Mind opener for CA students...Dont miss it


20 March 2010  

Dear student ,

There are two curse for now a days CA course first one is dummy articleship and the second one is coaching MAFIA.

The most important feature of ca students in today scenario is not willing to take the risk. They required the coaching .

What the coaching institute did is charging unusall fee.

Can you believe the indirect tax class of one particular teacher is 18,000/- and the batch is full and many students were even not got the admission  for the classes.

Net of that particular teacher was not functioning and many students were even not got the registration.

Did you thought why do you taking the coaching for such subject, because the course is tough and competitive and increased number of the students were joining every year.

But, if you think twice, you can find that  coaching  will just facilitate your studies and you have to work hard and harder.

The results of the CA to a large extent depends upon the economy that is true, so even if attending the coaching class also may not make any results.

Self study may be warranted and if you not get it through then undergo.

At the time of  my studies , i was searching of the good coaching but no opportunity to get it . So, i worked hard and harder,

what is required is understand the pattern of exam and repeated question and go ahed.


  The second worst thing is dummy articles. Most number of dummy articleship is running now. students were not willing to take the training. how these students were face the work situation of  a company or setting up the practise.

Out in the first ball.

when you qualifies , the company offer you good salary , but you may be find difficult to take responsibility...

Finally those who doing those dummy and full fledge coaching for  all the subject will become waste

Now the time to think and act smartly

All the best