Message from Tax Dept asking to file tax, income in this AY less than 2.5L

Ramesh (SVP) (72 Points)

25 December 2024  

My son stared to work after his graduation and filed his income tax in AY2023-24. He received no salary in FY2023 as he was preparing for his post graduation abroad. He then took up his post graduation in Aug 2023. 

His total income form his savings FD, bank interest etc is less than 2.5 L in AY2024-25. I was told that his income beeing less than taxable income, no tax filing is required in AY2024-25.

However last week we received an SMS that he has not filed his income tax for AY2024-25 and to kindly do so before 31st Dec 2024. What should he do ? Should he file a return or send a respnse and if so how?