of acting as agent of any person, public or private sector enterprises, financial institutions, banks, Central Government and State Governments and to do financial research, design and preparation of feasibility study reports, project reports and appraisal report in India and abroad.
Fish and Other Seafood
1. To buy, sell, deal, barter, import, or export, whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or brokers or otherwise or to catch fish and procure seafoods and preserve, smoke, cure, freeze, prepare or process fish and seafoods and to manufacture or procure any substances or articles wholly or partially from fish or seafoods for human or animal consumption. |
2. To carry on the business of keepers, warehousemen and transporters of fish, sea foods, processed fish and seafoods, vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, poultry and foods of every descripttion. |
3. To purchase, sell, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, deal, operate, equip and use trawlers, vessels, plants, apparatus, equipments and articles for catching, procuring processing, preserving, packing, bottling, canning and extracting fish, fish-products, seafoods of all kinds. |
Fishing and Farming Equipments
To manufacture, purchase and otherwise deal in all kinds of fishing, farming, gardening and canning equipments, implements, tolls, stores, accessories, requisites, chemicals, feeds, manure, preservatives, protectives and things required for the purpose of fishing, farming and canning business.
Flour Mills
To carryon the business as manufacturers, Producers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, grinders, Processors, traders, refiners, purifiers, millers, cultivators, agriculturers, agents for cereals, cereal products, dal, besan, flour atta, maida, suji corns, spices, oil seeds, oil cakes, cattle feed and the products combinations or products mixtures, by-products arising therefrom and also to act as a dal & besal mill proprietors, flour mill proprietors, oil mill proprietors, seeds and grain crusher, millers, polishers.
Flowers and Flower Plants
To carry on the business of floriculture and to cultivate, buy, sell, import, export, trade, deal in, market in all varieties of flowers and flowers plants.
Foods and Feeds Industry
To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, stockiest, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters and dealers of poultry, human, animal, veterinary foods, feeds, animal feeds, poultry feeds, cattle feeds, oil cakes, feed supplements, feed additives, fish meal, meat, chicken, meat and chicken products, egg products, cut-portion chicken, quail meat products, sheep, goat, pig meat products, processed meat, chicken and fish products, chicken products, table bird products in pellet or powder or liquid form or otherwise food products, health and instant foods, vegetable and non- vegetable fast food, ready to food products, frozen foods, tinned foods, fats and protein, health products, baby food, dietic food, food product additives, food supplements, food ingredients,, sea foods, processed sea products, fish, fish products, fruit, fruit pulps, fruit products, sausages, jams, dry fruits, mixed dry fruits, fruit products, sweets, milk, skimmed milk, ghee. Butter, cheese and such other milk products of all kinds soya products, edible oil, edible oil products, refined oil, oil extracts, vegetable products, tonics. Powders, cordials, restoratives, preservatives, tea, coffee, barely, malt, cocoa products, coconut, ground nut, beverages, mineral mixtures, mineral waters, soft drinks, cold drinks, ice creams, jellies, essence, juice and food stuffs and consumable provisions of every descripttion for human or animal consumption.
1. To purchase, sell, import, export, manufacture, repair or otherwise deal in all types of boots, shoes, clogs, all kinds of footwear, rubber, and plastic goods, lasts, boots, trees, laces, buckles, leggings, boot polishes, purses, bags, boxes, belts and accessories and fittings. |
2. To purchase, sell, import, export, repair, manufacture or otherwise deal in all types of leather tanning machmes, leather sewing and cutting, finishing machines, tools and implements. |
Founders and Forgers
1. To carry on business as ironmasters, ironfounders, ironworkers, steel-makers, blast furnace proprietors, brassfounders and metal makers, refiners and workers generally, shipbuilders and shipwrights, dock and wharf proprietors, colliery proprietors, ore importers and workers, sandblast workers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, constructional engineers, marine engineers, civil engineers, consulting manufacturers, millwrights, wheelwrights, cement and asbestos manufacturers, wood and timber merchants, joiners, woodworkers, manufacturing chemists, quarry owners, brick and tile manufacturers, galvanisers, machinists, japanners, annealers, welders, enamellers, electro and chromium platers, polishers, painters; warehousemen, storage contractors, garage proprietors and oil merchants, and contractors generally. |
2. To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in, forgings, castings, guns, projectiles, plates, boilers, engines, stoves, screws, nails, sewing machines, machinery, presses, implements, gears, motor cars, tools and engineering products and suppliers of all kinds, motor lorries, omnibuses, coaches, tramcars, locomotives, railway carriages and trucks, and other vehicles; aeroplanes, seaplanes, airships and other aircrafts, ironmongery and hardware, and wireless goods. |
Foundry Equipments
To carry on business as manufacturers, fabrication, producers, importers, exporters, dealers; agents, stockists, retailers, traders or brokers of all kinds of foundry equipments, mould boxes, ingot moulds, material handing equipments, tools, machine tools, gadgets, accessories, spares and machinery including steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines and other types of prime movers, industrial machinery especially for textiles, jute, rayon, sugar, tea, mining, metallurgical, cement, glass, chemicals, pharmaceutical, and paper industries, general items of machinery such as equipments, for various units, processes including size reduction equipment, covering equipment, size separation units, mixers and reactors, centrifugal machines, evaporators, distillation equipment, crystallisers, driers, power driven pumps reciprocating centrifugal and the like, air and gas/compressors and vacuum pipes, electrical furnaces, refrigeration and fire fighting equipment, high tensile bolts and nuts, expanded metal, fishing hooks and tackle, grinding wheels, segments and media, pins, and malleable castings.
To carry on in India or elsewhere, the business of buying, selling, marketing, supplying, importing, exporting, trading, hedging, storing, distributing, transporting, manufacturing, compressing, producing, processing, refining, mixing, formulating, purifying, disinfecting, converting, compounding, developing, deriving, discovering, searching, mining, quarrying, releasing, manipulating, preparing, or otherwise dealing in fuels required or used in industries, household, agriculture, laboratories, hospitals, aviators, vehicles, space rockets, communications, power plants, energy generation, water works, forest/plant protection and all other purposes whatsoever, including petroleum, petroleum products and by-products, petrochemicals, oil, crude, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbonic acid and all sorts of gases including natural gas (NG) liquified natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG), liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and associated gaseous substance, hydrocarbons, coal, coal bed methane, lignite, coke, petrol, naphtha, high speed diesel, aviation turbine fuel, superior kerosene oil, including other related products and to act as selling agents, commission agents, sales organizers, distributors, stockists, del-credre agents, C & F agents, wholesalers and retailers for aforesaid products and designing, developing, erecting, installing, setting up, operating, maintaining, managing, owning, leasing, hiring retail or wholesale outlets, pumps, terminals, depots, showrooms, storage tanks, warehouses, godowns, objects, equipment, devices, facilities, infrastructure and to carry on the business of transportation and distribution, designing, setting up, erecting, maintaining and operating in India or abroad, pipes, pipelines, cross country piping systems, cylinders and other allied facilities for distribution of fuels, gases, natural resources and to provide other related and ancillary services, facilities, assets or infrastructure, including but not limited to value all sorts of added services and to plan, establish, develop, provide, promote, use, operate, conduct, procure, facilitate, maintain, do business, provide infrastructure and act as consultants, agent for attaining the above object.
Fuses, Explosives, Fire Crackers, Arms and Ammunition
1. To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in safety fuse for blasting purposes, gutta parcha fuses, white fuse, and other varieties of fuse on vogue or that may be manipulated from time to time, fire crackers, sparklers, denonators, game charges, cartridges, arms and ammunition, blasting charges, pyrotechnics, pyrotechnic accessories, high explosives, explosives. |
2. To produce, manufacture, purchase, prepare, import, export, sell, to search for, get work, supply and deal in every kind of explosives and generally to undertake to carry and execute all kinds of commercial, financial, trading and other operations and transactions, in connection with the said explosives as articles referred above. |
Garage Keepers
1. To carry on the business of garage keepers and suppliers of and dealers in petrol, electricity and other motive power for motors and other automobiles. |
2. To carry on the business of servicing, repairing and maintaining of all kinds of motors and other vehicles of every descripttion. |
3. To buy, sell, deal in, exchange, let out on hire vehicles of all kinds. |
4. To supply motor parts and accessories including batteries, fittings and furnishings for vehicles of all kinds. |
5. To carry on business as body builders of all types of vehicles. |
6. Generally to do all acts and things incidental or ancillary to the aforesaid objects. |
Garage Owners
1. To carry on the business of garage owners for service, repairs or overhaul of automobiles and other vehicles of any kind and descripttion. |
2. To import, export, deal in, exchange, let out vehicles of all kinds and the business of dealers in or suppliers of automobile parts including tyres, tubes, batteries, fittings and |
Gauges, Meters
To design, develop, manufacture, buy, sell. construct, fabricate, import, export or otherwise deal in all kinds of gauges and meters whether electronic, optical. electrical or mechanical for the measurement of level, temperature flow and any other parameter and to fabricate, assemble and integrate systems utilising all or any of the above gauges and meters Including soft ware required and to carryon business as general, mecl1imical electronic and electrical engineers.
Gelatine Capsules
To manufacture, sell, purchase, export, import, deal in and act as agents, distributors converters and suppliers of soft gelatine capsules, hard gelatine capsules, bulk drugs and formulations.
General Electric Power Supply
To carry on the business of a General Electric Power Supply Company in all its branches and to generate, develop, accumulate, augment, receive, transmit, distribute, sell, resell, supply or otherwise deal in electric power by establishment, erection of diesel genset power plants, gas based combined cycle power plants, therma power plants, solar power plants, wind power plants, atomic power plants, hydraulic power plants or any other power plants based on any source of energy as may be developed or invented in future and to construct, lay down, establish, fix and carry out and execute all necessary work in respect of power stations, cables, wires, lines, accumulators and transformers.
Glass and Glassware
To carry on the business of manufacture, process, assembly, repairs, development, design, import, export of all sorts of flasks, glass, glassware, including crystal glass or any other type of glass or glassware
Glazed Wares, Glazes and Glaze Colours
To carry on the business of manufacturers, processors, dealers, merchants, distributors, tradesman, importers, exporters, designers and developers of and in all kinds of glazes, glaze colour, earthware, china fireclay, caneware, drain and water pipes, hallow and solid products for partitions and load bearing walls, ceiling blocks and roof bricks and all alied bricks, tiles, terracotta, sanitary ware, plain and art stoneware and glass colour.
To carry on the business relating to the finding and working of minerals, the production and working of metals.
Hardboard and Wood
1. To carry on the business as manufacturers of the hardboard and its by-products. |
2. To carry on business as manufacturers of and dealers in articles of any descripttion made or prepared out of hardboard and its by-products. |
3. To buy, sell, grow, prepare for market, manipulate, import, export and deal in wood of all kinds and/or by-products of wood of all kinds and to manufacture and deal in articles of all kinds in the manufacture of which wood or any by-product of wood is used. |
4. To buy, acquire, plant and work wood estates. |
Hardware and Mill Store
To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, importing, exporting, distributing of all sorts and categories of iron and steel, Mill store, Hardware, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals, Electrical goods and Components, Machinery, Machinery parts, Pricision tools and implements and such other goods, materials and merchandise incidental thereto or connected therewith.
Hatching Eggs and Rearing and Raising Chicks
1. To carry on the business of hatching eggs and rearing and raising chicks, the business of development of Pureline Stock and Breeding pigs, milch animals, sheep and rearing techniques, raising and breeding goats, buffaloes, bull and other seed animals, meat birds, broilers and to carry on the business of poultry farming, horticulture, pisciculture, sericulture, floriculture and traders exporters and sellers of and dealers in products of farming hariculture, sericulture, horticulture and pisciculture. |
2. To manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, can, refine, bottle, buy, sell, deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or as keepers, warehousemen or dealers in meat, processed meat, table poultry products, vegetables, canned and tinned and processed foods, fast foods, processed fish and seafoods, frozen foods, protein, health and instant foods of all kinds, including baby and dietic foods, cereals, beverages, cordials, tonics, restoratives ad aerated mineral waters and food stuffs and consumable provisions of every descripttion for human or animal consumption, and to carry on the business as brevers and malsters, transporters and catchers and dealers in fish and sea animals. |
Health Care and Non Prescribed Drugs
To buy, sell, manufacture, import, export, distribute and otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of cosmetics, non-prescribed drugs, health care products, food preservatives and additives, fast foods, artificial flavorings, artificial dyes and coloring agents, oleoresins, beauty and skin care products, perfumes, colognes, food supplements, health aids, glamour products, Birth control medicines and devices and lubricants.
Heavy Construction
To carry on the business of heavy engineering and constructions projects, promoters, builders, developers, construction and maintenance Contractors of residential, commercial, industrial buildings, warehouses, bridges, dams, roads, hydro projects and structures and to undertake development of land, buildings, build, renovate, enlarge, extend, pull down, re-build, supervise, consult on and prepare layouts for project building and construction activities.
Hire Purchase
To carry on the business of letting on hire or selling under hire purchase system or otherwise, on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the Board from time to time, automobiles and other vehicles of every kind and descripttion, material handling equipments and devices, plant, machinery, tools, jigs and fixtures, office equipments like typewriters, adding machines and calculators, televisions, radios, transistors, electronic equipment of all kinds, fans, heaters, coolers, air-conditioners, refrigerators and other electrical appliances, telephones and intercom systems, in any part of India or abroad.
To carry on the business of owning, operating, managing or otherwise dealing in hotels, motels, lodges, hostels, resorts, club houses, health centres, business centres, refreshment rooms, bars, pubs, discos, eateries, food parlours, ice cream parlours, bakeries, flight kitchen and catering services.
To carry on the business of establishing, setting, running, managing, administering, maintaining, hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, maternity homes, medical, family planning centers, diagnostic centers, critical care centers, rehabilitation centers, pediatric centers, recovery rooms, health resorts, health clinics, polyclinics, medical centers, nature cure centers, x-ray. E. C. G. and other clinics, sanatoriums, nursing homes, research and investigations, development, training institutes in medical, yoga and surgical field.
Hotel Industry
To establish, run, operate, conduct, own, manage, maintain & carry on business of hotels, inns, restaurants, taverns, refreshments & tea-rooms, cafés, milk & snacks bars, salad bars, ice cream parlors, motel, bear house, bar & permit rooms, holiday camps, lodging houses.
