Hi Kamal,
As per my knowledge
3 Principle services with monetary sale value---> The three main services provided which necessarily have a monetary value. Also taking into account the main objects of the Company.
Board of directors resolution no. & date for authentication of documents---> It refers to the order in which the resolution is passed in a meeting. So if a resolution is taken up in a meeting 3rd in order as a part of agenda and approved. the board resolution no. would be 3 for it.Date of authentication would be the date on which they are approved so ideally it would be the date of Board meeting or Shareholders meeting
Due date of AGM----> It refers to the last date on or by which the AGM should have been held. Ideally it is 6 months from the end of the Financial Year ending and taking into account the 15 months gap between 2 agms. Generally with financial year ending 31st March it would be 30 th September
Shareholders List as on Year Ending---> it would be the date of year ending. Like for this year if your financial year is from 1st April to 31st March it would be for the financial year ending 31st March 2011. If you are providing the updated list for he financial year, taking into account Share Transfers etc, list of the same can be obtained from your RTA
Thanks & Regards
Amit Mishra
BSamrish & Co
New Delhi