Mistake in challan 26 QC while depositing TDS for rent

Nitin Pathak (General Manager) (26 Points)

09 January 2025  

I have done a mistake while submitting TDS for rent using challan 26 QC. I filled challan for 6 months rental period. I filled correct amount for Total Value of Rent Paid but while filling another column Amount Paid/Credited, I mistakenly filled amount corresponding to one month and not for 6 months. However, I have deposited TDS for 6 months. Challan 26QC is now processed and is partially consumed only for 1 month. TDS for remaining 5 months is not consumed. 

I submitted challan 26QC correction request and this is now pending with landlord. There is some problem with landlord traces account and not able to login. I don't want to wait and depend upon landlord. Can I resolve this on my own?

There, I want to know if I can use this unconsumed TDS in future for my additional challan 26QC filings? Can I also submit refund request? What is the best way to resolve this? See the attached snapshot with 3 red circles. TDS was deducted with 5% from April to Sep. 

Thanks for help in advance.