Hotels and Lodging Houses
1. To purchase, erect, acquire, operate, manage or in any other manner and in all its aspects deal in, hotels, lodging houses of every kind and sort including all the conveniences, amenities and facilities adjunct thereto, in India and or in any other part of the world |
2. To carry on the business of restaurants, cafes, refreshment rooms, clubs and casinos of sort and kind, to establish shops, canteens, kitchen and kind, to establish shops, canteens, kitchens and any other establishment, for this purpose and for the sale of food and drink of every sort and kind and to arrange for and provide all manner of entertainments, amusements, recreation and instruction for the public. |
3. To carry on the business of hotel, restaurants, café, tavern, beer house, refreshment rooms and lodging house keepers, licensed victuallers wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers malstrs, distrillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, minerals and artificial waters and other drinks, surveyors, caterers for public amusements generally proprietors of motor and other vehicles, garage proprietors, livery stable keepers, job masters, farmers, dairyman, ice merchants, importers and brokers of good, live and dead stock and colonial and foreign produce of all descripttions, hair dressers, perfumers, chemists, proprietors of clubs, bath, dressing rooms, laundries, reading, writing and newspapers room, libraries, ground and places of amusement, recreation, sport entertainment and instruction of all kinds, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for railway, shipping and airplane companies and carriers, theatrical and opera box office, proprietors, entrepreneurs. |
Household Appliances
To carry on the business as importers, exporters, manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of household appliances including refrigerators, dryers, heaters, presses, pressure cookers, ovens, cooking ranges, hot plates, other cooking utensils of all types, containers, buckets, toasters, mixers, washing machines and other electric appliances including radios, televisions, transformers and electric motors of every kind and descripttion.
Housing Finance
To lend money and negotiate loans for housing development and finance and to carry on in all their respective branches the business of housing, general finance.
Human Medicines, Drugs, Vaccines, Biological and Pharmaceutical Products
1. To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell and deal in chemicals, pharmaceutical, biological, microbiological products, genetically modified organisms, medicines, drugs, serums, vaccines, pharmaceutical formulations in the form of injections, tablets, capsules, oinments, suppositories, ophthalmic, liquid oral preparations, cosmetics, veterinary, dental preparation food products, essential oils, crude drugs, family planning devices and biological/pharmaceutical devices, medicaments, using various technologies including Biotechnology, DNA Recombinant Technology and Conjugation Technology for manufacturing wide range of human medicines, drugs, vaccines, biological and pharmaceutical products. |
2. To conduct research using techniques including Insilico techniques in the field of developing new/better/improved/alternate/modified/latest technologies/Genomics and Proteomics/phytomedicines/reverse genetics, for manufacturing wide range of human medicines, drugs, vaccines, biological and pharmaceutical products, including Biotechnology, DNA Recombinant Technology and Conjugation Technology and commercializing such technologies by manufacturing respective products and/or assigning/ selling/ licensing/ sub-licensing/ sharing/ parting/ disposing off such technologies to/with various Agencies/Institutions/ Body Corporates/Associations/Organisations, etc. |
3. To manufacture, import, export, buy, sell and deal in, as whole-seller or retailer, laboratory, basic, fine, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical compounds and products including laboratory and scientific pharmaceuticals and intermediate chemicals, synthetic and semi-synthetic as well as natural products. |
Human Resource
1. To carry on business of providing services of resources information and development of resource finding activity in respect of procurement, marketing, distributing, dealing, importing, exporting in the variety of movable and immovable properties such as rights, designs, drawings, know-how, manpower, human resources, land and building, vehicles, offices, work shops, plant and machinery, tools, finished or semi finished goods, consumable products, marine products, metals, minerals, stones, pearls, jewelleries, agro based products, by-products used for commercial, engineering, industrial, technical, consumable, educational, household, medical, research, decorative and defence purposes. |
2. To undertake market survey, market research and to collect, process, publish information and statistics and to develop resource information and data bank in India and elsewhere for development of vendors. |
3. To assist, take over sick units and provide managerial, administrative and financial support for the rehabilitation of such sick units. |
Hydraulic Pumps, Motors, equipments
1. To acquire and take over as going concern the partnership business now carried on at Udyambag, Belguam under the name and style of ‘POLYHYDRON SYSTEM and all the asset and liabilities of the partnership business in connection therewith on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the partners of the said firm of the one part and the Board of Directors of the Company of the other part. |
2. To manufacture, produce, fabricate, design, install, repair or otherwise acquire, buy, sell, exchange, distribute trade, deal in or deal with, import and export, take on lease or give on lease, hydraulic pumps, valves, accumulator, hydraulic motors, hydraulic equipments, cylinders, power packs with hydraulic, mechanical, pneumatic, electric, electronic or computerized control systems, hydraulic aeroplanes, hydraulic and mechanical jacks, tractor components, components for earth moving machinery and material handling equipments and spares, accessories and sub-assemblies for the above, involving hydraulic systems. |
Ice and Ice-Cream
1. To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in ice and ice-creams in all its branches. |
2. To set up, install, purchase, manufacture or otherwise acquire plant, machinery, equipment and related facilities for the manufacture of ice and ice-creams as aforesaid. |
3. To open, manage, construct, hire, rent, ice-cream parlors for sale of ice-creams and for provision of video games and other related facilities generally associated therewith and/or are capable of being combined profitably therewith. |
4. To do all other acts and things which are incidental or ancillary to the aforesaid objects. |
Indices, Related Data and Products
To commence and to carry on the business of development, construction, computation and maintenance of Indices, related data and products for domestic and international dissemination, marketing and market development of these Indices and any such related data and products for the purpose of trading on domestic or international Stock Exchanges, or for any other purpose or to enter into association with any such Exchange, Index provider, Capital and Financial market player in India or abroad whether by subscripttion, licensing or on a co-operation principle for furthering the objects of the company.
Industrial & Agricultural Plant and Machinery, Ships, Vessels, Electronic Components, Application System
1. To carry on the businesses of manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of and dealers in industrial and agricultural plant and machinery, appliances and apparatus of every descripttion and of and in: |
1. All equipments for heat generation, process heating and heat exchange, |
2. Solid fuel fired boilers, |
3. Unfired pressure vessels,. |
4. Water tube boilers for multiple fuels, |
5. Producer gas plants, |
6. Chemical vessels and plants of all types, |
7. Combustion equipment for combustion of all types of fuels, |
8. Castings of all types _ ferrous and nonferrous, |
9. Power generating equipments, |
10. Furnaces of all types, |
11. Pumps, blowers, burners, valves, instruments, electric and mechanical devices, |
12. Incinerators, |
13. Autoclaves, |
14. Distillation plants, |
15. Dryers of all types, |
16. All types of material handling equipments, |
17. Pulverisers, |
18. Sintered products and products associated with powder metallurgy, |
19. Paint spraying, drying and conveying equipments, |
20. Equipments for metal pretreatment and metal finishing, |
21. Metal and other furniture and equipment for use in hospitals, homes, offices, canteens, kitchens, laboratories, colleges, schools, industries etc., |
22. Surgical and orthopaedic instruments and appliances, and electromedical equipment, |
23. Security equipment, |
24. Motor car, bicycle, truck, aeroplane and railway parts and bodies, |
25. Agricultural tools, plants, and equipment |
26. Hypodermic needles, syringes, medical apparatus or equipment of any kind, |
27. Bed-springs, castors, springs, scaffoldings, building materials, locks, tubes, ferrous and non-ferrous castings. |
28. Toys, perambulators, dairy appliances, scientific apparatus and appliances, |
29. Machine tools, plant and machinery, chemical vessels, boilers, thermal equipment such as steam generators, package boilers, pressurised sterilizers, furnaces and allied lines, electric devices, rubber articles, catering equipment, laundry machinery, |
30. Spare parts of the materials and things used for or in connection with the manufacture of all or any of the aforesaid appliances, equipment and articles. |
31. Water treatment plants. |
1A. To carry on the business of manufacture, purchase, sale, import and export of electronic components and equipments including carbon film resistors, metal film resistors, thick film resistors, trimmers, potentiometers, chips and other electronic components and equipments connected therewith. |
1B. To purchase, hire and to own, work, manage and trade with steam sailing, motor and other ships, trawlers, drifters, tugs and vessels with all necessary and convenient equipment connected therewith and to maintain, repair, improve, insure, alter, sell, exchange, or let out on hire or charter or otherwise deal with and dispose of any of the ships, vessels and equipment referred to herein. |
1C. To engage in the business of deep sea fishing for the purpose of selling, exporting and processing by way of cold storage or otherwise the catch of all varieties of fish. |
1D. To carry on the business of providing application systems to meet specific requirements of industries and to render services for programme conversions and the appropriate software for computers/electronic data processing systems for scientific research and development, education, governmental, commercial and industrial applications in India and abroad. |
1E. To render and undertake consultancy services and to develop, purchase or otherwise acquire and/or provide any technical know-how in regard to the business activity of the company and also that which may be acquired in the course of its business and for assisting in the manufacture or processing of goods, materials or in the installation, erection or working of machinery or plant for such manufacture or processing. |
2. To carryon the business of manufacturers, fabricators and dealers of all types of steel, sheet metal parts, pressure vessels, components, castings, machinery and in particular to undertake fabrication on contract or otherwise of sheet metal parts, pressure vessels, components, castings and machinery. |
Industrial and Agricultural Plants and Machinery
To carry on the business of manufacturers, installers, maintainers, repairers of, and dealers in industrial and agricultural plant and machinery, appliances and apparatus of every descripttion and of and in:
1. All equipments for heat generation, process heating and heat exchange, |
2. Solid fuel fired boilers, |
3. Unfired pressure vessels, |
4. Water tube boilers for multiple fuels, |
5. Producer gas plants, |
6. Chemical vessels and plants of all types, |
7. Combustion equipment for combustion of all types of fuels, |
8. Castings of all types - ferrous and non-ferrous, |
9. Power generating equipments, |
10. Furnaces of all types, |
11. Pumps, blowers, burners, valves, instruments, electric and mechanical devices, |
12. Incinerators, |
13. Autoclaves, |
14. Distillation plants, |
15. Dryers of all types, |
16. All types of material handling equipments, |
17. Pulverisers, |
18. Sintered products and products associated with power metallurgy, |
19. Paint spraying, drying and conveying equipments, |
20. Metal and other furniture and equipment for use in hospitals, homes, offices, canteens, kitchens, laboratories, colleges, schools, industries, etc., |
21. Surgical and orthopedic instruments and appliances, and electromedical equipment, |
22. Security equipment, |
23. Motor car, bicycle, truck, aeroplane and railway parts and bodies, |
24. Agricultural tools, plants and equipment, |
25. Hypodermic needles, syringes, medical apparatus or equipment of any kind, |
26. Bed-springs, castors, springs, scaffoldings, building materials, locks, tubes, ferrous and non-ferrous castings, |
27. Toys, perambulators, dairy appliances, scientific apparatus and appliances, |
28. Machine tools, plant and machinery, chemical vessels, boilers, thermal equipment such as steam generators, package boilers, pressurised sterilizers, furnaces and allied lines, electric devices, rubber articles, catering equipment, laundry machinery. |
29. Spare parts of the materials and things used for or in connection with the manufacture of all or any of the aforesaid appliances, equipment and articles. |
30. Water treatment plants. |
Industrial Gases
1. To manufacture, sell, deal in Industrial and medical oxygen, dissolved acetylene, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, freon and other gases and chemicals like anhydrous, calcium chloride, calcium carbide, acetone, bleaching powder, hydrated lime, slaked lime, liquid oxygen, explosives, welding electrodes, M.S. wire, high pressure & low pressure oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, cylinders, valves, nozzles, meters and carry on business in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, foundry engineering, chemical engineering and explosives. |
2. To carry on in all their respective branches all or any of the businesses of civil engineers, erection and foundation engineers, builders, masonry and general construction contractors, architectonic designers, consultants, decorators, to construct, reconstruct, execute, carry out, equip, alter, improve, work factories, ware houses, roadways, buildings, glass houses, water courses, reservoirs, sewage, drainage, sanitary works, wharves, water gates, waters, gas, electric and other supply lines. |
Industrial Machinery
To carry on the business in India or elsewhere as manufacturers of machinery and equipment and goods and material required by engineering, chemical and other industries and to buy, sell, repair, convert, alter, export, import, let on hire, supply and deal in machinery, implements, goods and material of all kinds.
Industries Development Corporation
1. To promote, encourage and assist the orderly establishment, growth and development of industries and industrialisation in the districts of …………. and for that purpose to investigate and assess the possibilities of industrial development in Western Maharashtra area and to undertake and assist investigatiolt of problems concerning any industry or concerning industrialisation in Western Maharashtra and to prepare or cause to be prepared project, statistical, engineering, survey and other reports useful to industrial enterprises and businesses and to undertake, promote or carry out either solely or jointly with the Government local bodies or any body corporate, co-operative bodies, association or individuals, the implementation of such project, statistical, engineering, survey and other reports and to convene, hold and conduct meetings, seminars, discussions and conferences, and to I undertake and promote research, including the establishment of laboratories and research centres. |
2. To prepare, undertake and promote industrial schemes either solely or jointly with the Government or any corporation, company, association, institution or individuals for industrial development of Western Maharashtra and to secure the approval of the Government for the industrial schemes or enterprises to be sponsored or undertaken or promoted by the Company or by any other company, corporation, institution, association or individuals. |
3. To encourage and take steps for procurement and establishment of public sector industrial projects of the Central or any State Government in Western Maharashtra. |
4. To encourage and take all steps to attract and invite entrepreneurs, industrialist, businessmen and promoters from all parts of the world to promote, establish, undertake and carry on business and industrial projects and enterprises in Western Maharashtra. |
5. To enter into any arrangements with any government or municipal, local or other authority and to procure from such government or authority any rights, privileges, franchises, licences or concessions for any industrial enterprises, companies, corporations, firms, businesses, associations and to assist such industrial enterprises in carrying out, exercising and complying with any such arrangements rights, licences, privilege, franchise and concessions. |
6. To assist in the establishment promotion, organisation, management or development, of any corporation, company, syndicate, firm, partnership enterprise undertakings, co-operative bodies and schemes or industry and assist in procuring capital credit and other aid for such corporation, company, syndicate, firm partnership enterprise, undertaking co-operative, bodies and schemes or industry. |
7. To train or cause to be trained in India or elsewhere and to provide, furnish or procure or assist in procuring for companies, corporations, industries undertakings, co-operative bodies, institutions and businesses, technical, professional, managerial, administrative and executive, personnel and to render assistance and advice to such corporations, industries, undertaking, co-operative bodies, institutions, businesses, government or municipal or other local bodies in obtaining and procuring managerial, technical, administrative, financial services and generally act as financial, industrial, management and planning consultants |
Information Technology
To carry on the business of developing, packaging, distributing, leasing, hiring or letting on hire, indenting, selling, maintaining, importing, exporting and dealing in computer software, hardware, office equipments and information systems and to engage in data, information processing and training in computer hardware, software and information management activities.
