
k n v v s k sri kanth ( ) (564 Points)

04 May 2009  

MICS - Knowledge Book

Posted by admin | * intromics | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:41 AM
  • This Book is mainly for C.A.Final. However same can be used by other professionals, Auditors, even for I.S.A.
  • Personalized address is been given - via audio format / podcasting.
  • Complete document in PDF formate - for PC and PDA Mobile.


MICS - Intro Theme

Posted by admin | * intro | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:35 AM

Welcome Professionals, Auditors, Students, Learners & Readers


Play introduction audio

To start with this learning, there is a fundamental saying, which you will surely agree or experience during our course. The saying is, “You know many things, but you do not know, that you know many things.”

You are of the 21st century. Hence, just have the confidence, many points that you have experienced in your work, observed in your work, or can be said even observed in various movies, serials or professional videos.

Yes! I am going to bring out the power, the knowledge which is hidden within you, to your awareness.

You do not believe it, you will soon believe it after course completion.

C.A.Final - MICS Chapters :-

1. Basic Concepts of Systems

2. Transaction Processing System

3. Basic Concepts of MIS

4. Systems Approach and Decision Making

5. Decision Support and Executive Information Systems

6. Enabling Technologies

7. System Development Process

8. Systems Design

9. System’s Acquisition, Software Development and Testing

10. Systems Implementation and Maintenance

11. Design of Computerized Commercial Applications

12. Enterprise Resource Planning : Redesigning Business

13. Controls in EDP Set-up : General Controls

14. Controls in EDP Set-up : Application Controls

15. Detection of Computer Frauds

16. Cyber Laws and Information Technology Act 2000

17. Audit of Information Systems

18. Information Security

19. Use of Simple CASE Tools, Analysis of Financial Statements using Digital Technology


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MICS :: Chp : 01 : Basic Concept of System.

Posted by admin | chp:01 | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:26 AM


Play audio lecture on chapter 01

To understand Management Information & Control System.

Lets start, with understanding as to what is a System ?

Definition of a system.

It is a set of interrelated elements that operate collectively, to accomplish some common purpose or goals.

You have seen the definition, by breaking it up.

Well, let’s move ahead.

Click to download this chapter notes in PDF.

Basic concept of system

Observe and Learn additional Points :-

* Definition - break it up - Try to make it brief

* Simple remember-able key words.

* Remember - Man In Black - Last Scene - from city to world to universe..

“ok Yes, i know you can now recollect - you know all type of system”

…hmm magic spell..wizard

Well be honest.. after reading 1,2 & 3chapter - write one test.

.. a Magical test.. that will evaluate..your SWOT

SWOT = strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats







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MICS :: Chp : 02 : Transaction Processing System ( TPS ).

Posted by admin | chp:02 | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:24 AM


Play audio lecture on chapter 02

You have seen that it is the ground level of all the systems.

You have seen the same in diagram also.

Let’s start with Transaction. It is that affects the flow of resource, of the entity.

Transaction Processing System is the most fundamental business process system.

Click to download this chapter notes in PDF.

Transaction Processing System

Observe and Learn additional Points :-* again..Definition - break it up - Try to make it brief* hidden points in para - read and make points* certain point can be refer to other chapter for detail..

ok i know this you had observed in early chapter also..

* One more BIG THING..will tell you after TEST

Well be honest.. Magical wizardtest is nearby..


Click here to listen once again in Podcast/Audio Streaming format.

MICS :: Chp : 03 : Basic Concepts of M.I.S.

Posted by admin | chp:03 | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:22 AM


Play audio lecture on chapter 03

We had learned, System. We had also understood the meaning and characteristic of information.

So, its time to learn in detail, M I S that is Management information system.


Manager’s have been using information for discharging their important management function. POSD CORB.

Remember!, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting.

M I S = management + information + system.

Management is an Art of getting things done from group of people in formally organized way to attain the organizations goal.”

Hear Audio and download notes for more detail.

Click to download this chapter notes in PDF.


Observe and Learn additional Points :-

* Self Question to be asked for simplification

* All characteristic into definition = Keyword.

* Big points, into short rhythm, short one liner keywords.

* and more BIG THING..will tell you after TEST

Well be honest.. Magical Magic Testtest to be given after reading again all three chapter and go step by step the test.

Any dishonesty – you will loose great analysis of yourself. Its like preparation for exam and also for practical SWOT Analysis.


Click here to listen once again in Podcast/Audio Streaming format.

MICS :: More Chapters

Posted by admin | more chapters | Wednesday 24 December 2008 12:10 AM

More Chapter on M.I.C.S.

Chapter 4 to 19 :-

For all above chapters you need to purchase audio e-book, which consists of PDF and Audio mp3 files for all chapters. You can use PDF and MP3 on your Desktop/Laptop or Mobile.