
Govind Rathore (CA Final) (543 Points)

09 September 2010  

Meaningful thoughts....

Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have for which you would not take money.


When all is said and done; more is said than done.


Delayed obedience is disobedience.


The more freedom we have ... the further we go from the its source.


Gratitude is a memory of the heart.


Doing nothing is the most tiring job in the world because you can't stop and rest.


All Christians work for the same employer.


God never puts anyone in a place too small to grow in.


Encouragement costs you nothing to give, but it is priceless to receive.


God can mend a broken heart; but we have to give him all of the pieces.


We cannot shine if we haven't taken time to fill our lamps.


Prayer should be our first resource rather than our last resort.


The treasures of the Bible can be found only by those who dig for them.


Learn from the mistakes of others -- You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.


Faith makes things possible...not easy.


You aren't loved because you're valuable. You're valuable because God loves you



We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.


Like fire, words can either burn or warm.


When life isn't a bed of roses, remember Who wore the Thorns.