Mission possible nov 12

Page no : 3

Harsimran Singh (Student) (204 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

count me in for grp1

my id is sim.smarty @ gmail.com

pratik agarwal (CA Final) (62 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

pratik_agarwal24 @ rediffmail.com

CA Harshit Talati (Partner (R.J Soni & Associates) Mumbai)   (143 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

@ Aman wat dey r doing is exactly correct ... How many ever times u read  chapter of urs, unless the whole portion and the study is properly planned you can't give your best in the exams....

Considering that you have not taken tutions at all this planning becomes even more imperative for you my firend .... its just an advice from what i have experianced ... take it in a good way and do consider 

nitin parmar (article) (22 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

nitinprmr4 @ gmail.com

anita (ca final) (36 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

vishwanita @ gmail.com

Gunjandeep Singh (CA Final GR-II) (22 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Hi i m also ready for Gr-II discussion..... start afetr results...

my email id----bindra_gunjandeep @ yahoo.com

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

OMG ...so many responses in less than 24 hrs ....

@ Aman .. My brother has also passed his CA ( Both Inter n final) with self study.So, I really agree with your point, that GD is not really a big point for some people.

But I don't think it's bad either.

Because last time when we were studying tax, I gotta know various aspects of tax and I have to focus on those chapters which I used to overlook. it was a good experience of mine. So, I wanna try it out.....as I am unable to open my books right now...I thought there must be many persons who had nt read n even touched their books ......but wanna b seriously dedicated to it... let;s see how it goes


Piyush Sancheti (HEAD TAXATION CHEMICAL MFG CO)   (307 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

ca.piyushsancheti @ gmail.com

Himal (Executive) (52 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

@ renu :- m in.. mail id iz adhikari.himal8 @ gmail.com.. Hoping for ur confirmation mail ASAP

jayanta patra (students) (95 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Hai renu,

i am agree with this group study pattern, plz forward me tne schedule with u.

email.id: patrajnt @ yahoo.co.in

Akash Jain (CA Final Student) (261 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Very Good Idea.... :)
Please give me some study tips for my Nov 13 Attempt...

Vikram Jajodia (Financial Analyst) (24 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Ready for G1 discussion

My email id is : vikram.jajodia @ yahoo.co.in

CA Riswa Parekh (Practicing) (1591 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Hai renu and everyone i have one suggetion..............you all are planning for group study is good but all will read as per plan is not actually and practically possible and it will not work long time............so u can do one thing...............make 8 different forums of all 8 subjects of CA Final and there subjectwise any querry or if any one have any special tips,files can post and one can check out that forum when they study that subject............

Puja modi (CA FINAL) (23 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

hiii i m also ready my mail id is -pujamodi1 @ gmail.com

Akash Jain (CA Final Student) (261 Points)
Replied 12 July 2012

Rizwa's Idea is good.....needs to be planned.

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