Information Technology and Web Enabled Services
1. To provide Information Technology Enabled Services, Web Enabled Services and other services including but not limited to back-office transaction/data processing, insurance processing including policy and claims processing, risk management, credit rating/ appraisal/reference, factoring; human resource benefits and administration services, payroll, stock-options plan administration and related services; finance, accounting and analysis, analytics, asset-liability analysis, expense processing, receivables/payables management, taxation and related services; custodial, depository, registrar and transfer agency services, and other capital market related services; realty services, facilities management, medical transcripttion, web-site services, geographic information system services, content development/animation and other operations support services; consultancy services; marketing and sales services; debt collections and/or a marketing agency, including research/customer satisfaction surveys, credit including authorization, verifications, underwriting and related services; property valuation/ appraisals, title checks, property insurance checks, legal clearances etc.; to establish, maintain and run data processing/computer centers, support and call centers, customer care and other customer service centers including tele-sales, tele-marketing, etc; to provide database services including software and hardware support services, net working services, data warehousing services, remote maintenance, testing services; software integration, development, verification and validation services; network/web-complex management services, digital certification services, information technology consultancy and a range of other ancillary services including but not limited to the operations and technology." |
2. (a) To solicit and procure insurance business as insurance agents and to carry on business as insurance brokers and agents, sub-insurance agent, franchiser and as underwriting agents in all classes of insurance business, and as insurance advisers, pension advisers, consultant, assessors, valuers, surveyors, average adjusters and mortgage brokers, to provide hire-purchase and consumer credit finance and to act as factors and to carry on business as consultants, advisers and managers in relation to insurance and pension policies, schemes and trusts; and to provide services relating to underwriting, risk assessment, claims adjudication, actuarial services, etc." |
(b) To act as agents or managers for any insurance company, club or association, or for any individual underwriter, in connection with its or his insurance or underwriting business (wherever it may be carried on) or any branch of it, and to make arrangements for all classes of insurance (including group, life and pension fund schemes) with any such company, club, association or underwriter and to act as representative, surveyor, collaborator or to deal in incidental and allied activities related to any insurance business." |
(c) To provide services relating to credit management including but not limited to credit authorization, credit processing, credit verifications, collections, tele-collections, field collections, underwriting, etc." |
(d) To provide services relating to appraisal/title checks including but not limited to credit checks, property valuation/appraisals, appraisal reviews, title checks, property insurance checks, legal clearances, etc. |
3. To carry on and undertake the business of finance and tracing, hire purchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of plant and machinery and equipment that the Company may think fit and to assist in financing of all and every kind and descripttion of hire purchase or deferred payment or similar transaction and to subsidise, finance or assist in subsidising or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, articles or commodities of all and every kind and descripttion upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of immovable and movable property including land and building plant and machinery, equipment, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers and all consumer durables, commercial and industrial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner whatsoever including resale thereof regardless of whether property purchased and leased by new and/or used. |
4. To advance, deposit or lend money, securities and properties to or with any Company, firm person or association whether falling under the same management or otherwise in accordance with and to the extent permissible under the provisions, contained in sections 370 and 372 of the Companies Act 1956, with or without security and on such terms as may be determined from time to time. However the Company shall not carry on the business of Banking as defined under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. |
5. To provide leasing, financing and investment advisory/counseling service to other entities. |
Information Technology, System Design and Analysis
To carry on the business of development, programming, installation, implementation, up gradation, re-engineering, consultancy, training in computer software, information technology, networking, system design and analysis more particularly in the field of analysis and rating of corporate bonds, including credit analysis, business analysis, valuation analysis and corporate bond sectors and market analysis.
Insulation Glass Wool, Mineral Wool
To establish and carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, importing, exporting and otherwise dealing with, processing and trading in insulation glasswool and mineral wool materials, products, equipments and other insulation material.
Insurance Business
1. To carry on and transact in India or elsewhere in any manner whatsoever, the business to establish, organise, manage, distribute, promote, encourage, provide, conduct, sponsor, subsidise, operate, develop and commercialise, all or any kinds of general insurance business including but not limited to, indemnity or guarantee business of all kinds, classes, nature and descripttion, fire, marine cargo, marine hull, aviation, transit, motor vehicles, engineering, accident, including rural, livestock and crop insurances and miscellaneous insurances and all branches of the above classes, and also the business of insurance against war, riots, strikes, terrorism, civil commotion, loss of profits, health, other contingencies and insurances covering any liability under any law, convention or agreement and to act as agent, representative, surveyor, sub insurance agent, franchiser, consultant, advisor, collaborator, or otherwise to deal in all incidental and allied activities related to general insurance business. |
2. To undertake reinsurance, co-insurance, retrocession of insurances and liabilities of any kind or accepted by other persons or bodies and for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions generally as may be thought fit and to undertake reinsurance or co-insure any insurances or liabilities undertaken by the company. |
3. To carry on and transact every kind of indemnity business and/or guarantee business and every kind of counter guarantee and counter indemnity business in all-their branches. |
4. To grant annuities of all kinds, whether dependent or human life or otherwise and whether perpetual or terminable, immediate or deferred, contingent or otherwise, relating to general insurance business. |
5. To carry on generally every kind of activity relating to general insurance business. |
Interior Decorators
1. To undertake jobs as interior decorators, furnishers, cleaners, repairers and render services in all other auxiliary fields. |
2. To carry on the business of manufacturing, selling, buying, letting on hire and otherwise dealing in all kinds of furnitures, fixtures, carpets, linoleums, art goods. |
Intermediary between Members and User Groups of Oracle India Product
1. to facilitate communication between members and user groups and the exchange of information on products, service, and technical issues related to Oracle India products, hereinafter known as the "Products"; |
2. to provide an active voice and consolidated channel of communication of the Users. of the Products in expressing needs, requirements, concerns and suggestions to Oracle Corporation at country, regional and global levels; |
3. to serve as a voice in matters concerning the Information Technology industry, and to facilitate the uses and applications of the Products through the membership. |
4. to provide a channel of communication from Oracle India to the users of its Products to disseminate information, plans, and intentions on the products; |
5. to co-ordinate and assist educational endeavour through organised meetings and the dissemination of books, articles, papers, etc., pertaining to technical and non-technical information affecting the use of the Products; |
6. to create and co-ordinate the purposes and actions of any Special Interest Groups and to create a forum where the activities and concerns of the User Group can be communicated to the members of the Society; |
7. to sponsor educational conferences and seminars for the exchange of information, experience and concepts related to the use of Oracle products and services; and |
8. to perform and do any and all such acts as may be necessary or desirable to carry out IOAUG's purposes as may be determined by the Society. |
Internal Combustion Engines and Parts thereof
(A) |
To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, manufactures, of all types of internal combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotives, road rollers, automobiles, trucks, tractors, agricultural implements and pumps, machine-tool makers, brass founders, moulders and metal workers, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood workers tool makers and metallurgists, and to buy, sell, repair, convert, alter, export, import, let on hire and deal in machinery, implements and hardware of all kinds. |
(B) |
To manufacture, produce, repair, export, import, purchase, sell (whether for ready or for future delivery), hire and let on hire and generally to carry on business in internal combustion engines of all types and kinds and in particular diesel engines of all sizes and capacities, reciprocating piston engines, gas turbine engines, gasoline engines, fuelled by gas, oil and other fuels for use for automotive purposes (including in passenger automobiles, railway locomotives, trucks, tractors, earth-moving apparatus and buses) and for aviation, marine and electrical energy generating and other stationary purposes. |
(C) |
To manufacture, produce, repair, export, import, purchase, sell (whether for ready or for future delivery) and generally to carry on business in all types of auxiliaries and spare parts, of tools and equipment and machinery and in respect of the articles and things referred to in clause (1) above including in particular cooling towers, water primers, heat exchangers, lube oil cleaners, lube oil strainers, lube oil sumps, lube oil filter pumps, governors, generators, exciters, water pumps, oil pumps, filters, silencers, fuel pumps, exhaust systems, booster pumps, starting air tanks, starting air compressors, tanks of all kinds and otherwise to manufacture, produce, buy and sell all trucks, equipments and machineries of which the articles and things referred to in clause (1) and in this clause may be or form part. |
Investment Business and Underwriting & Dealing in Stocks
1. To carry on the business of investment and to buy, sell, underwrite, deal, invest in, acquire and. hold shares, stocks, debentures, debenture-stock, bonds, units obligations and securities issued or guaranteed, by any company constituted 0 carrying on business in India and/or elsewhere and in debentures, debenture-stock bonds, obligation and securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, state dominions, sovereigns, ruler, commissioner, public body or authority, municipal local or otherwise, firm or persons. whether in India or elsewhere and provide, that no investments imposing unlimited liability on the Company shall be made |
2. To carry on business in movable and immovable properties, to buy, sell or deal and to act as agents for the purchase, sale. or. disposal of movable and immovable properties. |
3. To subscribe for, take, purchase, or otherwise, acquire and' hold share or interest in or securities of any other companies. |
Investment Company
1. To carry on the business of an Investment Company and to buy, sell, underwrite, invest in or otherwise acquire, hold and deal in the name of the company or its nominees shares stocks, debentures, debentures stock, bonds, deposits, hundies, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company constituted or carrying on business in India or elsewhere or by any Government State, Public body or authority, firm, units, undertaking or person, trusts, corporations, society in India pr elsewhere. |
2. To make investment in movable and immovable properties, real estates, farms, lands, buildings, or movable properties, plant and machinery, equipments, jewellery, precious stones, gold, silver and turn to account the name by selling, leasing, letting on hire or otherwise. |
Investment Trust Company
1. To carry on the business of an Investment Trust Company and invest the capital and other moneys of the Company in the purchase or upon the security of shares, stocks, units, debentures, debenture-stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture- stock, bonds, notes, mortgages, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, commissioner, trust, municipal, local or other authority or body in India or elsewhere. |
2. To invest in purchase, acquire, take on lease or be interested in any immovable property such as lands of any tenure whether free-hold, lease-hold or any other rights therein and buildings, houses, flats, warehouses, godowns, offices and industrial premises. |
Iron and Steel
To carry on the business of manufactures, importers, exporters, sellers, purchasers of and dealers in pig iron, sponge iron, wrought iron, alloy steel, steel converts, rolled steel makers, miners, smelters, engineers, founders in all or any of their respective branches, ferro silicon, ferro chrome, alloy steels, ferro alloys and other ferrous substances and metals of every descripttion and grades, to set up Casting and Rolling Mill plant for producing ingots, billets and all kinds of all sizes of re-rolled sections in flats, angles, rounds, squares, rails, joints, channels, strips, sheets, plates, deformed bars, plain and cold twisted articles, tubes and seamless tubes, shaftings, and structurals, metallurgical prospectors, explorers, contractors, agents and to market, buy, sell, import, export, trade, or otherwise deal in any or all of the above and to establish workshops for the manufacture of any equipment required for any of the industries which the Company can undertake and to deal in such equipments.
Iron, Ferrous Substances, Metals
1. To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers, exporters, sellers, purchasers of and dealers in pig iron, sponge iron, wrought iron, alloy steel, steel converts, rolled steel makers, miners, smelters, engineers, founders in all or any of their respective branches, ferro silicon ferro crome, alloy steels, ferro alloys and other ferrous substances and metals of every descripttion and grades, to set Casting and Rolling Mill plant for producing ingots, billets and all kinds of all sizes of re-rolled sections in flats, angles, rounds, squares, rails, joints, channels, strips, sheets, plates, deformed bars, plain and cold twisted bars, tubes and seamless tubes, shaftings, and structurals, metallergical prospectors, explorers, contractors, agents and to market, buy, sell import, export, trade, or otherwise deal in any or all of the above and to establish workshops for the manufacture of any equipment required for any of the industries which the Company can undertake and to deal in such equipments. |
2. To carry on the business of mines, importers and exporters of and dealers in iron ores, chromium ores, magnetic ores, thorium, uranium, asbestos, nickel, copper, lead, tin, bauxite ores and all ferrous and non-ferrous ores of every descripttion and grades whatsoever in any part of the country and to carry on the business of processing, clearing, melting, forging, grading and machining to convert the ores into marketable metals. |
Irrigation System
To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, deal in or assemble, service, repair, 1ease, let on hire or otherwise, Drip Irrigation lines, Sprinklers, Mini sprinklers, accessories and spares, Pumps, Valves, Flow meters, Hydro Cyclones, Pressure Regulators, Motors, Oil Engines, Switches, pipes and tanks made out of cement, plastic, PVC, Natural and Synthetic Material for storage, supply, movement of water, fertilizers, pesticides, Fumigants and similar materials for agricultural, gardening, domestic or medical purpose.
To carry on the business of jewellers, gold and silversmiths, dealers in gold, bullion, precious metals and stones and articles of gold, bullion, precious metals and stones and as manufacturers and dealers in gold and silver plates, plated articles, watches, clocks and appliances of every descripttion and as bankers, commission agents and general merchants.
Leasing and Finance
To carry on and undertake the business of finance, investment and trading, hire purchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, importing, Indenting, exporting, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of plant, machinery and equipments and to finance and assist in financing for hire purchase, deferred payment and similar transactions and to finance, subsidise and assist in subsidising the sale and maintenance of goods, articles, assets of all kinds and descripttion and to purchase, sell, or otherwise deal in all types of movable/immovable property, including land and buildings, plant & machinery, equipments, ships, vehicles, aircrafts, computers, mechanical and scientific apparatus and all industrial, consumer and commercial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner including resale transactions
To establish in any part of India or elsewhere libraries for lending video cassettes, audio cassettes, books, magazines, and other publications and for study of books, magazines, newspapers and other publications in the buildings owned, hired or otherwise acquired for the purpose thereof and to do all such other acts and things which are conducive to the attainment of the aforesaid objects.
Live Stock
1. To undertake poultry raising, fishery, piggery and dairy fanning and to carry on and undertake any or all other pursuits, such as, kennel, goat, sheep rearing, bee-keeping etc. |
2. To sell, breed, import, export, improve, prepare, deal and trade in cattle, pigs, poultry, game and live and dead-stock of every descripttion, milk, cream, butter, cheese, egg, pork, prawn, table delicacies and any other commodities, goods or things of animal origin. |
Machine Tools
1. To carry on business of manufacturing, importing, exporting, buying, selling, distributing, exchanging, converting, altering, processing, twisting or otherwise handling all kinds of machinery. |
2. To manufacture and deal in lathes, planning machines, shaping machines, drilling machines, milling machines, boring machines, grinding machines, cutting machines, jigs, joiners, measuring instruments, and other workshop machinery and tools of every kind. |
3. To design, manufacture and sell or lease machines, machine tools, fixtures and carry on the business of engineers, founders and manufacturers of implements and machinery, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, boiler makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, gas makers and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, deal in-machinery, implements, rolling stock and hardware of all kinds and the production of any other articles and things which may be usefully or-conveniently combined with the business of the Company. |
Machine Tools, Scientific & Optical Instruments, Radar Equipments, Glass Wool, Glass Sheets, Telescopes, Magnets and Magnetic Devices
To invent, develop, design, manufacture, fabricate, process, prepare, assemble, instal, errect, repair, improve, alter, or cause to be invented, developed, designed, manufactured, fabricated, processed, prepared assembled, installed, errected, repaired, improved and altered and purchase, sell, hire, import, export or otherwise deal in special and general purpose machine tools, parts, components, accessories thereof, appliances, instruments, tools, optical instruments, metallurgical and microbiological, testing instruments, insulation testers all types of scientific and optical instruments and equipments whether electrical, electronic, pheumatic, solar, sonic, ultrasonic, or hydraulic, radar equipment, contact lenses, lenses for spectacles, laser lenses, mirrors, flats, glasses, prisms, glasswood, glass sheets, fibre optic, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, spectroscopes, periscopes, stereoscopes, endoscopes, kaleidoscope, video & audio equipments and instruments microfilming equipments, cabinets, microfilming readers, printers and retrievers, illuminated magnifiers belt sanders, uni and multispindle polishing machines monochromatic light units, magnets and magnetic devices microwave components, cameras, films and photographic materials and equipments, cold setting resins and die sets and the parts, components, ancillaries, auxiliaries and accessories of the above for use in homes, factories, laboratories, scientific and research institutions, educational institutions, offices, Government, armed forces, theatres and other commercial establishments.
