May I Help You

Danendra Jain (manager) (614 Points)

12 May 2011  



Every Organization, every office and all public sector departments invite views and suggestions from public for improvement in their service and for satisfaction and delightment of their customers, workers and consumers. But Common men in general are not happy with services of government departments and with style of functioning of government employees. Because there are in fact none in government offices who really realize the pain of common men .On the contrary all are in fact bent upon making money by unfair means to become wealthy in shortest time period.

Is there any serious reader of views and suggestions posted on the forum of Planning Commission or that of any organization or any department?





Is there anyone who seriously act upon views and suggestions received through Emails provided on the website of their organizations and offices?

I think none is interested to know the ground reality. Flatterers are too many surrounding VIP and it is they who form the line of action and who pave the way for perpetuating the corrupt system of cheating common men in the name of reformation.

May I help you; write to me your views, customers support cell, customer service centers, Grievance redressal Cell are some tools used to befool people of India , to continue malpractices and to continue the reign of injustice.

No sincere efforts have ever been taken to strengthen judiciary by providing with quality manpower in adequate numbers so that pendency of cases in various courts as also delay in disposal of court cases may be avoided. This is why CBI or CVC or any agency set up to control corruption fail to achieve the set goal. Files of corrupt officials and corrupt politicians are either closed or lost or burnt or postponed for decades under pressure of some VIP or the other.

VIP and powerful persons do not want that anyone in the country should raise voice against evil works of rulers, politicians and corrupt administrative officers or judges.

VIP and powerful people do not want that anyone in the country should get success in any office , in any court or even in media in raising voice against injustice and get success in awarding punishment to real culprits

Top ranked officers and politicians in all government offices and in all government departments make such a management and plan such a strategy that adequate manpower and infrastructure is willfully not provided to office of vigilance, office of inquiry , office of audit and inspection, office of anti- corruption cell, Central Bureau of Investigation, CAG etc so that the in charge of such offices fail to discharge his duties honestly and sincerely and that too in shortest time period. Otherwise a corrupt officer is posted as Head in such office who earn money by closing the cases of corrupt officers and corrupt VIP politicians and top corporate guns.

All departmental heads hatch conspiracy in such a way that team of corrupt officers surrounding him are not punished.

Submitted on president of India site on 11.05.2011