May11 - Make sure u don't spoil your dish !!
Friends although I had decided not to write any more articles till May 11 but this need to be important for those appearing for May 11 attempt. This is not an expert which will advice you how to prepare or what was wrong with your prep. or which books you s'd refer to. For such things you s'd refer articles of Vivek Sir, Surendra Sir & Ankur Sir .
I am writing this in a very light manner by comparing our CA preparation as if you are cooking/making a dish. All of us knows such things but don't apply them. So this is last warning for such students (including me).
(1) Make the list of all the ingredients you need
Before you start cooking the food you s’d make sure that you have all the necessary material that you will require in the process.
Pata chala khana banana shuru kar diya aur baad mein yaad aaya ki pyaaz nahin hai ya masala nahin hai toh you will make a mess of things.
Decide the books and notes you will use in your preparations and stick to it. Frequent changes in the reference books may cause a serious damage to your marks. Purchase all the supporting papers/books like RTP, Suggested, Scanners and Compilers in advance only so that you will not have to face the problems of stock-out in the end.
To win a war you s’d have a clear strategy of what you are going to do and s’d be well equipped with the necessary weapons.
How can you expect to secure good marks in them without giving dem proper attention?
Yaar ye CA hai B.A. nahi jahan fatte lag jaaye.
Treat them as one of your kid. Chahte apne bade bacche jitna time mat do par kuch toh do. If you r devoting 4-5 hrs for Cost , 3 Hrs for Tax then also allocate 1-2 hrs for IT or Auditing or Law.
(3) Keep checking the food that is it cooking according to your expectations !!
Same goes with your preparations too. You s’d perform the audit of your work. See is it going according to your plan. May be you have diverted from your objective. Then only you can correct it.
Arrey Namak jyaada ho
So if you are not sure of scoring well in one subject then tries to cover its marks from other subjects of same group.
Similarly you s’d also have a back-up plan in your mind that you can apply in case of emergency. In my case I got infected from dengue one month before my exams. So to prevent myself from failing in both groups I applied my plan B and cleared 1st grp. It is better to score 150/300 then to fail.
RTPs/ Compilers & Practice manuals play a very important role in increasing your grades. Institute module is must for subjects like IT & SM.
In the same way presentation skills plays a very important role in your answer. There is a possibility that you knows more than
Good Handwriting, proper space b/w 2 points, breaking the answer in points instead of a long para and mention of case are some e.g. of it.
Some important links that will help you in your PCC/IPCC exams:-
IPCC/PCC All imp files at one place(students must see)
Tips to study in Taxation papers
My Tips -My Tricks- My Rank- Taxation
How to study for success for Auditing and get good marks?
Tips to score exemption in Audit paper
Tips for scoring in CA examination