Over the last couple of decades, business around the world has become ever more complex. While Chartered Accountants are highly sought after for their skills in financial management, they are also increasingly being called upon to play more complex roles, which require an understanding of business that goes beyond finance, and also includes more contemporary trends in finance itself. When it comes to an MBA, Chartered Accountants have some careful consideration to do. The MBA programs of today are not static, but highly dynamic educational offerings, with new courses and learning experiences coming up every year. When first looking at an MBA program, a Chartered Accountant might feel that the core and some elective courses in finance are in areas that they are already experts at. The important part, though, is around what else the program offers, including advanced electives in finance itself. Placements are another important factor. Many Chartered Accountants might want to consider an MBA program because it allows them to do precisely what the Chartered Accountancy certification alone might not – move into broader business roles that are not just about finance.