CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27186 Points)

30 August 2010  


Shortkut of multplication

To multiply= 96X97

subtract each number from 100

4 3

subtract diagnoly 96-3 OR 97-4
ans will be same=93

multiply the no. 4X3=12


TO multiply= 18X32

subtract each number by 30 or 20

(30) (20)
18X32 18X32
12 2 2 12

now multiply 12X2 which is equal to 24
and 20X30=600

subtract 600-24=576

answer is 576


- 3857


how do we get this………..

take 7 from10……
then add the number
(4 to get 7)
subtact from power 10 …….
subtract all number like this………..

TO subtract 40,000 from 2,745

-take 1 from the digit(4)
to get3,the first digit…..

TO SUBTRACT 1000 from574

-this is the right hand digit of the answer…
- now take the other digits away from 9.Take 1 from the first digit.
-4 from 10 is 6,7 from 9 is 2,5 from 9 is 4 and 1 from is 0

Therefore the answer is 426