Magnetic Products for Various Equipments
1. To manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, import, export, alter, improve, manipulate, prepare for market, purchase, trade, or otherwise deal in various kinds of magnets for use in Meters like Electrical, Electro-mechanical and Electronic Meters of all kinds, Magnetic Systems, Magnetic Tapes, Magnetic Instruments, any item using Magnets as the major/minor Components such as Toy Products and Apparatus, all other Machineries, Equipments and Instruments using Magnets or Magnetic Systems or Magnetic Properties, Current Transformers, Potential Transformers, Meter Measuring Instruments, Testing Equipments used in Electrical & Electronic Industry, Magnetic Parts, Systems, Components used in Computer and Communication Industry, manufacture of all kinds of Electrical Motors, including Servo Motors, Miniature/Micro Motors, Medical Electronics/Electrical Equipments. |
2. To carry on the business of Electrical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Electricians and manufacture of all kinds of Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus for any purpose whatsoever and to manufacture, sell, supply and deal in Lamps, Locks, Meters of any kind, Engines, Dynamos, Batteries, Telephone or Telegraphic Apparatus of any kind, communication cables, connectors of any kind and manufacturers of and dealers in Measuring Instruments and Scientific Instruments of any kind. |
3. To manufacture, purchase, sell deal with Raw Materials, Components, Assemblies, sub Assemblies of Magnets, Magnet related parts, meter systems or any other products as stated in the main objects and to act as exporters, importers, commission agents, consultants for setting up similar projects in India or Abroad and representative of any other foreign companies. |
4. To manufacture, purchase, buy, sell and deal in any kind of Magnetic Sealing Components and Devices and to import or export the same and to manufacture, buy, sell, convert, repair, alter, let on hire, and deal in Machinery, Implements, Equipments for Manufacture of the same. |
5. To carry on the business as importers and exporters and dealers in all kinds of Magnetic, Tape Drives, Magnetic Locks, magnetic components used in Radio, Television, Audio and Video Cassette Recorders, Washing Machine, Heaters, Magnetic Sticks, Magnetic Belts, Electronic and Electrical Equipments, Devices, Computers, Video Terminals, Computer Terminals, Data Processing Systems, Uninterrupted Power Supply Systems, Medical and Surgical Equipments, Electric Assemblies, Sub-Assemblies, Telecommunication Equipments, Devices used in Communications, and various types of office equipments including Fire and Regular Alarms, Accounting Machines, Electronic point of Sales Systems, and to provide Consultancy, maintenance and Service Support and to promote Research and Development in all the above fields. |
6. To carry on the business as importers and exporters and dealers in Magnetic Equipment, Instruments and Accessories used in Aero-Nautical Items, Diagnostic Kits. Diagnostic Equipments, Health Care Kits, Acrubatic Instruments, Accessories, Health Care Products and Instruments and to provide Consultancy, Maintenance and Service Support and to promote Research and Development in all the above fields and to establish, run and maintain Magnetic Therapy Centers, Magnetic Research Institutes, and to promote Research and Development in the areas and to act as Re-Agents for the above products. |
Manufacturers and Dealers in Various Types of Cameras, Cinematographic Materials, Vision Equipments, Photo Goods
To carry on business of manufacturers, designers, exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, hirers, distributors, marketers, repairers, alterors, imposers, exchangers, erectors, distributors, indentors, traders, vendors, brokers, stockists, commission agents Wholesalers, retailers and dealers of and in all kinds and varieties of cameras, photographic, cinematograhic materials, articles components and visual and vision Equipments, components, aids, and materials, films, accounstics & sound producing films, cinema-tographics cameras, video "Recorders and players tape recorders, video cameras, Hi-fi sonic system, Audiovisual and visions apparatus, appliances and components, Musical computers, equipments, computerised Musical discs, and materials required for televisions, videos, Broadcasting, Gramaphones, Radios, Radiogrammes, Tape Recorders, photofilms, equipments, photostudios, photography, photographic materials, photofllms, film Raw stocks, mounts, frames, film rolls, cinema film, positives, Negatives, Bromides, Flash lighter and gunes, silver chemicals, Developing Materials, Developing chemicals, and papers inpod stands, Arch lights, Albums, record register, sell, live or distribute all sound records and equipments all kinds visual and vision aids whether on film scrolls, rolls, scan discs, or magnetic discs' for re-production, re-recording. or and to trade photographic and/or dealers in all kinds of photogoods, chemicals 6 solutions required for the same, appliances, accessories and materials, stained, tinted or other glasses, lenses, optical, scientific, musical or instruments, and other stationery accessories parts, articles and appliances Raw film roll slitting equipment, confectioning, colour laboratory process imported Jumbo Rolls and to slit Jumbo Rolls imported by others.
Manufacturing & Trading in Products From Various Engineering Fields and Provide Technical Know How
1. To design, develop, process, compile, render technical know-how, information and services concerning industrial, commercial, scientific knowledge and to compile, make available, render, advice, assist in the field of Electronics, mechanical, engineering, marketing, economic and research and also to render services and know-how to system and management relating to electronics, electrical, mechanical, optical, data processing and computer science. |
2. To design, develop, alter, manufacture, produce, process, assemble, prepare for market, contract for, buy, dale, resale, make, export, exchange, trade or otherwise deal in electronic, electrical, mechanical, optical and allied components, machines, machine tools, equipments, systems, controls for machines, data processing machines and know-how including computer based equipments, and systems and related software like computer programme and accessories and spare parts. |
Manufacturing Forges, Castings, Space Machinery Equipments
1. To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in forging. |
2. To carry on business of manufacturing and processing all items of light engineering industry. |
3. To carry on business as manufacturers and repairers of and dealers in forging, casting and all other allied industries in space machinery equipments and aircraft machinery. |
Manufacturing of Electronic, Electro Mechanical Devices and Related Parts
To design, develop, manufacture, sell, lease, repair, service, import and export any of the following:
All types of electronic, electro mechanical, electro-chemical instruments and parts including Spark Erosion Machines and allied machines, like electrode manufacturing machines, punch shaping machines, electro forming machines, ultra sonic machines, laser and master machines and to develop new technologies associated with the above machines and equipments.
Marbles Granite etc.
1. To establish and carry on all or any industry, trade or business of preparing, mining, cutting, polishing, processing, treating, importing, exporting, of all types of marble, granite, laterite, lime stone, sand stone, slabs, tiles and other building material and colour stones of every descripttion and type, including setting, processing, trading or dealing into waste and by products arising from the mining or processing of marbles and colour stones. |
2. To purchase, acquire, take on lease and work, establish any mines and process, treat or deal in the material including by-products of mining and establish factory for processing, finishing, treating or conversion of the same into industrial and saleable material. |
To carry on the activity of marketing, selling, trading and dealing in Indian made branded or unbranded fast moving consumer products like household equipments, cosmetics, cutlery, washing equipments, grains, oil, pickles, toys, cloth, purse, stationery, watches & shoes, company shall not carry on any network marketing business in future.
Medical Clinics, Health Care Centers, Hospitals
To run, maintain, manage, administer, medical clinic, health care centers, hospitals, diagnostic centers, surgical homes, dispensaries. Maternity homes, intensive/critical care units, polyclinics, pediatric clinics, sanatoriums, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.
Merchant Banking
To carry on the business of merchant banking to act as managers, registrars, issue house to issues of shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, units, participation certificates, deposit certificates, notes, bills, warrants, commercial bills, bills of exchange, promissory notes, commercial paper of any company, corporation or association or any other instrument whether or not transferable or negotiable, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "securities"), to act as agents of and or dealers in the securities in the course of merchant banking business, discounting, rediscounting, buying, selling, underwriting and otherwise dealing in all securities, and to act as discount house for any of the securities, to act as financial consultants, advisers and counsellors in investment and capital markets, to underwrite, sub-underwrite, to issue guarantees or to give any other commitments for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe or procure or agree to procure subscripttion for the securities, to manage portfolio investments, to provide financial and investment assistance for the purposes herein, to manage and administer computer centres and clearing houses for the securities, to form consortium of managers, agents and purchasers for or of any of the securities, to act as brokers, dealers, and agents of or in connection with the securities, gold, silver and precious metals, to join any consortium for any financial arrangements whether in domestic market or in international market and whether by way of loans, guarantees, export and yard credits; to undertake the work of factoring of bills and other commercial papers, and to arrange and/or co-ordinate documentation and negotiation in this regard.
Merchants, Traders, Commission Agents
1. To carry on business as general merchants, traders, importers. exporters, brokers, adatias, representatives and commission agents in merchandise. goods, machinery and equipment including agricultural products. aquaculture, horticulture. floriculture, hatcheries, tobacco products, food and dairy products, sugar, apparel, yarn, textiles, glass and glass products, cosmetics, paints. varnishes, dyes and pigments, oil and lubricants, personal care products pharmaceuticals. fertilisers, pesticides, precious and semi-precious stones, diamonds, tea, coffee, granites. marble and other stones, pipes, tubes, cement and cement products, paper, plastic and plastic products. moulded luggage, packing and packing materials, rubber and rubber products, musical and sports goods, telecommunication equipment, electricals, computers and peripherals, hardware, software, entertainment/electronic media software and domestic appliances. |
2. To commence and to carry on the business of analysis, rating, evaluation, appraisal of the obligations, dues, debts, commitments and the like including debentures, bonds, shares, stock and other securities of all bodies including government (central and state), statutory corporations, banking and financial institutions, non-banking non-financial companies, government companies, private-sector companies, non-profit organisations, utility companies, co-operative societies, and other bodies or associations of persons whether incorporated or not, as required by any person whether natural or judicial including investors, issuers, underwriters, lenders, government agencies, including bank and financial institutions, international agencies, research people and the like. |
3. To disseminate, supply, furnish, provide, sell, give, send, part with, dispose of, publish, promulgate, proclaim, declare and do all such acts and deeds to make public information, knowledge, data, details and the like of or relating to business enterprises, (private, public and government) banks, financial institutions, non-profit organisations or any association of persons whether incorporated or not and whether for consideration or otherwise. |
4. To provide counselor advice, assist or help in obtaining counselor advice on business strategies, policies, plans in relation to management, technology, production, marketing and finance. |
Metal Cutting, Grinding, Metal Forming Machines
1. To carry on business of manufacturing, buying, selling, reselling, sub-contracting, exchanging, hiring, altering, importing, exporting, improving, assembling, distributing, servicing, repairing, re-conditioning and dealing in all varieties and sizes of metal cutting including grinding machines, metal forming machines and all other metal work including rivetting, forgings, wire drawing and sheet metal working machines, die casting machines, gas cutting and welding machines, foundry and moulding machines, cleaning and finishing equipment, metal testing machines, plastic processing machinery including extruders, injection and blow moulding machines, wood working machines, portable power tools, inspection and measuring instruments, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, heat treatment furnaces, machine tool accessories, agricultural machinery, earth moving machinery, industrial machinery, oil mill machinery, sugar mill machinery, metallurgical machinery, cement machinery, mining machinery, fertilizer and pharmaceutical machinery, printing machinery, presses and spares and components and accessories for all the above said machines. |
2. To carry on the business of all or any kind of iron and steel founders, steel melters, steel makers, steel shapers and manufacturers, mechanical, civil electrical and general engineers and fabricators, contractors, machinists, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, fitters, manufacturers of steel metal and malleable gray castings including ferrous, non-ferrous, special and alloy steel, forging quality steel manufacturers, forgers of iron steel and other metal, manufacturers of forgings and castings, processors of all types of forged components. |
Micronutrients and other Major and Secondary Nutrients
1. To carry on the 'business of manufacture and sale of micronutrients and other major and secondary nutrients as applicable to growth and development of plants, agriculture, farming, Animal nutrition and Human nutrition. |
2. To establish, maintain, carry on any Institution or Institutions with or without branches to study, develop and carry research work in respect of Micronutrient Technology and also to carry study, research and development of science of nutrients and its application to technical, vocational, commercial or business education in India or outside India. |
Mill Stores, Textiles Stores
To carry on business as manufacturers of, dealers in and as importers and exporters of and commission agents in Mill, Gin and other Textile Stores and Machinery and other sundries relating thereto of all kinds, and descripttion in India and elsewhere and by sale, exchange, pledge, make advances upon and otherwise deal in aforesaid and other allied goods and products.
Minerals and Mines
1. To carryon the business of crushing, winning, getting, quarrying, smelting, calcining, refining, dressing, cutting, polishing and preparing for market, ores, metals, mineral substances, marbles, granites of all kinds. |
2. To carry on the business of miners, mine owners, and to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire, any mines, and any interest therein, and to explore, work, exercise, mining rights and metaHiferous land in India or elsewhere, develop, and turn to account the same. |
To carry on the business of miners, importers and exporters of and dealers in iron ores, chromium ores, magnesite ores, thorium, uranium, asbestos, nickel, copper, lead, tin, bauxite ores and all ferrous and non-ferrous ores of every descripttion and grades whatsoever in any part of the country and to carry on the business of processing, cleaning, melting, forging, grading and machining to convert the ores into marketable metals.
To carry on any business relating to the mining and working of minerals, the production and working of metals and the production, manufacture and preparation of any other materials which may be usually or conveniently combined with the engineering or manufacturing business of the Company or any contracts undertaken by the Company, and either for the purpose only of such contracts or as an independent business.
Musical Instruments
1. To carry on the business of manufacturing, installing, importing, exporting, repairing and dealing in musical instruments of all types and descripttions. |
2. To manufacture, produce, buy, sell, import, export and generally deal in records, cassettes and other reproduction instruments of all types and descripttions, and for playing the same either by the means of wireless, stereos or otherwise. |
3. To install all plant, equipment, machinery and build factories, workshops for the aforesaid purpose, and |
4. To do all other acts and things which are incidental or ancillary to the aforesaid objects. |
Mutual Fund Trust
To act as trustees for mutual funds, and for that purpose to set up, promote, settle and execute trusts and devise various schemes for raising funds in any manner from person, bodies corporate, Trust, Society, Association of persons in India and abroad and to deploy funds raised and earn reasonable returns on their investments and to acquire, hold, manage, dispose of all or any property or assets and securities.
