Minor's income in parent's tax calculation

JJJ (Need help) (673 Points)

01 June 2022  

Does anyone know how to deal with a minor's capital gains?

The child's income is clubbed with the mother's. This year, the child has

  • Savings interest of Rs 3,000
  • LTCG of Rs 15 lakh from mutual funds (absolute gain Rs 17 lakh and after adjusting for pre-2018 cost of acquisition it is 15 lakh)

Do we just add the child's 15 lakh LTCG to the mother's LTCG figure?
Or does it have to be reported as minor's income (like we do for savings interest) ie Rs 3,000 + Rs 15 lakh?
Can the child also benefit from the 1 lakh exemption (in addition to the mother's 1 lakh exemption)?