
Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8311 Points)

10 June 2010  

Here are some meditation pictures which will help the students in reducing their study and exam stress.


Once you are grounded by the mantra, gaze at the mantra ‘

Om’ artwork and contemplate the following phrase for as long as is comfortable.

I am connected to all that surrounds me.
The energetic strings that link all things course through my being.
All that I do, think and say matters.
My decisions and actions ricochet throughout All That Is.
I am a capable and responsible part of all that exists, and all that will exist.
I radiate my power and my compassion to All that surrounds me.
I am grounded, I am free, I am precise in the expression of my intent.
I am whole. I AM.