Natural Latex or Synthetic Rubber
1. To buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in natural latex or synthetic rubber. |
2. To manufacture, buy, sell, export, import or otherwise deal in various products' made out of latex rubber and/or synthetic rubber and of other derivatives having substantial characteristics of rubber as also out of other derivatives or compositions of natural rubber resins, synthetics and plastics industrial electrical surgical and/or domestic gloves, and various other latex products such as condoms, balloons, catheter and latex dipped goods, latex foam, latex thread. |
Newspapers and Magazines
1. To carry on the business of printing, publishing and circulating or otherwise dealing in any daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly newspaper or newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals or other publications. |
2. To start, acquire, print and generally to carry on the business of owners of newspapers and magazines as aforesaid. |
3. To do all other things which are necessary, incidental, ancillary or otherwise conducive to the attainment of the aforesaid objects. |
Nylon, Zip and its Allied Products
1. To carry on the business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, dealers, distributors, agents and representatives of Nylon, Zip, Fastners and its allied products necessary for Domestic and Industrial use. |
2. To carry on the business as manufacturers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, dealers, distributors, agents, representatives of raw materials of Nylon, Zip Fastners and its allied products. |
Oil Industry Tubular Pipes
1. To carry on the business of manufacturing, upsetting, machining, end finishing and coating of all kinds of Drill Pipes, Tubing, Casing Pipes, Tool joints and Forgings used in Oil Industry. |
2. To carry on the business of dealers, distributors, importers and exporters of all kinds of tubings, casing pipes, drill pipes, Tool joints forgings used in Oil Industry. |
3. To manufacture, assemble, fabricate, manipulate, repair, process, purchase, sell, distribute, use, import, export and deal in or otherwise dispose of all types of machinery, furnaces, tools, accessories, components, spares, appliances, implements, utensils, equipment and apparatus of every type and descripttion used in Oil Industry. |
4. To carry on the business of founderers, ferrous and non-ferrous metal and sheet metal works, mechanical, structural, electrical, metallurgical and Industrial Engineers and also to carry on works of cast iron, foundries for the manufacture of all types of general and special forgings and castings. |
5. To act as project consultants in India and abroad, to render consultancy services in all the above industries and execute project on turnkey basis in the above industries. |
6. To undertake Drilling Management and service contract in Oil Industry. |
Open Top Cans and Closures
1. To manufacture open top sanitary cans and general line containers, plain and lithographed and components and closures thereof, of all descripttions and usages. |
2. To carry on all or any of the businesses as manufacturers of and exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, transporters and dealers in drums, barrels, cans, tubes including collapsible tubes, containers and vessels, made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, stainless steel or other metal sheet, plastic, aluminium, cardboards and paper of all or any kinds and descripttions whatsoever. |
3. To manufacture, export, import, buy, sell and deal in tin cans, tine containers including boxes and tubes, bottle tin tops including those known as "crown corks" and any other tin articles, and light pressed metal articles, and corks of all or any kinds. |
4. To carry on all and any of the businesses as manufacturers, designers and decorators of and embossers, painters, printers and lithographers of, and exporters, importers, buyers, sellers and dealers in, tin and all types of metal plates like copper, aluminium, steel and other articles, made of tin, metal or other material, of any kinds and descriptions, and as sheet iron and tin plate workers and japanners, letter press or block-printers, designers and draughtsmen, engravers, photographers, electrotypers, photo graphic printers, photo-lithographers, publishers, cardbox makers, book-sellers, stationers, stereotypers and advertising agents and as printers in general including as printers on paper, card board, polythene, polyvinyl compounds, aluminium, tin plates and other metal and alloy sheets and on any other materials and articles. |
5. To carry on all or any of the businesses as merchants and manufacturers of and/or dealers in block plates and every descripttion of articles including utensils, cans, containers, boxes and vessels made of or capable of being manufactured from tin plates, tin, aluminium metal, metal sheets, paper board, plastic or otherwise. |
Organic and Inorganic Chemicals
To promote, establish, acquire, take on lease and carryon in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturing, refining. raising, preparing, buying, selling, importing, exporting. distributing and dealing in organic & inorganic chemicals such as sodium Bi-chromate, Basic chromium sulphate, Nitric Acid, Sodium Nitrite, Nitrates, Chromic acid, potasium bi-chromate, Chrome Pigments and Chrome Salts known or derivide by reasearch & development, Sulphuric acid,alum & aluminium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, zinc sulphate, copper sulphate, copper saults, fine and Heavy chemicals & special purpose chemicals such as required for leather tanning, food & drugs, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and such chemical based industries.
Organisational Consultancy
To form, promote, subsidise, organise, assist, aid and/or render consultancy service in forming, promoting, subsidising, organising companies or partnerships of all kinds whether industrial, engineering, trading, manufacturing or otherwise as may be considered to be conducive to the interest of the Company and to carry on any other business whether industrial, engineering, trading, manufacturing or otherwise which may contribute to the interests of the Company or render any of the company's properties or the rights for the time being profitable and also to acquire, promote, aid, foster or acquire interest or management rights in any industry or undertaking.
1. To establish, operate, plant and carry on business, in India and elsewhere in the world, for producing, manufacturing, processing, developing, marketing, dealing in importing, exporting and selling zinc oxide, lead oxide, tin oxide, antimony oxide and metallic oxides including sulphides, chlorides and litharges and their by-products connected therewith. |
2. To carry on business, in India and elsewhere in the world, relating to mining and working of iron ore, coal, bauxite, magnetise, copper, brass, zinc and other minerals, metallic ores and substances, the production and working of aluminium hydrauxide, magnesia and oxides and the winning and working of salts and combinations thereof, and chemical products. |
Packing Material
To design, manufacture, process, buy, sell, import, export, trade and deal in all kinds of packing materials like drums, barrels, tins, boxes, cases, bags, bottles and other containers made of steel, cotton, jute, wood, plastic, boards, polypropelene, glass, HOP, LDP for packing and transporting of the variety of industrial, commercial, household, educational, agricultural, scientific or defence products, commodities, consumables.
Paints, Oil Paints, Plastic or Synthetic Paints
To manufacture, produce, refine, mix, buy, sale, supply, distribute, market, import, export, trades in paints, oil paints, oil compounds, distempers, dry distempers primers, enamel, emulsion, plastic or synthetic paints.
Parts and Accessories for Vehicles
To manufacture and deal in shock-absorbers, hydraulic dempers, Mcpherson Struts carburettors, magnetos, silencers, radiators, steel tube, leaf and coil spring, front fork, horns, spark plug, speedometers, Ignition & source coils, gears, wheels parts & accessories of all kinds and especially for use in Scooter, Motor Cycle, Moped, Auto rickshaw, Car, Truck and all types of vehicles and all type of materials used in manufacturing, handling, disposing of the same in the market or for export or import there of.
Parts and Assemblies of Oil and Water Pumps for Commercial Vehicles
To engage in the business of manufacturing, producing, fabricating, engineering, developing, licensing, purchasing, importing, exporting, repairing, maintaining, servicing, distributing, selling, patenting and otherwise dealing in and with any and all types of parts, components and assemblies including but not limited to oil and water pumps for commercial, vehicles in the automotive sector as well as any and all other products, accessories, equipment, materials, components, parts, tools, machines, machinery, appliances, apparatus, devices and materials necessary or useful for or in connection with the same.
To carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, importers and exporters, merchants, agents, factors and financiers and particularly manufacturers, dealers, etc. of all types of petrochemicals like Naphta, Methane, Ethylene, Propylene, Butenes, Naphthalene, Cyclohexane, Cyclohexanone, Benzene, Phenol, Acetic Acid, Cellulose Acetate, Vinyl Acetates, Amonia, Caprolactam, Adipic Acid, Hexamethylene, Diamine Nylon, Nylon-6, Nylon 6.6, Nylon 6.10, Nylon 6.11, Nylon 7, their fibres, castings, mouldings, sheets, rods, etc., Ortho-xylene, Phthalic Anhydride, Alkyd Resins, Polyester fibres and films, mixed Xylenes, Paraxylene, Meta-xylene, Toluene, Cumene, Phenol, Styrene, Synthetic Rubbers, Butenes, Butadiene, Methacrolein, Maleic Anhydride, Methacrylates, Alkyd resins, Urea, Methanol formaldehyde, UF, PF and MF resins, Hydrogen-cyanide, Poly-methyl Methacrylate, Acetylene, P.V.C. Polyethylene, Ethylene, dichloride Ethylene oxide, Ethyleneglycol, Ployglyclos, Polyurethanes, Paraxylenes, Polystyrenes, Polypropylene, Isopropanol, Acetone, Propylene oxide, Propylene glycol, Acrylonitrile, Acrolein, Acylicesters, Acrylic Fibres, Allyl Chloride, Epichlor-hydrin Epoxy resins and all other petrochemical products and polymers in all their forms like resins, fibres, sheet mouldings, castings, etc.
Petroleum and Refilling Company
To carry on the business of exploring, extracting, processing, filtering, mixing, storing, filling, refilling, bottling, buying, selling, importing, exporting, transporting, trading and dealing in liquid, petroleum, gas and petroleum products like petrol, diesel, kerosene, coke, coal and products for applications in various field including commercial, household, industrial, educational, scientific, research, agriculture, medical and defence purposes.
1. To carry on business as designers, consultants, manufacturers, erectors and repairers and dealers in mechanicals, electronics, nuclear electro-mechanical and electrical equipments, machinery, apparatus and devices. |
2. To manufacture from crude drugs and raw materials, Drugs and Chemicals, Chemical Goods, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Aerated and Mineral Waters and similar other preparations. |
3. To carry on the business of chemists, druggists, exporters, importers, manufacturers and dealers of pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, parenteral preparations, tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ointments and other external preparations, fine chemicals used in pharmaceuticals and other preparations, ray, radium treatment, surgical and scientific apparatus and materials. |
Placement Services
To carry on the business of placement services, recruitment services, human resources bureau and for that purpose to advertise, receive, screen, shortlist applications and resumes, interview, select, train, arrange recruitment and training courses, programs or orientation courses, obtain, maintain data and information, provide other services in relation procuring and placement of skilled and unskilled personnel for industrial and other concerns and to assist persons in seeking jobs in India and abroad.
Plant, Machinery, Boilers, Testing and Allied Equipments
To carry on the business of developing, designing, manufacturing, fabricating, assembling, installing, erecting, commissioning, servicing, repairing, modifying, renovating, altering, improving, buying, selling, distributing, marketing, supplying, leasing, importing and exporting or dealing in for plants, machineries, boilers, testing equipments, allied equipments, control panels, measuring instruments, tools, accessories used for or in the automation of any process required for manufacturing, producing, processing, packing, storing, transporting by any industry.
Plastic and Plastic Goods
(A) |
To carry on the business in India or elsewhere of manufacturers and dealers, importers and exporters of plastics, plastic materials and plastic goods including in the term plastics, all types of plastics that may be derived from any process or may be incidentally hereafter discovered in dealing with plastics. |
(B) |
To promote, establish, acquire and run or otherwise carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in Styrene, Polystyrene, Polyethylene both low density and high density. Polypropylene, Alkathene, Vinyle-chloride, Polyvinylechloride, cellulose plastics, nylon, P.V.C. Moulding Powder. Cellulose Acetate Moulding Powder, Thermosetting and Thermoplastic Materials (Synthetic and Natural origin), Wax, bakelite, celluloide products, and other articles and things whatsoever made of, out of, with or without containing any of the said products or combination or manufacture of any articles or allied products or processes and to sell, purchase, acquire or deal in materials or things in connection with such trade, industry or manufacture of plastics and plastic goods in general. |
(C) |
To carry on the business of manufacturing, acquiring, selling, distributing or otherwise dealing in plastics, plasticines, resins, articles treated by resins or resin solutions, cellulose and cellulose substances, synthetic products and substances, and any other materials and substances and their products and compounds of any descripttion and kind. |
Plastic Goods
To carry on the business in India or elsewhere of manufacturers, dealers, importers and exporters of plastics, plastic materials and plastic goods of all kinds, including in the term plastics, all types of plastics that may be derived from any process or may be incidentally hereafter discovered in dealing with plastics.
Plastic Tubes, Pipes, etc.
To carry on business of manufacturers and dealers in plastic tubes, pipes, sheets, rods, slabs, wrapping materials, insulating materials, bottles, jars, jerry cans, containers, furniture, fittings for electrical, radio and other appliances and ornaments of a composition of synthetic and plastic powder and all other articles made of, out of with the aforesaid materials or their byproducts, compounds or their derivatives and all other blown, moulded, formed, or extruded goods and articles.
Pollution Control
To undertake on contract or otherwise activities of pollution control in all its branches such as air, noise, liquid and for that purpose manufacture, assemble devise, buy, sell, import, export, lease repair, service, maintain effluent treatment plants, pollution control plants, purification plant, machinery, equipments and processes.
Poultry and Dairy Farm
1. To carry on the business of poultry farmers and producers of agricultural dairy farm, garden produce of all kinds and in particular poultry, eggs, milk cream, butter, cheese, meat, fruits and vegetables and all kinds of foods and feeds whatsoever and to set up farms, hatcheries, sheds, processing units for all or any of these purposes, and to grow poultry and livestocks of all generes. |
2. To carry on business as poultry farmers, cow keepers, farmers, millers, tillers, market gardeners and dealers of all kinds of meats, eggs and preserved provisions of all kinds. |
To produce, generate, accumulate, distribute, transmit and supply electricity and electromotive force, whether by the Company itself or in collaboration/ association with any other person, for process of light, heat, motive and other power and for all other purposes for which electric energy can be employed and to manufacture, put up, use and deal in all related machinery, apparatus, equipment and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the production, generation, accumulation, distribution, supply and employment of electricity including the setting up of necessary exchanges and power stations with conventional and non conventional energy sources.
Power Generation
To carry on the business of generation, accumulation, storage, conversion, transmission, distribution, purchase, sell and supply of power generated by conventional and non conventional methods if necessary supported by hybrid systems, to help to bridge the gap of demand & supply of energy for industrial & economic growth & achieve balanced supply for industrial, research, household, public utility purposes, directly through own channel systems or through state and or Central Electricity Board/authority.
To generate, develop, accumulate, augment, receive, transmit, distribute, sell, resell, supply or otherwise deal in electric power by establishment, erection of diesel genset power plants, gas based combined power plants, thermal power plants, solar power plants, wind power plants, atomic power plants, hydraulic power plants or any other power plants based on any source of energy as may be developed or invented in future and to construct, lay down, establish, fix and carry out and execute all necessary work in respect of power stations, cables, wires, lines, accumulators and transformers.
Precision Catings, Pressure Diecasting, Alloys
To manufacture, make, process, repair, finish, buy, sell, import, export, deal in as cast, finished or semifinished ferrous and non-ferrous, or non-metalic precision castings, special castings, pressure diecasting, certified alloys, extrusions, pressings, stampings, engravings, forging and its components, allied and by-products of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, dies, patterns, moulds.
Printing, Offset Printing, Screen Printing
To carry on the business of printer, offset printers, screen printers, Lithographers, Litho offset printers, electrotypers, photographic printers, art printers, Xerox offset printers and copiers.
