Dear Experts,
The Authorised capital of a pvt. ltd. co. is 50 Lac with paid up capital 6 lac . Now the co. is issuing more shares to directors under pvt. placement, does it has to file MGT-14. Please guide.
P C Agrawal
(Registered independent director Past Chairman of Aurangabad Chapter of ICSI Practicing Company Secretary at Aurangabad)
(8229 Points)
Replied 13 May 2015
Yes, definitely. MGT.14 has to be filed for issue of shares u/s 179(3)(c).
CS Maulik Bhavsar
(Practicing Company Secretary)
(43 Points)
Replied 18 May 2015
Yes.. You have to file MGT 14 & this SRN will be entered in PAS 3.