Marginal Costing - IPCC - Please Help

Krish (CA Final ) (3331 Points)

07 June 2010  

Question: A company made 17500 units at a total cost of Rs. 16 each. Three quarters of the cost were variable and one quarter fixed. 15000 units were sold at Rs.25 each. There were no opening stocks. By how much will profit caluclated under absorption costing differ f rom the profit if marginal costing principles were used ?

Solution  :

As per Marginal Costing

 Sales                    =                              15000 x 25 = 375000

(-) Variable Cost =                              15000 x 12 = 180000

(-) Closing Stock =                              2500 x 12 = 30000




(-) Fixed Cost       =                              17500 x 4 = 70000


                                                                                     95000 – Profit as per Marginal Costing


As per Absorption Costing

Sales                     =                              15000 x 25 = 375000

(-) Variable Cost =                              15000 x 12 = 180000

(-)Fixed Cost        =                              15000 x 4 = 60000

(-)Closing Stock =                              2500 x 16 = 40000

(-) Under absorption fixed

Production cost overhead=            2500 x 4   = 10000


                                                                                85000 – Profit as per Absorption costing


 Difference in profit will be Rs. 10000


But according to Study Material (p. 9.42, Q. 9) answer is “Absorption Costing profit will be Rs. 22,500 less".


Can anyone correct me if I am wrong?