Products and Software for Scientific, Research and Educational Information, Telecommunication Services for Computer Systems
1. To carryon all or any of the business of compiling, processing, storing, printing, publishing, disseminating, circulating, producing and marketing mass data and information of all kinds including Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Reference Books, General and Specific Purpose Directories, Telephone Directories and Yellow Pages, Guides as also any source of Scientific, Commercial, Industrial, Trade or Business. |
2. To carryon all or any of the business of buying, selling, importing, exporting, leasing, hiring, developing, producing and marketing equipment, services, products, technology and software for scientific, research, industrial, commercial, educational information or other applications including telecommunication and telematic services on and for any computer or computerised system or any other application involving the use of electronic data processing or through electronic media, interactive video disc systems and telematic applications. |
Providing Finance
To carry on the business of providing term finance to any person(s), company or corporation, society or association of persons with or without interest and with or without any security for the purpose of enabling such borrower to construct/purchase any house or any part or portions thereof in India for residential purposes on such terms and conditions as the Company may deem fit.
Pulp, Paper, Board, Equipments Ralated to Paper Industry, Articles Made of Paper
1. To manufacture, process, treat, coat, laminate, convert, cut, shred, reuse, recycle, dispose off, buy, sell, import, export, distribute, stock or trade, in pulp, paper and paper boards including presspan paper and board, di-electric paper and board, leather oil paper and board, vacanised fibre board or such other paper and speciality paper base paper and boards. |
2. To carry on the business of consultancy on pulp/paper/Board and allied Industry and to undertake on turnkey basis or otherwise assignments of designing erecting, maintaining, operating paper mills or units under paper industry. |
3. To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export, deal in raw mates, chemicals, plant and machinery, tolls and equipments, accessories, required for manufacture and processing of paper Boards. |
4. To carry on the business on printer, binders, publishers, distributors and dealers in newspapers, periodicals, books. |
5. To design, manufacture, buy, sell, import, export bags, boxes, packing materials, files, paper ware, tissue napkins, dishes or articles for consumption made of paper, pulp or board. |
6. To carry on effluent treatment through special process or discharge such effluents through farming and plantation on sites and achieve pollution control in best social interest. |
The Company shall engage in developing, planning, designing, manufacturing, assembling, marketing, selling, trading, servicing, supervising, constructing, commissioning, execution, operations and maintenance services, relating to industrial process pumps, other pumps, other fluid machinery and components, parts, controls, drivers and accessories thereof.
Radiators for Automobiles
To carry on, acquire, run promote and establish the business of radiators for automobiles or industrial use or parts thereof and for that purpose, to design, manufacture, fabricate, produce, process, develop, make, repair, buy, sell, import, export, let on hire, assemble, improve or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of radiators or parts thereof or equipment containing such radiators.
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Allied Fields
1. To undertake Turn Key jobs in the field of Refrigeration, Air conditioning and allied fields. The work will cover soliciting enquiries, data collection, designing detailed Engineering, estimation, specifying, quoting, supply of materials required for such jobs, erection, testing and commissioning of systems. |
2. To offer engineering services for the above fields. The work will cover various aspects of plant engineering and set up such as Heat exchange, Compressors, Controls Instruments, piping, water and other fluid systems, pumps, towers, Ducting, electricals, structural, Insulation (Thermal & Acoustical), False ceiling and other words as required for proper execution of the jobs inclusive of site work. |
Research in Advance Poultry Genetics and Development of Pureline Stock and Breeding and Rearing Techniques
1. The establishment and operation of research and breeding farm and development of purelines stock and breeding and rearing techniques in the field if poultry. physical, chemical, biological and other scientific composition of purelines stock including the marketing, sales promotion methods and techniques in the field of poultry and layer breeding. |
2. To set up and establish research farm centers, laboratories and programmes foe conducting and development of advance poultry genetics, quality control, laying down testing standards and analytical, systematic inquiry, investigation and application in the field of production and maintenance of purelines stock of broiler breeders including the control of diseases, feed formulae, research and manufacture of medication, vaccination and poultry and animal health products. |
Sales & Investments
1. To carry on the business of an Investment Company or an Investment Trust Company in India or outside India and to undertake and to transact all kinds of trust, agency business; to carry on the business of financiers and for that purpose to lend or invest money with any person and negotiate loans in any form or manner and to draw, accept, endorse, discount, buy, sell and deal in bills of exchange, hundies, promissory notes and such other negotiable instruments and securities and also to issue in commission, to subscribe for, underwrite, take, aquit and hold, sell, exchange and deal in shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, debenture stock, of corporations or companies, obligations or securities of any Government or Public authority Supreme, municipal, local otherwise, whether in India or elsewhere, and to form, promote, subsidise and assist companies, firms of all kinds and syndicates; to furnish fidelity and indemnity bonds for and on behalf of any party, and also to give guarantee for payment of money or performance of an oligation or undertaking and to undertake and execute any trust and generally to carry on and undertake any business, undertaking, transaction or operation commonly carried on or undertaken by capitalists, promoters, financiers, finance brokers, underwriters, trustees and industrialists. |
2. To acquire any such shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations, or securities by original subscripttion, or otherwise, either individually or in partnership with any person, participate in syndicate, tender, purchase, exchange or otherwise and to subscribe for the same either conditionally or otherwise and to guarantee the subscripttion thereof and to exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership thereof. |
3. To facilitate and encourage the creation, issue or conversion of debenture or debenture stock, bonds, obligations, shares, stocks and securities and to act as trustees in connection with any such securities and to take part in the conversion of business concerns and undertakings into companies and or amalgamation. |
4. To underwrite, subscribe, conditionally or unconditionally, purchase or otherwise acquire and to hold, dispose of and deal in the stocks, shares and securities of any other company or to act as brokers therefor and to receive commissions in cash or kind for such services. |
5. To give any guarantee in relation to the payment or repayment of any money, unsecured or secured by or payable under or in respect of any promissory notes, bonds, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations or securities and to guarantee the payment of interest thereon or of dividends on any stock or shares of any company and generally to guarantee and furnish securities for the repayment of any loans and for the performance of any contracts and obligations of any person, firm or body corporate. |
6. To transact or carry on all kinds of agency business including selling and buying agency and in particular in relation to the investment of money, the sale of the property and the collection and receipt of money. |
7. To invest any moneys of the company not required for the purpose of its business in such investments or properties or securities as may be thought expedient. |
8. To carry on business as financiers, generally and in particular as financiers of industry, commerce and agriculture and concessionaries, and to undertake, and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, and other operations which may be capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any of these objects, or calculated directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of or facilitate the realisation of, or render profitable, any of the company's property or rights. |
Sales and Servicing of Diesel Engines
To import and export all kinds of diesel engines, engines motors, and spare parts thereof and to buy, sell, deal in, take and let on hire, store, repair, maintain and service the said engines and motors and any stocks, spare parts, components, accessories, tools fuel, lubricants and other articles and things required or used in connection with the said engines or motors.
Securitisation Business
1. To act as a securitisation company under the SRFAESI and to undertake all activities permitted by the SRFAESI thereto; |
2. To carry on the business of securitisation and for that purpose— |
(i) |
to acquire, hold and/or deal with, manage, realize, sell/lease, transfer and/or dispose off any and all assets; |
(ii) |
to acquire, create, hold security interest in any property or part of the security asset for any loans or advances, or which may be connected with any such security asset; |
(iii) |
to issue, subscribe to, purchase, acquire, transfer, sell, dispose of, deal or trade in or otherwise deal in all kinds of foreign currencies, derivatives financial instruments including options, forwards, futures, undertake rate swap transaction, basis swap. forward rate transaction, commodity swap, commodity option, equity or equity index swap, equity or equity index option, bond option, interest rate option, foreign exchange transaction, cap transaction, floor transaction, collar transaction, currency swap transaction, cross-currency rate swap transaction, currency option, credit derivatives, swap options, or other derivative instruments whether traded on any market or exchange or otherwise for any person (whether individual, firm, companies, bodies corporate, Government, State, Sovereign, public body or authority, supreme, local or otherwise or other entities or trusts) whether in public or private sector; |
(iv) |
to administer, claim, collect, demand, direct, manage, recover, retrieve, repossess, realise, restructure, reconstruct or service financial assets, property, security assets, or appoint agent or manager for such purposes, enforcement of security interest, settlement of dues and/or taking possession of secured assets and provide investor reports; |
(v) |
to formulate policies on all the above matters and to undertake all or any other activity that may be ancillary and incidental thereto to the activities specified above. |
3. Devise various schemes for raising funds and mobilize funds in any manner including but not limited to issue of debentures, debentures stock, pass through certificates or bonds or other securities and to offer or otherwise issue or deal in security receipts of any nature and tenor (including as defined under the SRFAESI) to Qualified Institutional Buyers or any other persons, natural or juristic (as may be permitted under the SRFAESI from time to time), either by itself ir through trusts and/or other special purpose vehicles. |
4. To act as, undertake the office of or exercise the powers of trustee, manager, administrator, receiver, valuer, agent, consultant, adviser, administrator, attorney, executor, custodian, agent, representative or otherwise of or for any person, trust or entity including financial institutions, banks, and to act as a Receiver if appointed by any court or tribunal to manage the secured (provided that no pecuniary liability is incurred in that behalf) and to receive fees or charges for such services rendered in any capacity as provided hereinabove; |
5. To engage, appoint, discharge intermediaries, agents, professional consultants, trustees, managers, administrators, valuers, agent, consultant, advisors, administrators, attorneys, agents, representatives or otherwise of or for any person, trust, or entity including financial institutions, banks or on its own behalf; |
6. (i) to undertake and execute trusts of all kinds, whether public or private, including declaring the company itself as a trustee, and which may issue Security Receipts (as defined under SRFAESI), pass through certificates, preferred or deferred or any other special stocks, securities, certificates or other documents based on or representing any shares, stocks, financial assets, receivables, debt, securities therefor (if any) or other assets appropriated for the purpose of such trust and to settle and regulate the same; |
(ii) |
to act in furtherance of any trust directions, discretion or other obligation or permission and generally to carry on the trustee business and in particular and without limiting the generality of the above, to hold property in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the trust, and to undertake and carry on the functions and duties of a trustee in this regard to constitute any trust; |
7. To promote, organise, manage, hold, dispose, undertake, assist or aid in forming, promoting, organising, investing in equity capital, managing, holding, disposing, undertaking or assisting to the establishment of any special purpose vehicle/entity or joint venture or bodies corporate or vehicle enabling, carrying on of such activities and/or to enter into any association, arrangement, partnership, syndicate, co-operation. arrangement for sharing profit or union of interest, with any person or company carrying on or conduct of the business, which the Company id authorised to carry on or engaged in, or about to carry on or engage in, any business or transaction which the Company is authorised to carry on or engage in, or any business or transaction capable of being conducted or to amalgamate with any person, firm or company so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Company and to lend money to, guarantee the contract of or otherwise assist, any such person or company, and to take or otherwise acquire shares and securities of any such company, and to sell, hold, re-issue, with or without guarantee, or otherwise deal with the same. |
Seeds, Tissue Culture, Agro and Biotech Products
1. To plant, grow, cultivate, produce, breed, raise, purchase, sell, repurchase, resell, export, import, deal in or turn to account or otherwise dispose of or crush seeds of vegetables, flowers, food grains and seeds of all other descripttion, vegetables, flowers, fruits, pulses, cereals, herbs, aromatic grass, plants, trees, crops and its residue and extracts and natural products of any kind. |
2. To carryon the business of tissue culture, agriculture, horticulture, pisciculture and sericulture and grow and trade in seeds, vegetables, flowers, herbs, saplings, fruits, plants, trees, crops, grass and its residue, extracts, essences and natural products of any kind. |
3. To carryon in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, process, produce, formulate, mix, disinfect, clean, wash, dilute, concentrate, compound, segregate, pack, repack, add, remove, heat, grade, freeze, fermentate, reduce, improve and to act as manufacturers, processors, producers, dealers, traders, importers, exporters, sellers, consultants, researchers and developers of all or any sort of agro and biotech products and any other proprietary items in related fields and the know-how for the production, distribution and management of such products. |
4. To deal in all types of business of agro-manure, bio-fertilizers, organic fertilizers, tissue culture plants, agriculture farming and plantations, landscaping, acquire/own/manage/lease/otherwise part with estates, green-houses, farms, plantations, gardens, land, etc., required for the attainment of the above objects. |
5. To take on lease or otherwise part with, develop, maintain and manage laboratories for research and development of agro based fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, organic fertilizers and for breeding, cultivation, production, testing, packaging, storage and selling of seeds, flowers, vegetables, seedlings, plants, fruits, plantation crops, cuttings and to provide fertilizers and such other inputs necessary therefor. |
Service Contractors for Arranging Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, etc.
To carry on the business of service contractors for arranging corporate & business parties, meetings, conferences, seminars, speeches, functions, interviews, ceremonies, celebrations, exhibitions, symposiums, slide-shows, film-shows, get-togethers, dinners, luncheon and for that purpose to aid, provide, make available, serve, directly or indirectly through agents, facilities such as comfortable sitting & meeting accommodation, meeting place, rooms, halls, kitchens, sitting arrangements, furniture, public address systems, audio-visual, photographic, display and projecting equipments, drinks, food & food products, provisions, communication systems, rest houses, serving staff, vehicles, tour programmes, travel booking service, public relation & liaison facility and generally to carry on the business of caterers, service contractors, agents & consultants on the above activities.
Service Contractors for Conferences, Seminars, Parties etc.
To carryon the business of service contractors for arranging corporate & business parties, meetings, conferences, seminars, speeches, functions, interviews, ceremonies, celebrations, exhibitions, symposiums, slide-shows, film-shows, get-togethers, dinners, luncheon and for that purpose to aid, provide, make available, serve, directly or indirectly through agents, facilities such as comfortable sitting & meeting accommodation, meeting place, rooms, halls, kitchens, sitting, arrangements, furniture, public address systems, audio-visual, photographic, display and projecting equipments, drinks, food & food products provisions, communication systems, resthouses, serving staff, vehicles, tour, programmes, travel booking service, public relation & liaison facility and generally to carry on the business of caterers, service contractors, agents & consultants on the above activities.
Services for Fixed Deposits and for Issue and Transfer of Securities. Developing Software and Program Products
1. Carrying on the business of giving services for fixed deposits and for issue and transfer of shares, debentures, bonds, stocks and all types of financial instruments and securities (whether relating to capital market or money market) and, generally, by— |
(i) |
acting as Registrars to the issues and Registrars and Transfer Agents of shares, debentures, bonds and all other types of securities and financial instruments; |
(ii) |
rendering custodial and depository services; and |
(iii) |
acting as issue Agent and Paying Agent. |
2. Carrying on the business of developing, improving, designing, marketing, selling and licensing software and program products of any and all descripttion. |
3. Rendering technical assistance and services including maintenance in connection with the use, purchase, sale, import, export, lease or distribution, license, design, manufacture of any machines, apparatus, appliance, system, component, electronic and electro-mechanical products and systems and program products. |
4. Providing consultancy services related to the preparation and maintenance of accounting, statistical, scientific or mathematical information and reports, data processing, programming, collecting, storing, processing, transmitting information and data of every kind and descripttion, systems analysis, and machine services for solving or aiding commercial, industrial scientific and research problems and for all other related business. |
5. Carrying on the business of advisers and consultants on all matters and problems relating to the administration, organisation, finance, management, personnel, commencement or expansion of industry and business (including construction of plants and buildings, production, purchases, sales, marketing, advertisement, publicity, personnel, export and import), and of institutions, concerns, bodies, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), departments and services of the Government, public or local authorities, trusts, scientific research and development centres. |
6. Acting as service organisation or bureau for providing advice and services in various fields - general administrative, secretarial, consultancy, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, direct and indirect taxation and other levies, statistical, accountancy, quality control and data processing. |
7. Providing facilities management in the area of providing help desk facilities, call centre management, information Technology operations, configuration and asset management, back-up and recovery network operations, user training, data base management, disaster recovery, Planning and execution. |
8. Operating a high technology data processing centre, management information, analysis, development and accounting information and providing data to corporates, institutions, individuals etc. |
9. Carrying on the business of engineering consultants and administrations, organisations, undertakings, institutions, industry and business, and to undertake preliminary planning, site development studies, feasibility reports, design engineering, procurement, factory inspection, construction management, trial and acceptance testing, operator training, plant betterment services, etc., including technical and specialised advice on projects. |
10. Engaging in and conducting the business of research to carryon investigation and experiments of all kinds, to originate, develop and improve and discoveries, inventions, processes and formulae, particularly to manufacture, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, hold, operate, sell or otherwise transfer, lease, license the use of, distribute or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in, property of every kind and descripttion, including without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, electronic, electrical and mechanical devices, apparatus, appliances and machines and parts thereof especially for the creation, reproduction, amplification, reception, transmission and retention of sound, signals, communication and also for all other processes. |
11. Carrying out scientific and technical research in any field whatsoever, and to develop, exploit turn to account the know-how and other fruits of such research developed in India or abroad. |
12. Establishing, maintain and conducting training schools, courses, and programs in connection with the use, purchase, sale, import, export, license, distribution, design, manufacture or rental of aforesaid types of machines, apparatus, appliances, systems, and merchandise, and if required, in the use thereof or used in connection therewith. |
13. Manufacturing, purchasing, sell or otherwise transfer, lease, import, export, hire, license, use, pose off, operate, fabricate, construct, distribute, assemble, design charter, acquire, market recondition, work upon or otherwise, generally deal in any electronic calculators, electric and electromechanical accounting systems, terminal products and systems, machines for registering, data pr ration, recording, perforating, tabulating, sorting, printing, typewriting, products which posses internal intelligence for recognition and correlating any type of data or information to be processed, recognition and memory systems, optical scanning machine, transmission lines, transmission equipment, terminals copying reproducing and distributing machines, check signing, protecting and disbursing equipment, machines for facsimile reproduction, facsimile transmission, and word processing, facilities and accessories and devices of all kinds, and for all purposes, and any products component parts thereof or materials or articles used in connection therewith, and any and all of machinery, appliances, apparatus, devices, materials, substances, business forms and articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected herewith. |
14. Establishing and operating data and information centres and bureaus and rendering service: customers in India and abroad by processing these jobs at data processing centres and giving computer machine time with or without considerations. |
15. Carrying on the business of maintenance, repairs and reconditioning of computer data processing equipments. |
16. Assisting, setting up, operating and supervising the operation of the data processing department other organisations. |
Services in Software and System Integration
To acquire, develop, promote, provide, buy, sell, export software and related systems for industrial, commercial, scientific and other sectors and provide services in software and system integration.
Services Related to Marine Industry
To carry on the business of undertaking and providing services related to the marine industry, including but not restricted to the business of ship designing, repair and conversion, manufacture of marine machinery, diesel engines, hydraulic deck machinery, horizontal and vertical windlasses, chain stoppers, cargo winches, automatic self-tensionising mooring winches, cargo and store cranes, winches for dredgers and research vessels, custom designed winches, propulsion systems, CP propellers, gyro propellers with fixed or variable pitches, jet-thrusters, nozzles, reduction gearboxes, anchor handling equipment, complete systems with shark jaws, towing pins and stern rollers, bulk. handling systems complete with tanks, remote control compressors and high lift rudders for reducing fuel consumption and optimising maneuverability, passive stabilising systems, sounding systems for tank surveillance, remote control system for main engines, propellers and valves, pneumatic tank sounding equipment, electro-hydraulic rem.
Share and Stock Brokers
To carry on the business of and as member of Bombay Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange and or any other stock Exchange and also as share and stock brokers, securities brokers, dealers, writers and insurance brokers, sub brokers, underwriters, sub underwriters, market makers, trustees, administrators, representatives of funds, units schemes trusts and other persons, venture capitalists, stock leaders, stockjobbers of commodities, shares, stock, debentures, commercial papers, participation certificates, coupons, warrants, options and such other derivatives, units of Unit Trust of India and other Mutual Funds or any other security, instrument issued by companies, governments, co-operative firms, trusts, societies, authorities, whether situated in India or abroad all kinds of investments instruments, whether securitised or not and to act as Depository participants, Custodians, Clearing Corporation/Clearing House.
Shipping and Transport Business
1. To undertake and carry on any of the traders or business of repairs reconstruction, upkeep marine barges, ships boats and other sea going vessels and generally to carry on the business of transport, shippers, ship owners, ship brokers, ship brekers, ship repairers, shipping agents, dry dockers, and insurance brokers, under writers, ship managers, tug owners, ahipping agents, loading brokers, freight contractors, Carriers by land, water, air transport, and general contractors barge owners, lighterman, railways and forwarding agents, dock owners, engineers, store keepers, ships store merchants, ship's husbands, stevedors, warehousemen, wharfingers, salvors, ship repairers, manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, engineers nautical Instruments and ship s rigging gear fitting and equipments of every descripttion generally to carry on the said business either as Principals or agents to on commission or otherwise. |
2. To carry on business as wharfingers, ship barge and boat proprietors, warehouse owners, safe depository proprietors, storage contracts, warehousemen, mucadams, lightermen, stevedors, dock and wharf owners, carriers, bauliers, carting contractors and agents packers, railway, shipping clearing, forwarding and transporting agents, Insurance agents coach lorry proprietors, garage proprietors general storekeeper and auctioneers and cargo superintendents. |
3. To establish maintain and operate air shipping road transport services (public and private) and all ancilIary services and for this purpose are independent undertakings, to purchase, take in exchange, charter, hire-build construct or otherwise acquire, and to own, manage and trade with steam sailing motor, aircraft and other ships, trawlers, drifters, tugs and vessels, motor and other vehicle, with all necessary and convenient equipment, engines, tackle, gear furniture and stores or shares or interests in ships, vessels, motor and other vehicles, including ships, stocks, or securities of companies possessed of or interested in any ships, or vehicles or to maintain, repair, fit or refit, improve, insure, alter, sell exchange or let out on hire purchase, or charter or otherwise deal with or dispose of any of the ships, vessels and vehicles, shares, stocks and securities or- any of the engines, tackle, gear, furniture, equipment, and stores of the Company. |
To purchase, hire and to own, work, manage and trade with steam sailing, motor and other ships, travelers, drifters, tugs and vessels with all necessary and convenient equipment connected therewith and to maintain, repair, improve, insure, alter, sell, exchange, or let out on hire or charter or otherwise deal with and dispose of any of the ships, vessels and equipment referred to herein.
To carry on the business of establishing, maintaining and operating public and private shipping transport services for the carriage of mails, passengers, goods and livestock, between such ports or places or any seas, rivers and canals in any part of the world as may be expedient.
Shopping Centres, Chain Shops, Bazars, Service Centres
To develop, establish, set-up, acquire, take over, equip, maintain, acquire on lease, give on lease, manage the business of storing, transporting, marketing, advertising, trading, selling, distributing, dealing, importing, exporting variety of movable products, facilities used for commercial, industrial, technical, consumable, educational, entertainment, household, medical, decorative purposes and render consumer services through shopping centres, chain shops, bazaars, service centres and other such consumer oriented establishment.
Silica Spherical Product
To manufacture, process, buy, sell, trade, deal, import, export bonded silica spherical products.
Software Development
To design, develop, manufacture, assemble, service, repair, maintain, buy, sell, import, export, distribute, hire, lease, market, evaluate, benchmark, advise, consult, educate, train, deal in all types of computer peripherals hardware and peripheral devices, latest computer software systems, firmware and hardware systems and products for various applications, computer networks and communication.
Software, Electronic Data Processing
To carry on the business of providing application systems to meet specific requirements of industries and to render services for programme conversions and the appropriate software for computers/electronic data processing systems for scientific research and development, education, governmental, commercial and industrial applications in India and abroad.
Spinners, Weavers, Manufacturers, Ginners, Pressers, Packers and Bales and Cotton, Jute, Hemp, Silk, Wool and Other Fibrous Material, Clothes
1. To carry on, in any part of India and abroad, the business of spinners, weavers, manufacturers, ginners, pressers, packers and bales and cotton, jute, hemp, silk, wool and any other fibrous material and the cultivation thereof and the business of weaving or otherwise manufacturing, bleaching, dyeing, printing and selling denim cloth, yarn, cloth, linen and other goods and fabrics, whether textile, fabric netted or looped and of buying, selling and dealing in cotton, denim cloth and other fibrous materials, yarn, cloth, linen and other goods or merchandise made thereof and generally to carry on the business of cotton spinners and doublers, denim and linen manufacturers, cotton, denim, flax, hemp, jute, wool, yarn and cloth merchants, bleachers, dyers, makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials and to transact all manufacturing or curing and preparing processes and mercantile business that may be necessary and expedient and to purchase comb and vend raw materials and manufactured articles, goods and products. |
2. To carry on the business of manufacturers, importers and exporters, wholesale and retail dealers of and in men's, women's and children's clothing and weaving apparel of any kind, nature and descripttion including jeans, shirts, bush shirts, pajamas suits, vests, under wears, suits, foundation garments for ladies dresses, brassieres, maternity belts, knee caps, coats, panties, nighties and so on. |
3. To carry on business of manufacturers of and dealers in natural and all kinds of cotton fiber materials and converters of cotton, natural fibers, synthetic fibers, including fiber glass into materials like cloth, tapes, cord, ropes, twines and similar types for use in manufacturing and for other industrial and commercial uses. |
Sports Equipments, Ancilaries, Kits
To design, develop, manufacture, alter, repair, maintain, lease out, renovate, replace, service, buy, sell, import, export, trade, market and deal in sports equipments, sports ancillaries, sports kits, sports gears, sports instruments, sports appliances.
To carry on the business of manufacturers of, dealers in, exporters and importers of, all varieties of steel, special steel, mild steel and any other kind and grades of steel and to carry on and execute the work of steel engineers including manufacturing and dealing in steel billets, steel rods, steel ingots, steel sheets, steel wires and all kind of steel products whether forged, rolled or drawn and consequently to manufacture, sell and deal in all or any of the by- products which will be obtained in the process of manufacturing these steel products.
Steel Fabrication
To carry on the business of manufactures, fabricators and dealers of all types of steel, sheet and metal parts, pressure vessels, components, castings, machinery and in particular to undertake fabrication on contract or otherwise of sheet metal parts, pressure vessels, components, castings and machinery.
To undertake job works of all types from Industrial and Commercial concerns and to produce, fabricate and manufacture material out of ferrous and nonferrous metal as well as from any other raw material in accordance with the needs of different industries.
To carry on the business of all or any kind of iron and steel founders, steel melters, steel makers, steel shapers and manufacturers, mechanical, civil electrical and general engineers and fabricators, contractors, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, manufacturers of steel metal and malleable grey, castings including ferrous, non-ferrous, special and alloy steel, spring steel, forging, quality steel manufacturers, processors of all types of forged components and to manufacture, buy, sale, lease, alter, improve, assemble, market, trade, import, export, undertake job work and otherwise deal in steel, stainless steel, other alloys of steel and other products manufactured therefrom like granules, flat rolled products, hot-rolled and other bars and rods, angles, shapes and sections, wire, hollow drill bars and rods, skelp, nonalloy free cutting steel, silicon-electrical steel, high speed steel, silicon manganese steel and other articles manufactured from steel like piling of steel, railway track construct.
Stock Exchange
1. To facilitate the transaction of business in stocks, shares and like securities on the stock exchange and to establish and providefor and manage clearing house for the transactions of the members. |
2. To support and protect the character and status of brokers, dealers and jobbers in stocks, shares and like securities and to further the interests of both brokers and the public dealing in Pune and elsewhere in Maharashtra and in India in stocks, shares and like securities and in stock exchange to promote honourable practice, to discourage and to suppress malpractices, to settle disputes amongst brokers, dealers and jobbers to decide all questions of usage, custom or courtesy in conducting the business of brokers, dealers and jobbers. |
Styrene, Polystyrene, Polythylene
To promote, establish, acquire and run or otherwise carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in Styrene, Polystyrene, Polythylene both low density and high density, Polypropelene, Alkathene, Vinyl-chloride, Polyvinylechloride, Cellulose Plastics, Nylon, P.V.C. Moulding Powder, Cellulose Acetate Moulding Powder, Thermosetting and Thermoplastic Materials (Synthetic and Natural origin), was, bakelite, celluloide products, and other articles and things whatsoever made of, out of, with or containing any of the said products or combination or manufacture of any articles or allied products or processes and to sell, purchase, acquire or deal in materials or things in connection with such trade, industry or manufacture and to do all things as are usual or necessary in relation to or in connection with the business or industry or manufacture of plastics and plastic goods in general.
Sugar Industry
To carry on the business of manufacturers, dealers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, commission agents, brokers, stockist, merchants, preservers, indentors, contractors of sugar, sugar candy, sugar cubes, crystal sugar, sugar beet and all sugar products and to acquire contract, operate factories for the manufacture of sugar and any of its products and by-products.
Sugar, Sugar Cane and By-Products Therefrom
1. To establish, manage and/or carry on the business of purchasers, growers, cultivators, brewers, planters, manufacturers and refiners of sugar, sugar-cane and byproducts therefrom such as syrups, squashes, jams alcohol, spirits, wines, potable liquor and fertilizers from waste available. |
2. To carry on business of the producers manufacturers, dealers, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, distributors, agents, Commission Agents, brokers, stockists, merchants, preservers, indentors, contractors of sugar, sugar-cubes, jaggery, sugar-cane, wines, beer, spirits, alcohol, potable liquors, molasses, syrups, jams, squashes and other visitable and food products. |
Synthetic Fibre, Artificial Silk and Other Fibrous Substances
1. To carry on the business of Spinning and Doubling, manufacturing and/or dealing in Cotton. Staple, Fibre, Viscose, Fibre, Synthetic Fibre, Artificial Silk. Silk, Jute and other Fibrous substances and any Yarn manufacture out of the said, substances and the preparation, dyeing or colouring or any other processing of any of the said substances or its products and sale of Yarn and other manufactured Fibrous Products. |
2. To carry on the business as buyers, sellers, importers, exporters stockists, agents, distributors processors of and dealers as whole sellers and retailers in all varieties of Cotton Yarn, Polyster Yarn, Woolen Yarn, Synthetic Yarn, Art Silk Yarn, Rayon. |
Textile Company
To carry on the business of embroidering, manufacturing, spinning and weaving, preparing, bleaching, combing, dyeing, printing, ginning and pressing and/or otherwise purchasing, selling, exporting, importing, distributing and dealing in cotton, art silk, silk, wool, jute, hemp, linen, flax and/or other fibrous substances and goods whether textile, felted, netted, embroidered or looped or otherwise and making and preparing of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials and substances.
Textile Machinery
To carry on business of manufacturing, buying, selling, re-selling, sub- contracting, exchanging, hiring, altering, importing, exporting, improving, assembling, distributing, servicing, consulting, repairing, reconditioning and dealing in all varieties and sizes of textile machinery including spinning and allied machines, synthetic fibre machines, weaving and allied machines and systems, processing machines, textile testing/measuring instruments, hosiery machines and needles, accessories, spares and components thereof.
Tobacco, Jarda, Cigarette, Bidi and Snuff Merchants
1. To carry on the business as tobacco, jarda (chewing tobacco) cigar, cigarette, bidi and snuff merchants and manufacturers and importers of and dealers in tobacco, jarda (chewing tobacco) cigars, cigarettes, bidis and snuff, and growers of tobacco and any business arising out of or in connection with any of such commodities |
2. To carry on, conduct, manage, develop and prosecute anyof these business in such manner and in such places, either requisite or proper, and generally to buy, sell, grow, cultivate, manipulate, manufacture, import, export, deal in and sell (both wholesale and retail) tobacco, jarda (chewing tobacco) tobacco crops, cigars, cigarettes, bidis, snuff or other products of any forms, of tobacco, and also pipes, matches, match lights or any other articles or things connect with such business or commonly dealt in by tobacconists, or which are or may be required by, or may be convenient to consumers of tobacco in any shape or form. |
Toilet and Facial Tissue Stock, Cleansing Material, Freshners
1. To manufacture, produce, market, distribute, buy, sell, import and export all types of toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock, and similar paper for household/commercial and industrial use and cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres whether Crepe, crinkled, embossed or perforated or decorated in rolls or paper and paper board and/or Facial Tissues, Paper Towels, Wipers, Wipes and similar paper articles for household/commercial, and industrial use and cellulose wadding, webs of cellulose fibres, whether creped, crinkled, embossed, perforated, decorated in rolls or paper and paper board, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated in rolls or sheets, toilet paper, table cloths serviettes and other articles of paper and paper board used in personal care and cleaning and other similar/related products and dispensers for any or all such products. |
2. To manufacture, produce, market, distribute, buy, sell, import and export all types and kinds of cleansing material, freshners including system for dispensing these and other hygiene products. |
Toll Collection
To carry on the business of collection of toll, cess, service charges on roads & highways at entry or strategic points from the persons/vehicles using such ways independently or as agents or sub-agents, contractors or sub-contractors of infrastructure creating authority of, State or Central Government, local/municipal authority, semi-government bodies, private authorities, institutions, companies and to maintain, preserve such rights, privileges, licences for self or to sub delegate, sub let, sub contract such authority to others.
To carry on business as importers, exporters, producers, assemblers, manufacturers and dealers in all kind of hand tools including engineering tools and files, jigs, moulds fixtures, mechanical implements and devices for all industries, agriculture, domestic purposes.
To carry on the business of travel and tourist agents, contractors, organisers and operators of tours and travel by land, water or air, book and reserve seats, compartments, complete boggie on railways, motorships, planes, helicopters, ships, motor bus and to book, arrange for, reserve accomodations and rooms in hotels, motels, restaurants and lodging and boarding houses and provide various services, necessaries and articles for travelers and tourists in India and abroad.
Tractors and Trailers
To manufacture, assemble, purchase, sell, import, export, repair, service, renovate, instal, fabricate, hire out or let on hire and generally deal in tractors and trailers of all types, sizes and kinds including (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions) crawlers and wheeled types of agricultural, industrial and or commercial tractors or tractors of any other application.
Tractors, Engines, Components, Air Compressors, Pneumatic Tools
1. To manufacture, assemble, purchase, sell, import, export, repair, service, renovate, instal, fabricate, hire out or let on hire and generally deal in tractors and trailers of all types, sizes and kinds including (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions) crawlers and wheeled types of agricultural, industrial and or commercial tractors or tractors of any other application. |
2. To manufacture, assemble, purchase, sell; import, export, repair, service, renovate, install, fabricate, hire out and let on hire engines of all types, sizes and kinds, including internal combustion engines and gas turbines and other engines working on any other form of energy and on any scientific principle whatsoever required as prime-movers for tractors and other applications |
3. To manufacture and to deal in components, accessories/optional equipment, attachment and other implements and equipment, spare parts of whatsoever descripttion and kind required for the tractors of every descripttion and kind. |
4. To guarantee or become liable for the payment of money or for the performance of any obligations and generally to transact all kinds of guarantee and agency business, germane to the business of the Company subject to the provisions of the Banking Companies Act, 1949. |
5. To carry on the trade or business of Manufacture of all kinds of machinery including air compressors, pneumatic tools and machines of all kinds and the trade or business of engineers, founders, smiths and machinists. |
6. To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers manufacture of all types of internal combustion engines including oil and petrol engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, boilers, locomotives, road rollers, automobiles, trucks and pumps. |
Tractors, Implements, Tillers, Pump Sets
To buy, sell, take and let on hire, store, market, import, export, service, repair, maintain, deal in all types and varieties of tractors, implements, tillers, plough diesel engines, pump sets, machines, tools and equipments, required in agricultural activity, spare parts, components and accessories.
Traders, Importers, Exporters, Brokers
To carry on business as general merchants, traders, importers, exporters, brokers. adatias, representatives and commission agents in merchandise, goods, machinery and equipment including agricultural products. aquaculture, horticulture, floriculture, hatcheries, tobacco products, food and dairy products, sugar, apparel, yarn, textiles, glass and glass products, cosmetics, paints, varnishes, dyes and pigments, oil and lubricants, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, pesticides, precious and semi-precious stones, diamonds, tea, coffee, granites, marble and other stones, pipes, tubes, cement and cement products, paper, plastic and plastic products. moulded luggage, packing and packing materials, rubber and rubber products, musical and sports goods, telecommunication equipment. electricals, computers and peripherals, hardware, software, entertainment/electronic media software and domestic appliances.
Trading in Engineering Goods
To buy, sell, manufacture, repair, alter, improve, exchange let out on hire, import, export, and deal in all factories, works, plant, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances apparatus, implements, ores, metals, salt, iron-stone, rolling stock, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used in any business which this Company is competent to carry on or required by any customers of or persons having dealings with the Company or commonly dealt in by persons engaged in any such business or which may seem capable of being profitably dealt with in connection therewith and to manufacture, experiment with, render marketable and deal in all products of residual and bye-products incidental to or obtained in any of the businesses carried on by the Company.
To generally impart/arrange to impart educational and/or training to the participants/candidates in plants, workshops, factories, mills or other organisations, forums and institutions in any part of India in such line or lines where participants/candidates will have full scope for the purpose of extending their technical, behavioral and managerial skill and aptitude and gain both theoretical and practical hands-down knowledge on such terms and conditions as the Company may consider fit, expedient and proper.
Training and Guidance to the Directors
1. To educate by providing academic training, and techno commercial professional knowledge, guidance to the directors of the bodies corporate in India and abroad for better corporate governance. |
2. To conduct examinations for basic qualification and to give diploma/degree qualification certificate and to enroll as member of the Institute of Corporate Directors of India. |
Transporter s Nagar/Complex
To acquire, own, take on lease or hire, establish, build, equip, manage, goods transporter s nagar, transporter s complex for the persons carrying on the business of transporters and carriers and to provide all the facilities therein to the members.
Travel and Tourism
To carry on the business as travel agents, tour operators, travel contractors and to provide services by way of ticket reservations by various modes of transport, including by air and sea and to provide tourist guides and to operated tourist buses, taxies, sea vessels and airplanes.
Trust Company
1. To act as trustees, administrators, representatives or nominees of or for investment trusts or funds or schemes including any mutual funds, unit trust, growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, offshore funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuation funds, debenture holders or such other funds or any other pool or portfolio of securities, and for investments of any kind and to hold the property in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries and for that purpose to set up, promote, settle and execute trusts and devise various schemes for raising funds in any manner from persons, companies, bodies corporate, trusts, societies, association of persons, corporations or any other persons or bodies and to deal with, engage in and carry out all other functions as a trustee company and such other activities as may be approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and other regulatory authorities/bodies where applicable. |
2. To undertake and to carryon the office or offices and duties of a trustee, custodian trustee, executor, administrator, liquidator, receiver, attorney or nominee of, or for, any person, company, corporation, body corporate, association, scheme, trust fund, government, or other person or entity and to undertake and execute trusts of all kinds, whether public or private, including declaring the Company itself as a trustee and to generally to carryon what is usually known as trustee business and in particular and without limiting the generality of above, to act as trustees. |
Tubes, Pipes, Fittings
To carry on the business in India and/or elsewhere of manufacturers, dealers, importers and exporters of tubes, pipes, pipe fittings, profiles, components and accessories, made partly or wholly of P.V.C. Plastics, Steel or any other metal, cement, concrete, stones, clay, timber, teak, board, fibre, fibreglass, ferrous, nonferrous alloys, strips, sheets, paper, glass, rubber, any other natural or synthetic substance or compound and fittings, accessories, gadgets, parts, machinery, plants, tools, packing materials, compounds, chemicals, formulations and other items required for or used with such pipes and tubes and tubular structures and furniture made of pipes or tubes.
Vegetable Fats and Fatty Products
To carry on the business of manufacturers, extractors, refiners, processors, buyers, sellers, dealers, importers, exporters, and distributors of vegetable fats and fatty products, produced from Neem, Kardi, Sunflower, Groundnuts, Mango, Rice Bran, Soyabean, Cotton seeds, and all other kinds of seeds.
Watches, Watch Case and Watch Components
To manufacture and deal with all kinds of jeweled watches, watch case, and watch components and to export the entire production to conform to the provisions of 100% export oriented unit as enumerated in the laws of Government of India.
Water Proof Material
To carry on the business of water proofers and manufacturers of imitation leather, rexine cloth, plastic oil cloth, lenolium, tarpaulin, hospital sheeting and other allied articles made of plastics.
Wooden and Other Furniture
To design, develop, manufacture, process, acquire, buy, sell, import, export, hire or let on hire, stock, distribute and/or deal otherwise in all kinds and varieties of wood, wooden and other furniture required for all industries, laboratories, educational, and other institutes, offices and household; furniture and fixtures accessories required for and by textile, defence, agriculture, electrical and electronic and other industries, builders and building contractors, furnishers, architects, interior designers and decorators; special purpose furniture and fittings, packaging materials, decorative and other equipment including flush and panel doors and windows, cabins, cases, chests, boxes, models, sport goods, toys, articles of crafts and decoration, art pieces and presentation articles, musical and mathematical instruments, which are manufactured mainly out of wood.
Engineering consultants
To carry on the consultancy business in the field of light, medium and heavy Engineering Machinery, turnkey projects, setting of Yarn & Textile manufacturing and processing units, Machineries, provision of Textile technology in natural fiber and man made fiber and installation of projects of Electrical Power, Electronics, Petrochemicals, Plastics, Paper, Chemicals consumable and durable good and to provide financial, engineering and project consultancy services to foreign and Indian buyers, sellers, exporters, importers, manufacturers, traders, enterprises in all the fields and trades.
To arrange or to assist in arranging the collaboration, finance technical know-how and to render services of preparing the agreements, recruiting the personnel and to provide all types of management services. To prepare complete schemes, drawings, plans and estimates including layout of plants and machinery for and on behalf of the clients.
To conduct surveys for the clients in general and to publish reports of the surveys carried out by the company. Also to propose solutions of specific problems connected with the planning and management of the undertakings of all types.
To act as representatives, agent, subagent, commission agent of Indian and foreign companies, firms, persons, States and other bodies corporate and to represent them before the different authorities, bodies, corporates and to represent them before the different authorities, bodies, corporate and to act as sales, purchase representatives and to render services of maintaining equipment's supplied by the principals.
Electrical Engineers
To carry on business of electrical engineers, electricians, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, supplies of and dealers in electrical and other appliances, cables, wire-lines, dry cells, accumulators, lamps and works and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive power and for all other purposes for which electrical energy can be employed and to manufacture, and deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity.n the business of electrical engineers, electricians, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, of and dealers in electrical and other appliances cables, wire lines, dry cells, accumulators and distribute, supply electricity for the purpose of light, heat, motive power and for all other purposes to which electrical energy can be employed.
To carry on business activities for manufacturing, distribution, generation, transmission, supervisions and control of all types of power either mechanical, hydraulic, gas, wind farms, solar etc. and/or to design, plan, manufacture, assemble, supply, erect, commission, test, maintain, trouble shooting, repair, service etc., of electrical and/or electronics goods, items, instruments, parts, spares, D.G. sets, electrical control, switchgear panels, switches, cables, plugs, powers projects in industrial, commercial, residential, establishments etc., in part individual and/or composite key basis and to provide Consultancy, expert services, advises, designs, drawings in relation to supervision and control of power in India and abroad.
(Director HR)
(252 Points)
Replied 10 April 2012
Dear CA Club Friends
I need draft MOA , AOA for one automobile company .
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114773 Points)
Replied 10 April 2012
1. To carry on the business of manufacture, fabricate and assemble, buy, sell, import, export, distribute, and deal in automobile parts of all kinds and descripttions, automotive and other gears, transmission and other axles, universal joints, springs, leaves, head lamps, sealed beams, induction hardened pins, axles, alloy springs, accessories and fittings of al kinds and to act as brokers and marketing agents for aforesaid items.
2. To carry on the business of buying, selling, dealing in, automobiles, motorcars, lorries, buses, vans, motorcycles, cycle-cars, motor, scooters, carriages, amphibious vehicles, and vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea, or in the air or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all descripttions, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, animal, or other power, and of internal combustion and other engines, chassis-bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, utensils, appliances, apparatus, lubricants, solutions enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with maintenance, and working of motors.
(21 Points)
Replied 03 June 2012
(accountant and Roc Filing)
(21 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012
please provide me main object of MOA for OVERLOAD MANAGEMENT PVT LTD.....................
CA mahesh birla
(ca practice)
(416 Points)
Replied 21 July 2012
please provide me main object of MOA for Real Estate Broking Company
(27 Points)
Replied 17 June 2013
can anyone send me a draft for MOA & AOA of a cable wires manufacturing co.
6 days Certification Course on GST Practical Return Filing Process